Green skin

Started by LadyScorpion, September 12, 2024, 06:24:59 PM

I feel like it should be fashionable to have green dyed skin with all this copper floating around. I am sure some of you own copper jewelry and know what I am talking about. I have some slave bracelets made from copper and they turn my wrists, fingers and hands green just wearing them around town.

 I am sure copper nose ring would be a horrible idea as the inside of your nostrail is always wet. You'd have green under your nose and all over the area around the piercing is. But it got me thinking maybe people would get into using green dye or whatever to make it look like the skin of someone who has been wearing copper. You know because Fashion! Just a random thought. 

Like a Tattoo, allow whomever wants it, to get it at char creation.
Two dwarves get into a small fist-fray over who owns a pile of dung at the roadside.

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I feel like this is something cool that could develop IG over time once copper items start circulating throughout the populace!

Could introduce a "scar" people with access to copper items could get. For example if you have a necklace of copper beads, you could wish up to get taken to the scar room to get "a line of green-stained flesh" or something like that on your neck. If it takes off, the tattooists PCs in game could market it as a thing for people who can't afford copper.

Quote from: shadeoux on September 13, 2024, 12:08:04 AMLike a Tattoo, allow whomever wants it, to get it at char creation.

Or pay one of those new fancypants Tattoo Artists to do it for you...
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

I think some of this is the idea of some naturally occuring effects of wearing copper, pushing in game trends. Similar to Kadius and who else in the past getting important people to wear this or that to try and direct trends in fashion.

I think it would be a great idea to have had introduced and any trends occurred naturally from in game activities, but with it being discussed on the boards already, would feel contrived to me. Having the tattoo artists do fake skin staining is great, but without initial staining from actual copper being represented would not make sense to me.

Though I would love to see some mastercrafted fake copper-painted bone bangles and shit start showing up in the game after things get going.
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