Using fake/temporary names.

Started by Forty Winks, May 11, 2006, 12:31:19 AM

My opinion is that if it isn't on the keyword list when you start, only sustained use (lets say a month RL or so?) should really get a name added to your keyword list, voluntarily or involuntarily.  But thats just my opinion.
Evolution ends when stupidity is no longer fatal."

I don't know, a RL month seems like a really long time to use a fake name that's not a keyword.  

I can understand once or twice, with no intention for extended use, but beyond that I'm not sure what the justification would be for -not- having it among your keywords.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

Personally I'd rather see something like Hymwen posted than what we currently have in.  In my opinion, only keywords that are in your short description should be keywords.  Names/Aliases shouldn't be in keywords, and each player should be able to specify their own aka or keyword for that person, much like Hymwen suggested.

So instead of:

Quote from: "Current Code"The shady-looking guy says, 'Hi, I'm Bob'.

> look bob
You do not see any 'bob' here.

> think liar!

All interactions would be:

Quote from: "Morg's Ideal world"The shady-looking guy says, 'Hi, I'm bob'.

> aka shady Bob
You can now refer to the shady-looking guy as 'Bob'

> look bob
You look at Bob...blah blah blah...

Armageddon Staff


>contact anonfigure
You contact the (still hooded and disguised) furtive-eyed lean-flanked elf.

Q:What was his name?
A:I don't know.

Q:What'd he look like?
A:He had furtive eyes and lean flanks. Obviously an elf.

Q: I know him, and somehow find this to be completely logical.  I'll have him killed at once.

Obviously, all this really means is an extra way to get someone's sdesc to abuse, but (in my opinion) sdesc abuse is probably the single most widespread and difficult-to-stop sort of twinkiness around. (I've seen a medium-level karma character -INSTANTLY- identify someone with literally nothing other than some keywords that were no more descriptive than "the tall, skinny elf" to go by.)  I'd rather not see another powerful way to do it.

Ideally, I'd like it to be necessary to at least have shot off a "look" on someone before you could keytag them.  Otherwise it could be a heavy strike against every masked raider and anonymous scumbag.

It irritates the shit out of me when someone uses an alias that they haven't added as a keyword. I find it to be pretty sleezy from an OOC perspective.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Quick question: does requesting that keywords be added to your character count as one of those "two description changes per lifetime" tokens?
I doubt it, but just want to check.
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

Quote from: "Morgenes"Personally I'd rather see something like Hymwen posted than what we currently have in.  In my opinion, only keywords that are in your short description should be keywords.  Names/Aliases shouldn't be in keywords, and each player should be able to specify their own aka or keyword for that person, much like Hymwen suggested.
I love, love, love this idea. Solves the OOC problems of Too Much and Not Enough trust (depending on keyword match or mismatch) at once. Not to mention all those dwarves you can never keep track of because they don't pronounce their names "right."

Quote from: "joyofdiscord"I've seen a medium-level karma character -INSTANTLY- identify someone with literally nothing other than some keywords that were no more descriptive than "the tall, skinny elf" to go by.
Yeah, but every elf is tall and skinny.  If you use those as your only keywords, you are seeking an OOC advantage as well through code.  Your sdesc should tell people what your most notable features that make you somewhat unique are...otherwise, my next character will be 'the human.'

I've seen the 'giving someone keyword' functionality before.  If you have enough time to type 'aka tall dangerdave' your character has OBVIOUSLY (in my opinion) had enough time to get a closer look, even if you didn't type 'l tall' because you were too busy trying to type one of five other commands first...before the so-called dangerdave ran off.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.