Color your world, then color someone elses.

Started by Angela Christine, March 09, 2004, 10:37:44 PM

Every few months someone asks for help configuring this or that mud client.  While looking over a few clients, I noticed that the configerations are usually exportable.  Zmud had a feature to export your settings, while MUSHClient saves the settings in a .mud file for each mud and the .mud files are fairly small.  I had an idea, why not collect a couple configuration files for each of the popular mud clients, and put them somewhere like the Submissions page.  Then when someone asked "how do I configure X?" we could post a link rather than going through the whole explanation again.  It would be easier on newbies to your favorite client too, because it is easier to alter existing triggers or make new ones if you have an example than it is to do everything from scratch.  

For most clients just a file with color triggers would be enough.  For Zmud it would be good to have at least 2 choices, one with just the color triggers and one fully configured to make the damn automap function properly for people that want to use the automapper (without including any actual maps, maps would be bad.)

Spending hours trying to get a client to work isn't fun, and it looks a little weird to anyone who happens to be watching your character bumble around as you try to check if your triggers are functioning properly.

Like yesterday I was fiddling with Zmud.  The problem I had was that it kept getting . . . unsycronized.  It would get stuck showing me a screen, and wouldn't show me all the new information or even show that there was new information until I scrolled up to look at the old information, then suddenly there would be 5 screens of new info.  If someone had been trying to talk to my character while that was happening I would have looked like an idiot.  I assume there is some setting somewhere doing it, but I got tired of looking for it.  If I was using someone elses functioning setting file, that would probably not have happened.  

Just a thought, what do y'all think?

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

I like it, and then we can all decide which words should be colored, and choose official colors for each one.

I personally have Allundean in teal, Sirihish in silver, Cavilish in gold, Mirukkim in red and Bendune in a kinda soft cream-pink color.

Templar in white, some noble houses by one of their colors...
And House Salarr colored in salmon for no real reason.

Way related things 'telepathic, foreign presence, you dissolve the connection' in copper.

All simple, but very nice. :)

EDIT: Edited to add Salarr
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Great idea. I just lost all my zMud settings  :evil:

Quote from: "Nadav"Great idea. I just lost all my zMud settings  :evil:

See, if you'd exported your settings and shared them, that wouldn't have happened.  :P

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

I've got some very crude MUSHClient coloring triggers. I personally would love to see what else people can do with their clients. I say put all your triggers up  :twisted:

spawnloser set up all the colors for Armageddon on MUSHclient.  He rocks my world.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

So is this ever going to happen ? Us newbies with Zmud would sure as heck die less if we had automappers.
The rugged, red-haired woman is not a proper mount." -- oops

Diealot - Ninja Helper (Too cool for Tags)

zMUD's automapper? Yer joking... I don't think anybody's using it. Try AlClient //, for an easy to configure map.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

Quote from: "Cenghiz"zMUD's automapper? Yer joking... I don't think anybody's using it. Try AlClient //, for an easy to configure map.

Uhh, wrong.

Can AlClient be configured to map Arm?

Have spawn upload those color configurations damnit!

Hmm... ZMUDs mapper is better left on a semi automapping and you edit it yourself. There are almost ALWAYS going to be things that are going to be missed or screwed up by the automapper. Even on base muds.

SHRUG, that's me though. Right now I'm just using MushClient. Someday might pay for it even.

21sters Unite!

Only those of us that need configuration help think this is a good idea.  The people that already have a sweet set up don't want to share.  :(

Anyway, Cuttlefish explained how to set up Zmud's mapper not long ago.

And Freman Scum had a sweet trigger set, I wonder what ever happened to him?

Good luck.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

why would you need a mapper in the first place....?
Veteran Newbie

Quote from: "Angela Christine"Only those of us that need configuration help think this is a good idea.  The people that already have a sweet set up don't want to share.  :(

Well, I've started re-making some triggers. Maybe in a few weeks if I have a decent amount I'll put it up.

Borsail - Red
Fale - Purple
Tor - Silver
Salarr - Coral

Sirihish - silver
Allundean - teal
Mirukkim - sienna
Tatlum - cyan
Anyar - thistle
Bendune - mocassin
an unfamilliar tongue - purple

think - grey
templar - white
out of character - blue
", you overhear" (tables) - purple
"You overhear" (whispers) - cyan
You suffer from use of the Way - darkgoldenrod (orangish)
telepathic - orange
You contact .... with the use of the Way - orange
A foreign presence contacts your mind - orange
You dissolve the psychic link - orange
You sense a presence withdraw from your mind - orange
[prompt] - lightseagreen (bluish-green)
At your table/seat - brown

And that's it.  Nice, quiet scheme that helps skim through information without drowning in color.  Plain text in regular green, background in black.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

one of you uber smart people gotta tell em how to set triggers.. :) I can't do it by my lonesome..
I have mushclient.
l armageddon รจ la mia aggiunta.

I use zMUD, very easy.

If I wanted to make a trigger for contacting, I'd do.

PATTERN: ^You contact %1 with the Way.$
COMMAND: #cw orange

Easier than it looks, really.
^ - string must appear on the beginning of a new line.
$ - string must be the end of the line it is on.
%1 - text of any length (the sdesc, in this case).

I could also do the same pattern, only with:
COMMAND: #cw orange %1

Then, only the sdesc will be orange.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Yeah Larrath! We aren't asking you for your scheme we are asking you for the set up for whatever client you use if you can export/import them.

21sters Unite!

From a brief look, MushClient is WAY easier, but I haven't experimented to if it works. You just enter what you want matched and change the color in a little pull down menu. And your done.

Creeper is probably wrong and well find out sometime.
21sters Unite!

You need to make sure to use wildcards unless you write in the whole line that will be showing, for triggers.  For example, my colorization triggers for the Way include a trigger that triggers from "*telepathic message*" and then I just used the pull down to select the color.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

I've been battling with the triggers in MUSHclient for some time now, and have read as many of the forum topics on the subject as I can bear...

Can someone just send me their MUSHclient colour triggers?

Really, it's beginning to affect my mental health.

Noone uses it but hey...
for MM2k, to change the color of incoming text you do:

/highlight {text} {desired_color} {group_name}

- for the 'text' part, you can use %0, %1... up to %9 as a wildcard - to replace a text string of any length (same a Zmud)

- for the 'desired_color' part you can use: black, white, cyan, blue, green, magenta, red, yellow, white. You can also add 'light' to make the color brighter (light cyan, light red etc.). You can change back color too, but that looks just... ew.

- you can leave out the 'group_name' unless you have a reason to switch the highlighting trigger on/off

So, to follow Larrath's example, the command line might look like:

/highlight {You contact %0 with the Way.} {light yellow} {}

Easy stuff.

About MUSHclient, I looked into it and although I never worked with it, this topics might help you:

I know giving just links is lame but again, I know nothing about this particular client. You may try asking on their discussion board too.

If someone who uses a client like this wants to put together a basic guide, I can put it on the website.

Those discussion board links solved my major problems, thanks  :)

I also got Plazgoth's scripted infobar working from an earlier topic, so it's all good. My eyes and sanity have been preserved.

Wonderful!  :D
Quote from: VanthA well-placed grunt can be worth a thousand words.