Damn! What you been smokin?!?

Started by halfhuman, February 02, 2005, 09:25:03 PM

So, I was thinking that we should get a tobacco of some sort implimented into the game.  I think it would add some more .. culture, to Zalanthas. I've been to Red Storm, I've seen people casually smoking spice while they hang out at the tavern. I was thinking that it would be kewl to bring that sorta thing to the city-states!

It wouldn't have mind-bending affects, so it'd be legal. It could just be something that Kurac hybridized for sales solely in the city states where spice is illegal.  And it would give PC's more to work with while emoting than just pissing around with a mug of ale.

Who knows? Just a thought.
i] Sarge's Lifting Advice:[/i] Don't lift with your legs. Your back's the strongest muscle in your body! And look man, your knees aren't even locked. How do you expect to stand up straight? Put your groin into it!

I've actually been thinking about this too, recently. It'd be cool if something else in Zalanthas other than spice was smokeable. It'd just be another thing to work with to make your character seem more fleshed out, smoking ginka leaves for his rheumatism, or something. I'd prefer it wasn't tobacco, however, just because that feels too Earthish.
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

It would be cool to have...but only in Allanak where spice is banned to the average commoner.

And your addiction to it would have to be about the same as spice so that once they hook you on the cigarettes, they trick you into going for cuban cigars which are much more expencive.

But umm...since you said it on the GDB for all to read, I doubt that it'll end up anywhere.
Crackageddon.... once an addict, always an addict

I have seen PCs who smoke some of the herbs commonly used as medicinals.  I even bought some from this PC for the purpose of just having a smoke.  

Currently it isn't supported by the "make" or "smoke" commands (far as I know) like spice is, but that is where emotes come in.  I imagine if enough people were smoking the green-spotted purple leaves with emotes, it might convince there's a need for a code modification.

I've always been curious about the top example here:

Quote from: "HELP MAKE"
This command allows those with the know-how, to craft raw materials into finished goods. Currently, rolling smokes is the only action possible using this command which does not require the appropriate crafting skill. In order to roll a cigarette properly, one needs a suitable type of paper, and a spice to be rolled into it.

This command is also used when pitching tents.

   make <object> <component 1> <component 2> ...

   > make smoke vellum ginka
   > make tent

I don't see how this is needed.
"The Highlord casts a shadow because he does not want to see skin!" -- Boog

<this space for rent>

Let's put aside the bad affects of smoking for a moment.

I don't think it's something that the gameworld badly needs, but it'd make some situations seem so much... cooler.

You could have a cigarette after mudsex.

You could pull off being extra bad-ass as a mercenary etc. It could be a class thing, so fancy house-guards don't do it, but scummy mercs do.

And loads of other hip situations.

Basically, I'd like something cheap and authentic. I don't know... something made from insects.... or dug-up volcanic ash.... Maybe you could smoke green honey, ginka fruits, sandcloth....

This would most certainly be an awesome addition, especially if some naturally found herbs and the like could be smoked as well.  That and tying it into Kurac to make up for the lack of spice trade in nak would be cool.

I'd suggest less addictive than spice with very few benefits/drawbacks.  It'd basically be smoking cloves in my mind.

I don't think it should happen, and even if it did, I don't think it would make much of a difference and here's why:

1) There isn't really such a thing as microbiology or chemistry in the game.  As such, a new substance to smoke would just be perceived as another spice, regardless of its potency.

2) Anyone who thinks that the "mind altering effects of spice" is the only reason that Tek banned it is a fool.

3) If you are Zalanthan, you want to get fucked up, not be a social smoker.  The exception is nobles, but they can usually get away with it in allanak anyway.  So if the choice is between week-ass reefer, and say...black anakore, the choice is pretty clear.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

If it wasn't spice, then I don't think people would call it spice. I mean, if it was a plant, which it wouldn't have to be, then people would know that it wasn't gathered like spice is near the silt sea.

The more I think about the idea, the more I like it. Poor people on Zalanthas can't really drink socially, it's too expensive. The same with spice, really. I'm sure if something cheap to smoke casually was discovered a lot of commoners and the like would take it up. If something origional and authentic was brought into the game I think it would add to the creative value of Armageddon. So if it could be more than Zalanthans simply smoking weed then I'm up for it.

If a whole class thing was brought into it it'd add to the divide between common folk and the nobility. Different social past-times (yes, I know there are a lot already) keeps this from just people with alot of money, and people without.

Ya, if the Sea of Salt is really composed of silt, a great number of herbs, plants and trees could actually be planted there with large amounts of water seeing that silt is one of the best soils for irrigation.


Tamarin, disagree, agree, disagree.

1) Spice is spice. Smoking is not banned. Spice is. It isn't about microbiology. It's about what the feck it looks like and where it comes from.

2) Right.

3) Just because your chars only smoke to get fucked up doesn't mean everyone else does. I've met plenty that do it for the social aspect. In tuluk, it's very akin to drinking. If there's social drinking for the moderately wealthy (i.e. steady job) then there can be social smoking.

I say, start emoting smoking whatever you want in game. Start this trend ingame, it can be easily done with the tools available.

Wouldn't it be so much cooler to be the guy who starts a trend than have it just handed to us by immortals?

Quote2) Anyone who thinks that the "mind altering effects of spice" is the only reason that Tek banned it is a fool.

Hey, not *all* of use were old enough to remember back when Tek originally banned it, pops. ;)

It don't know why he banned it, but I still think it'd be a good idea.

Maybe some lowly Kurac grebber decided to smoke a plant that everyone else thought useless, and said. "MM. Minty!" I don't care how it gets implimented, because it would be so kewl.  Whether smoking a long slim cigarette in the Traders Inn while you talk about the scuzzy commoners, or smoking a short fat one while riding around the west on your trusty kank, Necrete while you turn your friends in for a ransom, then shoot them from the end of the noose....Or maybe that was Clint Eastwood.. You get my point!

Maybe extended smoking could slowly lower your stamina, hows that for a sweet plan?
i] Sarge's Lifting Advice:[/i] Don't lift with your legs. Your back's the strongest muscle in your body! And look man, your knees aren't even locked. How do you expect to stand up straight? Put your groin into it!

You know, this is sounding more and more like a cigarette.  And I can assure you that there is no such thing as tobacco in the game.  If there is, the imm who imp'd it should be ashamed of himself.

Why not just change the code a bit so that you can roll the leaves that already exist in game into some sort of smoke?  I'm constantly finding discarded blue leaves all over the place...what about roots?  I'm sure those could be smoked as well.  No need to create a whole big new thing, imho.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Well, no one said it had to be tobacco per say. That's just what it'd be *like* by my thinking.  Call it "herb" call it "near-spice" call it what ever you like. I'm just saying it'd be cool.  I think it could be implimented to make certain situations more, cool/smooth/bad-ass depending on how you emote it.

Stepping out of a shadow with a stone-studded club laying easily over his shoulder, the filthy rinthi says in sirihish
"This ain't your lucky day, pal."

Taking one last long draw on his short, stubby cigar and flicking back the corners of his cloak to rest his hands easily by his sword hilts while he sharply twists his head to crack his neck, the bad-ass cool dude says in sirihish:
"All right. Let's go"

It would be kick ass to emote social smoking man.  Implimenting rolling up any ol leaf would be a good start, but just wouldn't be the same.

I think there should be a certain plant that's better smoking than anything else, that way if someone rolled up any ol thing, we could call the poor bastard's concoction a "Byn Special" ;)  

It'd be a hard trend to start considering you'd have to go all the way to Red Storm or Luirs from Allanak, and put down lotsa sid for rolling papers/pipes, and then you'd be brutally beaten and thrown to the gortok for trying to bring it through the front gates.
If you succeeded getting it through, everyone at a bar'd think you were smoking spice and tell the templar, then he'd come and throw you in to the gortok just for having to walk a block for a falsly reported crime! No, I think to start the trend there'd definately have to be just a teenie little imm intervention.
i] Sarge's Lifting Advice:[/i] Don't lift with your legs. Your back's the strongest muscle in your body! And look man, your knees aren't even locked. How do you expect to stand up straight? Put your groin into it!

Personally just start using stuff in game.

If it starts getting coded, well there'd be different messages depending on what you smoked anyways. And ICly you could decide which ones are 'better'.

I honestly really don't much like the idea of cigarettes though. But then I'm not a big fan of rolling spice in paper either. Seems too ... earthy.

Although I think the idea of pipes came form several different places. Acctually rolling tobacco probably wasn't something widely done before it became main streamish.

21sters Unite!

Smoke Mul-mix
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Quote from: "Spoon"If it wasn't spice, then I don't think people would call it spice. I mean, if it was a plant, which it wouldn't have to be, then people would know that it wasn't gathered like spice is near the silt sea.

There may be more to spice than you think.  If you've ever played a spice hunter you might notice that PCs do not gather every known variety of spice.  Where do the other kinds come from?  Don't answer that, it was retorical.  I've been arrested for smuggling spice when I had NO spice anywhere on my person, some things that don't look like spice are spice (I assume that Kurac knows the secret of processing spice from unlikely ingredients).  So even if there was tabacco growing some place, chances are that Kurac would process it into a smokeable spice.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

The bane of all PCs.
The unknown spice.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

I highly doubt Kurac would let any smokable substance be discovered for very long at all without them getting their sandy paws on it, and subsequently dominating it and its trade.

Quote from: "Delirium"I highly doubt Kurac would let any smokable substance be discovered for very long at all without them getting their sandy paws on it, and subsequently dominating it and its trade.


If you can put it in a spice pipe and smoke it to any pleasing effect,  Kurac has likely already got it harvested, packaged, and ready to sell.

QuoteI've been arrested for smuggling spice when I had NO spice anywhere on my person, some things that don't look like spice are spice

Doubtful. I've had the same thing happen, turned out to be a mistake... some items from Red Storm are wrongly flagged spice.

Quote from: "Tamarin"You know, this is sounding more and more like a cigarette.  And I can assure you that there is no such thing as tobacco in the game.  If there is, the imm who imp'd it should be ashamed of himself.


They coded alcohol and narcotics. Don't get me started on how abused a drug alcohol how damaging its affects are, which, in my opinion, far exceed those of smoking.

In my opinion, you can't really let things like morals intefere with rolplaying. I mean, christ, we have people being murdered in this game. Maybe you should all be ashamed of that?

I think Tamarin's issue with tobacco has little to do with morals. It has to do with realism.

Tobacco requires HUMIDITY to grow. I live in tobacco-growing country, believe it or not. Connecticut provides the outer leaf tobacco for many of the country's native cigar manufacturers.

In a harsh *desert* world where rainfall doesn't exist, it is literally impossible to grow tobacco. It requires not only humidity (which doesn't exist in Zalanthas), but also an even level of filtered sunlight (which is why rows of growing tobacco have a loose-weave cloth draped over poles above them). The forest can't provide that, since the trees would prevent the sunlight needed. The farms in the south can't provide that, because the sun is too harsh and would burn the leaves before they had a chance to mature.

Assuming there was a way to create a tobacco farm in the scrub, they'd need to have water spray fairly regularly during the growing season. Even if they could devise such a system, the cost of this water would drive the end user's price of tobacco up to monumental proportions. For a plant that offers very little benefit (assuming the illusionary relaxation benefit, the initial rush after the first inhale, the social "hanging out with a smoke and a drink" factor), I highly doubt there'd even be a market for it, given the necessary cost to bring a profit to the grower.

Do not be so quick to limit your own power to emote and interact with the non-coded aspects of the world.

If your PC wants to smoke non-spice, then emote stripping the bark from your tree of preference, peeling off the stringy underbody of that bark, chopping or grinding it into a suitable consistency, drying it in the sun, and the carrying it around in a virtual pouch for your own smoking pleasure.

Give your PC that quirk, spend the time to harvest it regularily, and you are well on your way down the road to stained teeth, sour breath, and a delightful early morning hacking fit for your own RP pleasure.

Sitting in your comfort,
You don't believe I'm real,
But you cannot buy protection
from the way that I feel.