Terrifying moments

Started by Vendyra, August 10, 2003, 12:10:30 AM

I thought I would create a thread branched from JollyGreenGiant's.  This is to report your most horrifying, earth-shattering experiences.  I begin with the following, which is scary enough to make a grown woman shudder:

The Shade of Nessalin says, out of character:

Someone to someone else: I would not make an enemy of House Winrothol.

Oh, wait.  This isn't particularly terrifying... or is it?!

Having been on both sides of the fence, I can say that it's scary... unless you join Winrothol....

laloc may be permadorked, but I am the Permadork!

Deep in a bad bad place, knocked unconscious, echos of fighting, then suddenly.

Someone pounces on your back.

health goes down....
then nothing...... for half an hour.

Talk about the longest half hour of a life.


Your wagon leaves west.
Your wagon has arrived from the east.
Looking outside, you see...

Atop the Shield Wall [NESW]

Getting chased around in the wilderness, I managed to run out of move points.  I was beaten into negative hit points, and figured I would stay it out and continue emoting.  Until...

Some very bad person slowly removes the leggings from your limp body.


A scariest thing you've ever seen flies west, dragging you behind it.

Someone draws a bloodied steel dwarven battle axe.
musashi: It's also been argued that jesus was a fictional storybook character.

With my current character I have, very recently, been involved in some uber-cool RPTs, and managed to survive them all (somehow). To explain my 'scariest moments', I'd need to go very IC, so let's just say there are some -VERY BIG-, -VERY SCARY-, -VERY EVIL- things out there, and they may be closer to home than you'd think...
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

Well, Xygax and Vendyra would have to compete for this one, becuase I know they were behind both of my number-1 scariest moments. At different times, of course. I wonder if smoke rising from blackened and burned palms brings back any memories for Vendyra. Or, a certainly earth-trembling experience with Xygax at the head of it all.

Thats about all I can say.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

I would say: Discovering "no hide" rooms.      (if thats suppose to be IC info...then edit it)

subdued...tied...4 guards on an exit.

say Umm...Hi.
Veteran Newbie

The Spiky shelled Silt-Horror leaves to the west, carrying the black-robed Templar on his back.  

Had a good warrior once... but who want to follwo the code only?

You hit elf
You bash elf

say (continuing to swing) Ill kill you elf!

suddenly the bloodied elf whips out his cod-piece and shoots a stream of bloody piss at you


... he won  :cry:

so never doubt the value of RP over the code!
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.  Zalanthas is Armageddon.

Quote from: "Dakkon Black"
Had a good warrior once... but who want to follwo the code only?

You hit elf
You bash elf

say (continuing to swing) Ill kill you elf!

suddenly the bloodied elf whips out his cod-piece and shoots a stream of bloody piss at you


... he won  :cry:

so never doubt the value of RP over the code!

Who would have thought an elf to win a pissing contest....
When we found her Marnlee mornin',
Hoofprints walking up her back
There were empties by her war braids
And sixty-five dead carru in a stack.

~ Unknown - Heru Got Runover by a Carru

I have removed a post that contained IC sensitive information.  Please be wary when disclosing information about things in the world.  It may have been IC common knowledge at some point, but generally, if it is not documented, then it should not be disclosed.  Thanks.

Two amazing ones, the first of which really opened my eyes to how great Armageddon can be.    Both major life-changing death-defying events to my characters who endured them.    But sadly not things that would be appropriate to discuss.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

yarr, this one just happened.

After gearing up with food, water, kank, and weapons to try to head north from Allanak, I ran into a nasty widdle spider.

Okay, it wasn't so "widdle". It was big, and after it nipped me my stupid kank hucked me off. I did battle with it, but soon had to flee, I ran in circles to try to get back to my kank to escape that horrible beast.

It worked, I got back atop my kank, and was racing away, badly injured though I was, I thought I had a chance to escape.

Turns out I didn't. It caught up to me a second time, gave me a nasty bite, and after I ran and tried to heal up a while by sleeping. While I slept I tried to concoct a plan to get my kank away from the tarantula.

Then I wake up and I see something along the lines of this

3/90hp, 70/130 move, 60/70 stun.

You wake and sit up.

A big nasty critter has arrived from the north.

A big nasty critter eats your face.

-24/90hp, 70/130 move, 60/70 stun.

Then after thinking to myself in terror stuff along the lines of "Oh no oh help someone anyone help Any of you gods or spirits who are listening help me oh I don' wanna die gah"

Then my ole pal the mantis head came and comforted me, and I put together a new person to run around as.

It was actually rather fun. Would have been more fun if I had other people with me.

Oh, and to the guy in the bar who I talked to about moving out and heading north at dawn, don't come looking for my stuff, it's both bad form and big nasty critters tend to hang around their kills for a while.

I hope I did not mention any explicit nonmentionables. it's not like I drew up a map to show you where to go to get killed by a big nasty critter while trying to get my stuff.

later, dudes!

Pointing to his crotch with a lacivious grin, the sleazy man tells you, 'I've got a bahamet right here in my pants.'

Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

The undead songbird has entered from the west.
The undead songbird chirps at you.
Status: connection is closed.

Haha I remember that on HaiWolfe
Quote from: roughneck on October 13, 2018, 10:06:26 AM
Armageddon is best when it's actually harsh and brutal, not when we're only pretending that it is.

The withered, black-robed templar sends you a telepathic message:

Ah, the mysteries of the universe.  Try to understand them, but can you?  Nope! They're mysteries!

Okay, this was probably the freakiest moment in my time with Arm. It's a bit wierd so try to bear with me.

It'd been a LONG mission (at least a few RL hours), an RPT that had been scheduled I think it was involving the entire clan pretty much. When we got back, the characters got a chance to get some rest after a LONG time out. My character goes to take a seat and rest a little while waiting for the superiors to show up (the NPC ones). Sadly, I started the evening tired as hell, had something that kept me up [paper maybe to write?] and fell asleep while waiting on the superiors! So, I'm sleeping at the desk and like an hour later, I wake up, it's in the middle of a promotion ceremony run by the highest-ranking members of my character's clan. So I'm freaking out trying to catch up with what happened and my character suddenly comes out of a daze and gets in line!

Makes me wonder if Brixius (maybe it was before Brixius, don't think so though, I actually had no idea of who the clan imms were at the time until a little later) even remembers that! If you do, that's why my character was totally still for like an hour! Sorry!
ree as a bird and joyfully my heart
Soared up among the rigging, in and out;
Under a cloudless sky the ship rolled on
Like an angel drunk with brilliant sun.
                                       - Charles Baudelaire