Started by Mar, December 05, 2004, 08:28:12 AM

Sometimes, I'd soo love to have something like
ooc on
ooc off

or even better
ooc snub <person>
ooc unsnub <person>

Because sometimes, when someone just keeps oocing stupid things over and over... it can waste the 'feeling' of a good rp session quite easily. I know you can ask the Imms but... when you're writing them, it's probably already too late.

Looks good, but it would also mess things up.  At times, use of ooc becomes necessity.  I cant think of a good one, but once or twice I accidentally pressed a macro, and it looked damned stupid, it was totally out of the scene.  I had to ooc and ignore that kind of stuff.  
Or sometimes, you have to ask for ooc permissions, like violence/rape scenes.  If you forgot your ooc toggled off, you wont get the response, and will just do something "unwanted".  
Or accidents like, k templar, when you are trying to "l templar".  And if the templar has ooc toggled off, a meaningless "ooc" death is on the line.

The thing is, ooc at times becomes necessary, and toggling off will bring trouble.  I too used to get ruined scenes, when someone used ooc too much.  But at those times, I used to make a comment like "too much ooc.  Please keep it IC".
some of my posts are serious stuff

Most clients have a gag function in one form or another.

#gag Tektolnes would then block out anything that Tektolnes did, so you wouldn't see or hear them. Chances are if someone is driving you nuts with OOC you can safely ignore them in that way without missing anything of value.
Amor Fati

Quote from: "Fnord"Most clients have a gag function in one form or another.

#gag Tektolnes would then block out anything that Tektolnes did, so you wouldn't see or hear them. Chances are if someone is driving you nuts with OOC you can safely ignore them in that way without missing anything of value.

Ahhh...no...totally not. If someone starts emoting at you...or even attacks you...what...youre excuse you have is that you gagged them with your client...that...wouldnt work.
Veteran Newbie

I would say no. Most of the time i don't see any OOCs for a long time. Just treating it like other muds will be like turning arm into all those other boring lame ass muds.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Well, theoretically you would be including the phrase "out of character" in your gag trigger, as it would, of course, be a terrible idea to be gagging IC happenings.  I do think, however, it should not be so difficult to just ignore the ooc if it is that annoying.  I must have been pretty lucky so far, as I hardly ever hear OOC in game.  Probably the only slightly annoying OOC I have seen is just people correcting very obvious typos and repeated emotes.

I think it's a better idea to just trust people to use the OOC command properly, and those that REALLY REALLY lose their immersion can configure their clients according to their desires.  Adding a command to ignore someone's OOC would seem, to me, to legitimize excessive OOC.  "You can just gag me if you don't like it".  Also, people would potentially miss IMPORTANT OOC information, and how do you tell people to ungag you without putting OOC information in IC media?

A general "ooc off" flag seems like an awful idea to me.  You know at least a handful of people will turn off ooc as soon as such a command was introduced ("I am the L33T immersive, R0leplay0R"), and then promptly forget about it and miss some important ooc info that is important to know because at the end of the day this is a computer game and we are all real people behind the computers and once in a while we need to know something that isn't immediately comprehensible to our illiterate desert-dwelling characters.

QuoteAhhh...no...totally not. If someone starts emoting at you...or even attacks you...what...youre excuse you have is that you gagged them with your client...that...wouldnt work.

Get clever.

How about #gag {*out of character*}.

How about #sub {The annoying guys says out of character*} {The asshole is OOC'ing again.}

You can always disable such commands as easily as they're turned on. So maybe some n00b is going nuts with OOC in a tavern, you gag/sub him, then #unsub *.* when you leave the tavern. Better still, make aliases to turn this on/off easily.

Guess my point is that there's many ways to silence or change what someone says via any channel using most clients.
Amor Fati

^.^  Okay, I am the newcomer, but I do have my opinions.

I'm against blocking OOC.  Most of your fellow sensible players won't
be using it rediculously, and I havn't seen anyone so far using it to
talk about last week's ball game.  

But on the other hand, I personally get mildly pissed at those people
who scream at me to shut up with my OOC.  Especially since I have
always used my OOC for only informing my fellow roleplayers that
there is something OOCly disrupting my roleplay or gathering info
such as the following:

1.)  When I'm lagging.
2.)  When I am doing something which will disrupt my roleplay in a
     noticeable way, such as making me slow to respond or type
     emotes, but not warranting me having to log off.
3.)  When seeking consent, or giving it.
4.)  When exchanging OOC contact info so we can talk about last week's
     ball game, such as AIM or email.
5.)  When exchanging information such as who to email about what.

And other such things.  I know some of you people are seriously freaking
anal about how many lines you have to read on your screen, but
don't jump my ass because I OOC that I'll be back in five minutes or
some stuff like that.

I am a nazi for good roleplaying.  Trust me.  I'm learning and adapting
to Armageddon, and well aware that the community here is far different
and FAR MORE impersonal then the one I left.  I'm surprised that any
one makes OOC friends with anyone here.

Forgive me if I seem have turned my reply into a flame of some sort.
This was not my intention, but stating my displeasure at these things
here is just as good a place as any. :P  But from a struggling newbie's
point of view, please lighten up.  If people are disrupting roleplay with
on-going stupid crap, then okay.  Give them a polite reminder of IC
rules.  But if it's just a comment like the ones I described, or a thank
you for a good time, or even a single comment made about the role-
play or something, just chill out.


Laff.  Oh yeah, in spirit of the thread's direction:  Clients, in my opinion, are usually not smart enough to do right things sometimes.
e odeo interfice te cochleare

Actually I always wondered about ppl 'complaining' about the use of the OOC channel. So far, all I seen is people correcting their mistakes or perhaps to say their dog just ate their report, in the middle of a chat.

I easily ignore them if they are not for me in any way, unless they are using it to talk about last night's football match or something, I probably won't mind it much.

I would say it's just nice the way it is, OOC migt be used to pass certain information that is important oocly as well, allowing it to be shut off would be bad for some occasions.
Lovehina- Ken Akamatsu

1 and 2 can be done IC.
And if those around you don't take the IC hint, THEN you go OOC.

1.) When I'm lagging.
2.) When I am doing something which will disrupt my roleplay in a
noticeable way, such as making me slow to respond or type
emotes, but not warranting me having to log off.
3.) When seeking consent, or giving it.
4.) When exchanging OOC contact info so we can talk about last week's
ball game, such as AIM or email.
5.) When exchanging information such as who to email about what.

1. I've got this pounding headache and I'm starting to feel krath struck. I can't go on this mission, I must sleep, just give me some time, etc.

2. Sorry i'm slow to respond, I'm listening, it's just that I've got my cousin in my head too, sometimes family is such a pain in the ass.

3. Yea, you have to go OOC for consent. No big deal.

4. This should be done quickly and sparingly. More like, "please contact me at XXX@XXX.com. I would like to communicate with you about Y. Thanks."  Also only do this when you're alone with the person. And if they don't respond, good. They've either written down your email, or don't want to communicate with you.

5. Same as above. The only time it's really fine to get wordy in OOC is if you're doing the OOC clan intro bid.


I've seen a lot of this. I used to do the OOC "be back 5 minutes," myself. But then I realized it was smoother for everyone if I said ICly instead, "I've got to use the latrines. Hang on . . ."

You see, if you "OOC: BRB 5 minutes," then the people around you have to make up what you are doing ICly. They can't always just freeze time. Especially if it's longer than 5 minutes or so. It's better if you give them the IC reasoning, than if they have to do it for you.

I like the gist of what Agent is saying and I try my hardest to practice it.  There are very, very few situations where an IC excuse couldn't be used in place of the OOC command.

A problem with "I need to use the latrines" occurs when you're explaining that to a templar who is preparing to have their soldier subdue you.

In such a case, or in ANY similar case where making an IC excuse for an OOC momentary leave of absence will cause serious consequences in the RP, I would be more likely to "ooc afk a moment"

The same goes for when trying to come up with an IC explanation can cause OOC serious consequences.  When my husband says "Honey, I need help with this 2x4," I don't have time to come up with some IC excuse to explain to a make-believe entity what my make-believe entity is about to do. "OOC AFK a moment" is all the time I have to spare, before hubby ends up with the ceiling dropped on his head.

Isn't that what the Gone command is for?

gone afk a few, helping the hubby keep the ceiling from collapsing on him
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Bestatte wrote:
QuoteThe same goes for when trying to come up with an IC explanation can cause OOC serious consequences. When my husband says "Honey, I need help with this 2x4," I don't have time to come up with some IC excuse to explain to a make-believe entity what my make-believe entity is about to do. "OOC AFK a moment" is all the time I have to spare, before hubby ends up with the ceiling dropped on his head.

Cuusardo wrote:
QuoteIsn't that what the Gone command is for?

gone afk a few, helping the hubby keep the ceiling from collapsing on him

I've heard this a bit.  OOC communication if it's "gone a few" or ooc afk a few" is basiclly the same thing.  The point that Bestatte is making, and I agree with her, is that making up a euphemism to describe an ooc action isn't always approriate or possible.  For those of us with kids, we hear glass breaking in the other room, consider yourselves lucky to get a "ooc afk fam". Personally I appreciate the *brief* afk ooc's, be they gone or ooc, it can be RP'ed around.  I also heavily agree with limiting ooc traffic in most cases.
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

Best use of OOC I have ever seen:

OOC A bomb just went off.  I have to go.

So I ran over to BBC and caught the latest news.

"I have seen him show most of the attributes one expects of a noble: courtesy, kindness, and honor.  I would also say he is one of the most bloodthirsty bastards I have ever met."

I prefer Gone to OOC for absences, because OOC only "helps" people who were in the room when you sent the OOC, people who enter while you are away won't know why you are sitting there like an idiot, leaving them confused or forcing other people to OOC that you are afk.  Gone works for everyone.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins