Original Music of Zalanthas

Started by Halaster, August 23, 2024, 09:36:13 AM

Not just some Youtube video by a band you love, but actual original (AI generated is fine) stuff.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

Thank you!

Oh now I'm shy.

So.. I played a bardy character in 2021.. I was fully terrified of playing bards for pretty much forever - it was so far out of my comfort zone but turns out it can be really fun! Anyway, she wrote a bunch of songs leading up to the Battle of Vale and after. Recently I started playing around with AI music generation and actually.. IT'S NOT AWFUL. The fact that you can put your own lyrics in and it can create music that you can listen to was incredibly fun as a non-musician. Obviously it's a bit janky, the vocals are weird, the quality is low, it took a ton of wrangling and they aren't exactly how I imagined.. But it was just so damn cool being able to listen to my PCs songs that I wanted to share and I'd love it if some other bard players had a go with their own songs too.

She had five songs finished (I am neither as prolific or as talented as whoever played Hoge).. I've made three of them here.. the other two I am really struggling to get them to sound right and how I imagined.. so perhaps they will come later. Unfortunately one of those is the 'main' song that she wrote for the war effort and played a lot, but possibly that is what makes me so picky about it.

Kurac Flounders Twice
This was commissioned by Lord Templar Vak Oash after Kurac made some big boo boos politically.

Headed North
Written for the soldiers of the Arm when she was taken North as an Aide.

Birdbones & Travelcake
A personal ballad, but one that she played often.

Would love to hear some songs from other bards (I used Suno for these)! Imagine if we could have a playlist of actual Zalanthan music? Also fully encourage people to have a go at playing bards, they can be very fun. :)
Quoteemote pees into your eyes deeply

Quote from: Delirium on November 28, 2012, 02:26:33 AM
I don't always act superior... but when I do it's on the forums of a text-based game

A song written by my Tuluki Half-Giant who ended up joining the Crimson Wind after fleeing Tuluk for fear of getting in trouble for playing in the woods with Gahooli and other various forest friends.

Quote from: Lotion on August 27, 2024, 05:51:11 PMA song written by my Tuluki Half-Giant who ended up joining the Crimson Wind after fleeing Tuluk for fear of getting in trouble for playing in the woods with Gahooli and other various forest friends.

I got to hear this in game! *feels special*

September 06, 2024, 08:30:03 AM #5 Last Edit: September 06, 2024, 08:56:41 AM by Maso
Where are all the Tuluki bards at?

Beyond the Vale

Written for the Battle of Vale Memorial, Allanak "recomposes" history.

Full playlist
Quoteemote pees into your eyes deeply

Quote from: Delirium on November 28, 2012, 02:26:33 AM
I don't always act superior... but when I do it's on the forums of a text-based game

September 12, 2024, 11:53:33 AM #6 Last Edit: September 12, 2024, 02:14:03 PM by LadyScorpion
Allanaki Nobles music: I've only ever seen like other two players do this right. This is what a rhythmless music on a 16 note scale is. There used to be some traditional japnsese instruments in the game in Allanak. You never see them anymore though.



Quote from: LadyScorpion on September 12, 2024, 11:53:33 AMAllanaki Nobles music: I've only ever seen like other two players do this right. This is what a rhythmless music on a 16 note scale is. There used to be some traditional japnsese instruments in the game in Allanak. You never see them anymore though.




The player tavern references a Biwa player, and you used to be able to buy Biwas in Luirs, and I think a Shamisen.
Live your life as though your every act were to become a universal law.

--Immanuel Kant

Quote from: Veselka on September 12, 2024, 10:17:02 PM
Quote from: LadyScorpion on September 12, 2024, 11:53:33 AMAllanaki Nobles music: I've only ever seen like other two players do this right. This is what a rhythmless music on a 16 note scale is. There used to be some traditional japnsese instruments in the game in Allanak. You never see them anymore though.




The player tavern references a Biwa player, and you used to be able to buy Biwas in Luirs, and I think a Shamisen.

I had Koto at one point in game it's sdesc was something along the lines of a box shaped multi string instrument or something. I had a long lived Oash Aide in the early 2000's that did music for her lord and his friends