Take the canned emotes out of brawl

Started by jmordetsky, August 03, 2005, 08:10:33 AM

Quote from: "Maybe42or54"canned emoted for the people that like it, and noncanned emotes for the people that don't. For instance:

hit bitch

You spin three times and land a jab to the Bitch's chin!

hit bitch (attempt to strike Mr. Bitch's chin with the back of your right elbow)

You attempt to strike Mr. Bitch's chin with the back of your right elbow, but he reverses it and flings you into a drunken Bynner and they hit you! Dumbass!

That would make for niceness. I like.
If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.


Well, look at it this way, a dwarf high kicking a giant is to kick him in the knees.  It's all perspective, we are thinking like humans of average height.  We should instead see a dwarf highkicking a giant emote and think, okay he hit him in the knees kind of deal.
hat frikking signature?

One of my characters was having an amazing brawl with some other dude about a month ago. The brawl was made probably 75% of emotes and thankfully we both just went with it. The emotes made perfect sense and if one of the hit echoes didn't quite fit in, we'd just pop in another emote to fit it into our little conflict.

What I've seen before, and I really detest are those people who think the brawl code is just who can type 'hit bitch' the most times and knock out the other opponent. It can be much more than that. I'd settle for a completely RPed brawl with no code, even if it means nobody takes any coded damage.

As for the inter-emoting in the brawlcode, I think it would help introduce more players to the oppertunity of emoting during brawling plus it would get some of those funny echoes to fit in.

I personally had an experience where the other person kept trying to hit me as much as he could, but being the awesome person I was, I would just keep countering him and throwing him voer tables, into the wall, through the hoop, smash his face in with the same mug he threw at me, and then grab his knee and send the Good Ol' Five (my fist) into his crotch to make him sputter.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime