Thank you staff

Started by ejusn, October 02, 2004, 01:58:34 PM

I read a note on the ask the staff post about thanks. It got me to thinking. I started playing in '99ish and I've had  tons of problems with players, a few problems with staff. In the past I always left in anger. A player either accused me of something. Twinking was occuring and I refused to sit by and watch or I drew conclusions many times I was the scum of the game and the staff merely tolerated me, for whatever reason. Wow. That seems just a dramatic. I mention this because everytime I made a move to leave, there'd be an email to Sanvean about why. I bet alot of my fellow players here can relate. This isnt about regrets, the past is baggage.  However, in the past I never sent off notes of thanks or when I did, they always seemed like I wanted something, sincerity is hard to gauge in writing. These days, I'm in a position where I want or need nothing from the staff.

So having said all that. I'd like to start a thank-you thread if I may be so privledged. I've gotten hours and hours of fun for doing or paying practically nothing. So have all of you. From the most staunch and serious player to the black-sheep. Everyone has something to be thankful for, eh?

Not sure if it'll work with this crowd, since I never spoke to anyone outside of the game, but I hope to be pleasantly surprised.
There is no order in the world around us, we must adapt ourselves to the requirements of chaos instead. It is hard to adapt to chaos, but it can be done. I am living proof of that: It can be done."

- Breakfast of Champions

OMG n00b! There's already a THREAD ON THIS.


just kidding. Glad you're back.

Our little friend Mr. Green :mrgreen: only shows his face when someone is being sarcastic in humorous way!

Kids, say thank you to Mr. Green!

Quote from: "Kids"THANK YOU, MR. GREEN!


Thanks to all the Imms who let my lame attempts at humor slip past their "off topic" Thr3sh3rs of D00m.

Dear Staff,

Thank you for all of the loaded crash items, crazy objects created that were written by me, and also for being there to bring life in the game and give things more personality - this is just to name a few, of course. Thanks for giving us a game to play and for making it free! Armageddon rocks and it keeps me at home and usually out of much trouble.

gofmk  :wink:

EDIT for Agent: OMG there's nothing wrong with showing the hard working Imms some appreciation! And he said he's been playing since '99 or something.  :lol:  Noob! Hehe. Peace!
he love that you have found is the love that you can never find, because it's the love that is never able to be found.

Sanvean: Well, there couldn't be a game without you. I remember a few weeks after my first character, something lead to your helping me rewrite my characters description, I never forgot that. Thanks for giving a brief stint with admin work. Maybe I'll pick that up again someday. Thanks for taking my annoyance with good nature.

Savak: I've always seen you as a friend and have endeavored to treat you as such. I used to wish up regularly with questions and it was usually you that replied. My first opportunity to truly give to the mud by pointing out an exploitable bug, you responded, very warmly in fact. Guided me on economics and so on. I can't explain your personable nature, but it's the lone factor that draws me back. That and you know, playing characters and stuff.

Narlac: Thank you for the trust you gave me during your time as my clan-admin and for giving me my first opportunity to design some npc's for the clan. I hold any clan-admin anywhere to Narlac's standards. Giving and taking criticism and advice warmly and providing a great schedule for meeting players inside. Thanks for being understanding of my decision to walk away for a while. If it's true that you don't admin anymore, then know efforts were worthwhile!

Nessilon: Hm. Well, you always tested my limitations, whether you meant to or not. It's made me a pretty tolerant person and player and I'm thankful for that.

In general, thanks to all the builders, coders and people I never dealt with directly. For the admin that pulled me aside when I did a great job or when I screwed up royally. Most of all, thanks to those that gave me a chance to give back. It's my favorite thing in the world.

Look forward to running into more staff in the future...

There is no order in the world around us, we must adapt ourselves to the requirements of chaos instead. It is hard to adapt to chaos, but it can be done. I am living proof of that: It can be done."

- Breakfast of Champions

Thanks to the immortal who had endless patience when I just failed to get their point. You know who you are  :wink: