In your sleep, you see the man picking his nose...

Started by karpuz, March 10, 2004, 04:36:05 PM

Today I found someone sleeping, then thought grabbing something and fleeing would be OK.. Thought a little, then emoted walking slowly to the sleeper. He just woke up! When I asked another friend playing the game, he said emotes were also seen while we are sleeping. Ehrm, I know I'm just a newbie but.. Isn't there something wrong?
Note: Eh, also my friend said I made my first mistake in RP. I forgot about VNPCs and tried to pickpocket in a crowded sleeping quarter openly, showing my aim to all those resting people. So I'm sorry.

I think your emote only echos to sleeping people if it targets them within the emote.

Hmm.. I understand.. So they understand when I do something that wakes them up, poking etc.
Then, it's about RP but I don't want to create a new post; is it OK if I don't aim them whenever I meet someone sleeping (not in sleeping quarters any more. My friend tortuted me for half an hour for being a twink.  :oops: )

It's fine to pickpocket people in public places - just don't get caught.
If you think about it, pick-pockets crowd the markets - very public places indeed.

A public sleeping room would be fair game for the nimble fingered, but don't be surprised if you get caught a few times.

When stealing like that is in bad taste is when you take huge items (backpack, for example) or steal everything off the person.

It is also, newbie friend, bad RP for the guy who sees you emote while he is sleeping to wake up.  He's OOCly worried you're gonna get something.  In RL he would have likely slept like a baby.  But hey, the world is against thieves.  You should hear the victims cry.

My advice?  Play something easier, like a defiler or something.   :wink:
quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]

Yep, realistically pickpockets should love crowds.  The more crowded and more distractions the better.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

Ehrm... I used the wrong word I guess. Sorry I'm not native. I believe I shouldn't go poke my hand into a sleeping man's pocket when he's between a lot of people eh? (Note: I don't have the skill, steal, so I guess my char wouldn't be that nimble codewise.) I was talking about just grabbing, not palming. My mistake was that. *chuckle*

probably not. ;-)
But then, how do you learn you're not good, really, without trying?
quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]

Quote from: "karpuz"I was talking about just grabbing, not palming. My mistake was that. *chuckle*
I think if you emote it out, it's great. Some tips if you plan to do it again though:
* Emote it out. There might be other PCs in the room who would see what your doing, seeings how your doing a "grab and dash" (just because the person sleeping is a twink, doesn't mean you should be as well ;)).
* Emote roughly grabbing it, because if I understand your post, what you want is speed, not to go unnoticed. Speed, everyone will notice you, but will they catch you?
* Possibly use the "wake" command (wake <victim>). After all, if you're being rough chances are he'd wake up.
* Wish up to say what your doing, so the Imms can have the VNPCs and NPCs in the room act realistically.
* Have fun :) Even if you get caught, still have fun ;)