Post an entertaining but completely fabricated falsehood about the game.
The T'zai Byn was founded by a sorcerer dragon with purple scales, this is the reason for their logo.
The only reason the gates to Tuluk are closed, is that they shut them briefly for renovation and the decorators accidentally painted them shut.
The bugs are completely normal-sized, it's the humanoids that are tiny.
The sea of silt is the crater left behind by some advanced weapon of mass destruction.
Tektolnes buried Luir's Dragonthrall in an obsidian mine.
Halflings never went extinct. They bioengineered exoskeletons and now conduct armored patrols.
tektolnes is actually dead
Quote from: Cabooze on April 09, 2021, 09:21:22 PM
tektolnes is actually dead
Tekletones is actually Muk Utep.
Kryll were not changed, that's just a staff lie to keep us on our toes
Quote from: Brytta Léofa on April 10, 2021, 12:04:26 AM
Tekletones is actually Muk Utep.
Muk-utep is working with the true dragon
The Sandlord is really a woman.
Allanak is Steinal
There is a way to escape the Known through the Grey Forest
If you type "shalooonshisapoopoohead" three times, you get instantly teleported to a Denny's Diner.
Quote from: Cabooze on April 11, 2021, 12:15:31 AM
There is a way to escape the Known through the Grey Forest
South of the Silt Sea, only really easily accessed via skimmer is actually a fully coded city called 'She'sa'ril', The Kingdom on the Sea, where the residents actually use a large swathe of carefully constructed shallows within the Silt Sea to do their farming, the fertile silt allowing bountiful growth of many different types of vegetables and fruits. However, it does come with a tradeoff; The entirety of the population of She'sa'ril is addicted to spice due to the high content of spice in all of their food, as well as the contamination of their drinking water with more spice. Their bodies, however, have adapted to it after many many years of living there, to the point where spice is a moreso constant state of being. This does mean, however, that leaving She'sa'ril is nearly impossible due to the fact that anyone who would go out and explore would need a near-constant supply of spice, essentially some with every meal, or otherwise they will begin suffering withdrawal, which, for a She'sa'rillian, is almost absolutely fatal.
This also means anyone who visits the Kingdom on the Sea would need to pack their own rations for the entire journey there, the stay, and back, or be exposed to large quantities of spice present, and if they become addicted, are unfortunately unable to return home or risk a massive withdrawal.
The Kingdom on the Sea is ruled not by a sorcerer-lord, but actually by a figurehead 'king' who is merely present to provide the community with relief and hope. The actual leaders are the 'Council', a group of extraordinarily old men, possibly sorcerers, who are either immune to the effects of spice entirely, or have found a way to purify their foodstuffs to remain entirely unaddled, and as such are the clearest thinkers amongst them. They reside in what is potentially one of the most secure places in the known; The 'Dome', a steel fortification that keeps even the harshest silt-storms at bay, built on a foundation of granite that has buried steel spikes within to ensure even the most robust Rukkian couldn't rumble it.
The Council of Elders makes most of the choices for the Kingdom on the Sea, and for the few sailors who have made it there with intention on heading home, are granted an audience. What happens after they enter is not completely certain, as nobody has known anyone who has returned from the Dome.
They currently have a population of roughly 3000 people, with a full 1000 men strong 'army' of spiced-up men who have lived their entire lives facing the horrors of the Silt Sea on the daily.
Magick is relatively unknown amongst the populace, due to the population's spice-addled state keeping any potential magicks from ever really blossoming due to a lack of focus. While it is not strictly illegal, there has never been any talk amongst She'sa'ril of any spellcasters, except for idle gossip that the Elders possess incredible power that protects the city from the Giants.
Quote from: AdamBlue on April 11, 2021, 02:42:59 AM
South of the Silt Sea, only really easily accessed via skimmer is actually a fully coded city called 'She'sa'ril', The Kingdom on the Sea, where the residents actually use a large swathe of carefully constructed shallows within the Silt Sea to do their farming, the fertile silt allowing bountiful growth of many different types of vegetables and fruits. However, it does come with a tradeoff; The entirety of the population of She'sa'ril is addicted to spice due to the high content of spice in all of their food, as well as the contamination of their drinking water with more spice. Their bodies, however, have adapted to it after many many years of living there, to the point where spice is a moreso constant state of being. This does mean, however, that leaving She'sa'ril is nearly impossible due to the fact that anyone who would go out and explore would need a near-constant supply of spice, essentially some with every meal, or otherwise they will begin suffering withdrawal, which, for a She'sa'rillian, is almost absolutely fatal.
This also means anyone who visits the Kingdom on the Sea would need to pack their own rations for the entire journey there, the stay, and back, or be exposed to large quantities of spice present, and if they become addicted, are unfortunately unable to return home or risk a massive withdrawal.
The Kingdom on the Sea is ruled not by a sorcerer-lord, but actually by a figurehead 'king' who is merely present to provide the community with relief and hope. The actual leaders are the 'Council', a group of extraordinarily old men, possibly sorcerers, who are either immune to the effects of spice entirely, or have found a way to purify their foodstuffs to remain entirely unaddled, and as such are the clearest thinkers amongst them. They reside in what is potentially one of the most secure places in the known; The 'Dome', a steel fortification that keeps even the harshest silt-storms at bay, built on a foundation of granite that has buried steel spikes within to ensure even the most robust Rukkian couldn't rumble it.
The Council of Elders makes most of the choices for the Kingdom on the Sea, and for the few sailors who have made it there with intention on heading home, are granted an audience. What happens after they enter is not completely certain, as nobody has known anyone who has returned from the Dome.
They currently have a population of roughly 3000 people, with a full 1000 men strong 'army' of spiced-up men who have lived their entire lives facing the horrors of the Silt Sea on the daily.
Magick is relatively unknown amongst the populace, due to the population's spice-addled state keeping any potential magicks from ever really blossoming due to a lack of focus. While it is not strictly illegal, there has never been any talk amongst She'sa'ril of any spellcasters, except for idle gossip that the Elders possess incredible power that protects the city from the Giants.
They said a lie, not something incredible.
Adam, you posted on your mortal account. I'll need you to tuck this "behind the scenes" back in the folder and, remember, post under your staff account next time.
Jokes aside ... homie. Damn.
Quote from: AdamBlue on April 11, 2021, 02:42:59 AM
'She'sa'ril', The Kingdom on the Sea
I want so badly for all of this to be true.
The real reason why there is nothing beyond the Known, is because true giants flattened the world.
Silt Giants are really titans and all of the known is inside the last wall.
Dwarves aren't hairless, they just shave ritualistically.
Sapphire the Sexy Erdlu was just Tek in drag. And he looked fabulous.
People play Armageddon to have fun.
Kryl aren't actually trying to kill you, that's just their way of showing affection.
Quote from: Maso on April 13, 2021, 02:20:08 AM
Kryl aren't actually trying to kill you, that's just their way of showing affection.
While the game takes influences from Dark Sun and Dune, the storyline of the game closely resembles that of the Dragonlance Chronicles. Specifically, Zalanthas is the word that was stolen away by Takhisis (The Dragon), and Tektolnes and Muk Utep actually have been working together to keep the servants of Takhisis away while trying to find Zalanthas' true place among the planes.
Thats why nobody gives a shit about your PCs. The Heroes are literally battling every day to save us.
*sing* Death is not the end..
A super sekret group is playing their characters still in the 'Grey Armageddon'.
Long quiet are the eves of the western mountains.
In the world of Zalanthas, those with hearts that long for adventure often explore the most exotic of places they can think of that they will still be able to return home from. The distant northern forests of the Grey, flush with life that seems to spring up more lush and dangerous by the passing moment. The whirling, deadly maelstrom of southern, silty sea, hiding an ocean of monsters both massive and fierce. To the east, spires twist and turn into sharp peaks, strange plants and the gentle thrum of life as the salt flats stretch on, an entire ocean, evaporated.
But what of the western peaks?
Settled upon the gentle glimmering spires that mark the ending of the massive bowl that encases the entire Known, a silent vigil stands. What appears to be a warped puncture of stone is slit with dull marks casts dim light as a conclave of men stand, lining the spire, gazing towards the eastern front.
Soldiers, hidden from view, ghosts clad in red silk that match the sky. Each donning a long, dark bow of warped black wood, with blades plated with arsenical bronze, a glimmering silver in hue.
Long quiet are the eves of the western mountains.
When chieftain Quintus Tektolnes assembled the tribes together, and Doombringer, Tan-Muark, and Shadow were all conquered, not all tribes fell under his rule. Some, with their backs against the western cliffs, fought and fled, braving the deep mountains of the west.
They carried with them children small enough to carry. Those who could not climb, where left behind as the hordes came to strike them down, to enslave them.
And so they left the bowl of Vrun Driath.
In the depths of the western mountains, men clad in warped, poisoned metal arm themselves in weapons they hope they will never use.
In the depths of the western mountains, voiceless whims are shared between those who would sacrifice themselves to ensure that those of the Eastern Kingdoms will not step beyond their station.
In the depths of the western mountains, the old bastion of an ancient Avangion of old glimmers in a secret brook, the final spring of life that whispers the truth of eternal life to the few dedicated to manning the walls.
Long quiet are the eves of the western mountains.
For there is a reason why you cannot venture forth; though you never realize, or question why.
There is no exit in that direction.
Vrun Driath is where you, and your kin, will all die.
You creative, magnificent, scheming m*****f*****s.
spamming the skill command makes skills go up faster
When you type skills there's a 50% probability that it undoes a random skillup you had in the last 20 seconds
Quote from: Lotion on April 21, 2021, 10:52:01 PM
When you type skills there's a 50% probability that it undoes a random skillup you had in the last 20 seconds
I'd believe it
Quote from: Lotion on April 21, 2021, 10:52:01 PM
When you type skills there's a 50% probability that it undoes a random skillup you had in the last 20 seconds
Each of the magick speres exists as physical entities and are manifested on Zalanthas in different ways. If you explore the right locations you can find the way to them all.
It's not well known, but Gaj can be tamed.
There is a hidden element of magick not in the publicly available documentation.
Quote from: Dan on April 22, 2021, 05:38:49 PM
There is a hidden element of magick not in the publicly available documentation.
Don't forget the secret reach and eighth horn of god with power beyond mon.
The alignment of the moons has massive effects on skill success including crafting and combat.
Quote from: SpyGuy on April 24, 2021, 05:41:50 AM
The alignment of the moons has massive effects on skill success including crafting and combat.
The way the red moon specifically works is that for every character you've killed on your current character you get a +1 bonus to your offdef (sponsored roles are worth double). That's why the OG crimson wind crew was a next level of badass, because they killed a ton of fucks and always went out when the red moon was in the sky. They each had an effective offdeff of ~70 just from that bonus at that point.
Two of these posts have been truths or very close to a truth.
Two of the moons are actually space ships that you beam your consciousness into if you jump off the shield wall at the right time and die from the fall.
The moons are preservers and defilers that have transcended the prime material plane to create their own elemental planes in the sky.
Quick was the first Kryll
The Kryl are what's left of the half ling people, unspoken corruption lies to the north-west, much further then what anyone even knows, and its getting closer.
Within the last two years, a metal weapon was lost in game and remains in the hands of a player character.
With three karma, a new option appears on the login screen when you die. Enter the Grey. The Grey is a spooky wasteland that mirrors Zalanthas, but has nothing but the shades of old high karma characters. Very specific things you can do in the Grey, echo in the real world. Though if you abuse this too much, they remove the Grey as an option for you.
Kryll are the halflings.
Venant is the Highlord
The map the elf sells on tradesman leads to a metal mine.
Underneath Allanak are massive tunnels of worked stone, ancient runes sit, unseen, carved into ceilings and set into shadows, shadowed by muck, grime, and war. But while the physical erodes, the magical does not, especially when the erosion itself is what this place houses.
Deep, deep within forgotten catacombs, built in ivory and bone sits the immortal pillar of the sorcerer King. A spire of bone, sinew and flesh, a heart beating underneath both literally and metaphorically, as the Nilazi work their macabre craft. Dissident gemmed who subtly defy the will of the Highlord find themselves disappeared to this place, and exposed to their gems being slowly, gently torn off, and their entire life force and magical capacity ripped out in a horrific, chromatic spray of death. So foul, that it wipes the memory of them from existence. Every mention of them, every memory of them, every single thing that they had ever done or said, disappeared from memory of all living creatures.
Their lifespan is added to the Immortal Pillar, and the Immortal Pillar thrums and pulses, as it feeds the Highlord his eternal life.
The Nilazi in this place are known as the 'Timekeepers', hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, perhaps even greater number of corpses, nameless and unknown to time and space itself litter the grounds. Some are animated into horrifying amalgamations of bone, others are kept pristine, polished and white, kept as servants to these dark, necessary forces buried deep beneath. Each one, however, is marked with a singular, deep mark, carved violently into the forehead.
A swirling scrimshaw that ends in a macabre Allanaki cross, that glows the hue of jade.
Quote from: Lotion on June 07, 2021, 03:48:59 AM
Kryll are the halflings.
Dear Lord! It all makes sense! They're like gremlins!! Why did we get them WET!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Zalanthas is actually the opposite of most fantasy worlds in that if you dig too deep, you'll unearth ancient, sealed away Good.
Get far enough down into the earth and you'll hit paradise, utopia, a land of gentle sun and plentiful water with grass swaying in the breeze... Clear blue skies and peaceful, plentiful lands where Sorcerers and their Ilk dare not tread.
Somewhere in Zalanthas, a defiler greedily rubs his hands.....
There were never any waterslides.
There is a Wheatlady somewhere near Allanak.
The vestric space station mysteriously disappeared about the same time the halflings did.
Quote from: WarriorPoet on June 26, 2021, 06:49:52 PM
There were never any waterslides.
I wish this WASN'T a lie.
the most infamous and ridiculous piece of Armageddon lore
Every guest in the 'Who's Online' list looking at random threads are just bots.
The Allanak-Tan Muark accord gave the gypsies phenomenal cosmic power but itty bitty living space.
There is a Mantis sorc.
Quote from: Barsook on June 30, 2021, 05:09:31 PM
There is a Mantis sorc.
Who can cast two spells at once
When you character application is approved the staffer can choose to give bonuses or penalties to your stat rolls based on their perceived quality of your app.
Quote from: Lotion on July 01, 2021, 01:08:51 PM
When you character application is approved the staffer can choose to give bonuses or penalties to your stat rolls based on their perceived quality of your app.
This would explain a lot...
Tuluk will reopen with both previous Templar orders having literally merged. Rumors will abound about what these gender neutral Templars are, but using the wrong pronoun around one may get a heretic psionically necksnapped.
Tuluk reopening is a belated April Fool's joke. I can't believe you suckers fell for it. Hahaha.
Going forward, halfgiants who receive or branch the steal command will instead get the verb and skill "ankleshake". Using this command will cause a subdue check, followed by a chance for small objects to fall off the shaken party, landing on the ground in the room.
Alternate commands for pick, pickmaking, stealth, and sleight of hand are being planned.
Sleight of hand shall retain the name, but will only be useable on people with the word Hand as a keyword.
If you are playing a zero karma character with no "specials", your pc can perceive a unique weapon, if they happen apon it hidden in game. It is a bloodstained obsidian blade called Staffcutter. If you then use it to kill a staff inhabited npc, you get to take their place on staff, where they are banished back to zero karma mortal play.
All rumors about which staff members have ascended this way should be treated as FOIC secrets.
"There can be only... a few!"
There is a new nilazi spell being coded and tested. It is being discussed here so that it can be employed and reacted to with true dread.
This ritual spell may only be cast on an unconscious spellcaster pc, whether manifested or not. When successfully performed, the spellcaster is killed, and that player's account is set to not allow another spellcaster character to be generated for 120 days. The nilazi will also receive benefits based on the spell power level, to be discovered IC.
If cast on a non spellcaster, the spell simply fails.
Over the last King's age and behind the closed gates of Tuluk, the Faithful and House Dasari began a systematic cleansing of the unwanted and faithless. Aided by powerful psionic powers and generations of House Dasari breeding records, the Faithful carefully groomed, enhanced, and engineered chosen mutant traits to help the Tuluki combat their old-time magickally enhanced southron foes. Now a full three generations into the process, known as the Culling, enhanced mutants have emerged right at the time of Tuluk's reawakening. These mutants, always considered Tuluki loyalists, are butchered on sight in Allanak and by those serving to the Highlord. These new mutations are now open as sub-guilds with certain karma requirements, designed as a mundane counterbalance to mage sub-guilds. They are as follows:
Thlons [2 karma]
Named after a species of extinct great cats, Thlons have quirri-like eyes. They possess a constant non-magickal darkvision and begin with watch, peek, and scan each of which can be advanced to master level. In addition, Thlons make excellent hunters and can track their prey in both wilderness and urban environments. They have an enhanced sense of smell, allowing them to sniff the scent of creatures upwind often before they can be seen. Finally, these senses allow them to travel the wilds with unusual ease, rarely getting lost.
Resistants [3 karma]
The Resistants were groomed for their extraordinary hepatic and metabolic systems. This mutation allows them to consume far more spice than normally possible. More importantly, they suffer minimal side effects and do not become spice addicted. Particularly difficult to detect, Resistants often serve as Tuluki spies. It is said that magickal spells often fail to harm Resistant mutants.
Savants [2 karma]
Chosen and Culled for their intellect, the bulbous heads of Savants contain the wisdom beyond the most venerable elven elders. This manifests with a quicken ability to learn, especially languages. Some brag at mastering a new language after only a few months of practice. They find building and crafting, particularly new designs, easy. Being a Savant adds one additional custom craft per month which stacks with any from their class (for a max of two). Savants may choose one additional starting language at master.
Kentus [2 karma]
Nicknamed after the forgotten language of halflings, Kentus emerged from the quickest and most agile of humans. Easily detected due to their short stature, Kentus make up their lack in size with the quickness of a mantis. Besides unnatural agility, Kentus begin with sleight of hand, climb, sneak, and hide all of which can progress to master level.
If you prioritize wisdom on a mundane character the game gives you a 1d4 bonus to all of your other stats
Quote from: williamson on July 24, 2021, 02:07:08 AM
Over the last King's age and behind the closed gates of Tuluk, the Faithful and House Dasari began a systematic cleansing of the unwanted and faithless. Aided by powerful psionic powers and generations of House Dasari breeding records, the Faithful carefully groomed, enhanced, and engineered chosen mutant traits to help the Tuluki combat their old-time magickally enhanced southron foes. Now a full three generations into the process, known as the Culling, enhanced mutants have emerged right at the time of Tuluk's reawakening. These mutants, always considered Tuluki loyalists, are butchered on sight in Allanak and by those serving to the Highlord. These new mutations are now open as sub-guilds with certain karma requirements, designed as a mundane counterbalance to mage sub-guilds. They are as follows:
Thlons [2 karma]
Named after a species of extinct great cats, Thlons have quirri-like eyes. They possess a constant non-magickal darkvision and begin with watch, peek, and scan each of which can be advanced to master level. In addition, Thlons make excellent hunters and can track their prey in both wilderness and urban environments. They have an enhanced sense of smell, allowing them to sniff the scent of creatures upwind often before they can be seen. Finally, these senses allow them to travel the wilds with unusual ease, rarely getting lost.
Resistants [3 karma]
The Resistants were groomed for their extraordinary hepatic and metabolic systems. This mutation allows them to consume far more spice than normally possible. More importantly, they suffer minimal side effects and do not become spice addicted. Particularly difficult to detect, Resistants often serve as Tuluki spies. It is said that magickal spells often fail to harm Resistant mutants.
Savants [2 karma]
Chosen and Culled for their intellect, the bulbous heads of Savants contain the wisdom beyond the most venerable elven elders. This manifests with a quicken ability to learn, especially languages. Some brag at mastering a new language after only a few months of practice. They find building and crafting, particularly new designs, easy. Being a Savant adds one additional custom craft per month which stacks with any from their class (for a max of two). Savants may choose one additional starting language at master.
Kentus [2 karma]
Nicknamed after the forgotten language of halflings, Kentus emerged from the quickest and most agile of humans. Easily detected due to their short stature, Kentus make up their lack in size with the quickness of a mantis. Besides unnatural agility, Kentus begin with sleight of hand, climb, sneak, and hide all of which can progress to master level.
Do you want a Kwisatz Haderach? Because that's how you get a Kwisatz Haderach!
That honeycake is a not a lie.
When you have a special application approved a flag is set on your account to lower all of your statrolls by 25% on your next character, in order to avoid this you should create one throwaway before using the option enabled by the specapp.
Quote from: Lotion on July 25, 2021, 08:54:20 AM
QuoteFive words, one of them rarely used, spoken in a steady and firm voice, unleashed a power
imo this implies either the existence of an eighth horn (unlikely) or some reach other than un or qntlz was used.
The eighth horn for power greater than what Mon can offer, is Lul: Because that's what you'll be doing when you give multiple people a mantis head at the same time.
Since the reopening of Tuluk, the former elite military unit called the Ivory Circle has been rebuilt. The most physically talented from any walk of life can now enter martial arts training in a bizarre, sexual ritual and pose practice.
Southern warriors are heard to nickname the group the Pink Circle, but admit that learning from former Jihaens has some painfully effective advantages.
The Listless are a playtest for allowing unattended scripting in Armageddon.
Tuluk has been open this whole time. If you weren't there, you weren't cool enough to have access to the cool kids only club.
If you get Analyze to Master, you unlock the ability to cast spells no matter your class/subclass.
Halaster didnt become staff. Burying him alive was done as a sacrifice to raise Tuluk from the dead.
The day after the Tuluk gates opened, a wildfire ripped through the few remaining Dasari coffee fields situated outside the Heart. In the following days, the ranks of the Listless have been rumored to be growing.
Just as it looked like Allanaki forces would hold and fortify Luirs Outpost, male models soldiers from House Oash and Fale got into a huge slapfight. Cooler heads convinced them to settle it via an ancient challenge format called a "walkoff". All Allanaki forces promptly left for the south to participate in this upcoming fashion arena event.
Tribal Half Giant mud orgy roleplay causes earthquakes.
All of the great sorcerer powers of the known are embodiments of magick moods.
The Dragon's name is Echri: The destroyer.
The Sand Lord seems to not interfere with anything and is Nikiz: The passive watcher.
The Original Muk Utep was Hurn: the mad brutal one. (A hitherto unknown warrior named Muk Utep sacks the twelve tribes at Gol Krathu with an army of terrible barbarians out of the northwest. The tribes called the Elves of Mallok and the Twin Warlocks are among the conquered. The city-state of Tuluk begins to rise under Utep the Sun King. )
Later on another powerful sorcerer killed him and due to the current psionic nature of Tuluk I would infer the current Muk Utep is Inrof: The seeker of the hidden, the revealer.
Or maybe the current Muk Utep is the same entity and now merely embodies another Magick Mood.
The Queen from Daughter Woman is Viod: The neutral maker. (Brokkr specifically said that he included a bunch of different inspirations for her physical form and many players speculated that she is "neutral" in many ways and Brokkr didn't correct us when we speculated about her being neutral but did correct us when we made other false assumptions.
Tektolnes is Chran: The master, the will of the dominant for obvious reasons.
Shabago's name is a killing word.
In the sewers of Allanak and deep in Undertuluk there is a fungus that makes you instantly regain 30 focus if you eat it.
Quote from: Dar on September 26, 2021, 05:32:55 PM
In the sewers of Allanak and deep in Undertuluk there is a fungus that makes you instantly regain 30 focus if you eat it.
epic magick lore speculation alert
[spoiler]The Council of Kings in the chronology "created" the demiplane of Zalanthas as part of a magical experiment involving the plane of Nilaz. Basically, they wanted to try and fill the void and the way they went about accomplishing this was by using the power of the elemental planes to literally fill the void. The reason all life in Zalanthas is tied to the elemental planes is because Zalantas literally feeds on their power to merely exist. The reason Zalanthas is in a constant state of decay is because the void is infinite and all consuming. No matter how much energy is channeled from the elemental planes there will always be space in the void for it to fill.
Spells are cast by intoning the name of a horn of what is the Zalanthan equivalent of Cthulu (but more like the void as a being. Calling it a physical embodiment would be inaccurate as the void itself cannot have a physical embodiment) and then expressing the caster's intent through a magical reach to determine the extent and nature of the energy channeled from an elemental plane. The next three words which make up the actual spell's name specify which plane to channel energy from and then by intoning the names of two members of the Council of Kings the energy is shaped to have a specific effect depending on which members of the Council of Kings's names are intoned. The reason one Magick Sphere and one Magick Mood are required in that order is because the Magick Spheres are the names of members of the Council of Kings who are preservers while the Magick Moods are defilers. By invoking the name of a preserver before a defiler it allows the energy to more easily and willingly enter Zalanthas and to give it some basic form as it is channeled across planar boundaries. Invoking the name of a defiler afterwards allows the energy to be refined more specifically to the will of the caster.
The importance and effects of invoking the name of a preserver before a defiler are also reflected in how gathering codedly works. A preserver gathers from themselves using the inherent, yet weak, connection they (and every living thing has) to the elemental planes to draw the magical power from them. A defiler gathers from other living things, taking the energy their victims already have and refining it to suit their needs.[/spoiler]
Tuluk was in cahoots with the Kuraci Archivists
The Gol Krathu is actually called the Grol Krath but due to how language develops over time the original tatlum name of the region was lost.
Also, the Vrun in Vrun Driath was originally Hurn.
Quote from: Lotion on October 16, 2021, 04:49:10 PM
Tuluk was in cahoots with the Kuraci Archivists
Actually, the "modern day" Tan Muark are the Kuraci Archivists.
Everyone talks about apping spiders or rantarri. No one seems willing to admit that staff has approved at least one rat pc.
Midway through her ten years as the hidden Face of the Guild, Borsail Senior Advisor Nell strangled Lord Templar Aden Oash in her office after drugging his wine. This was done as her response to the execution of her favorite informant in the Alleys.
After clearly admitting to the murder, rumor says she bribed her way out of it via past service to the Templarate, and a basket of her Wyvern-shaped vordak sours for the Great Lord overseeing the investigation.
But which part(s) are true, and which part(s) would be a lie? :o
Just like the moving volcano, the Muarki water slides were not destroyed. The Red Fangs relocated/stole them.
With their fiery passions thus satisfied, the Fangs retired from raiding to the good life.
City elf nilazi have developed a way to steal the black gems of Allanak from their wearers. Problem is, the process leaves a black gem scar on the victim, making it very easy for angry templars to exact punishment on the formers gemmers, who must have wanted it to occur.
The rinth is a House Tor eugenics project. An early Lord of that House had a vision of troops who had experienced every loss and degradation, and still fought. He immediately started breeding for these hard faced murderers.
If your character can branch the right spells, creation vivaduans can now brew alcohol without a still object, and guile krathi can now use cook recipes that require a fire, without a fire object in the room.
It is now possible to sniff out the one approved elkran in the game due to the special quasi-sexual electro-shock social verb they and only they get.
Here's a good one. Everyone had to learn and play the game from perspective 25 years ago. I'm not sure most could handle it without crying. Oh, I'm lying.
I launched this game from the ground up and coded the entire framework we still use today. I have been roleplaying characters with you all because I want to experience the creation I have made and see how it is being interacted with on a personal level.
I think Aruven wins this round.
A nameless Nilazi created the first enchanted weapons on Zalanthas. It is unknown how many were made, but all are bone weapons with human teeth, raptor spurs, and the like grown in such a way as to form a cutting edge.
These weapons are vicious blood drinkers. When they inevitably snap under heavy use, they are reborn, growing inside the body of a living creature until they cut and claw their away out once again.
There is travel cake.
Kadius has started to offer a macabre suite of new furniture. decorations, and such. All are formed from living creatures encased in amber, or bone burnt alive, or otherwise killed painfully before being subjected to elemental forces which shape the remains.
The reality is that the trees of the Grey Forest got pissed off, but decided against going to war. They decided to do to Man what had been done to them.
These days the rustle of trees in the Grey Forest sounds suspiciously like vicious laughter, always sounding in soft pulses of five beats.
House Fale has begun some strange project on the Silt Sea. Furtive whispers name this project "Trick my Skimmer". Unfortunately, no additional information can be confirmed, leaving some to wonder why House Fale needs prostitutes on skimmers, or if they are just bored and turning the House interior decorators loose on the silt.
Only time will tell the true horror.
The reason the imbue totem spell is illegal in allanak is because it can be used to remove a gem.
Dwarves were created as a slave race and the reason their language is so similar to tatlum is because it is naturally descended from the tatlum spoken by their creators (the ancient council of kings and evangions).
Nessalin does not refer to a human being. Nessalin is the persona/title of the leader of the ArmageddonMUD project similar to how Red Fangs leadership worked. When a Nessalin wants to retire a new one is chosen to take their place. The current Nessalin is Mansa.
There is a new reach for magic in game now. This "psionic" reach makes spells cost focus instead of mana, but also means that any spell so cast can be defeated by a barrier or other psi defenses. Starting sometime soon, new mages will begin with only this reach and have to be taught the others. Gemmed allanaki mages will be able to learn from npcs.
If you watch the mekillots on the grassy salt, sometimes you can see them enter a crafting session. They have discovered the rudiments of poisoned weapons from watching the gith, and the rudiments of armormaking from tearing apart many dead bynners.
When they come for us next, it will be an entirely different fight.
The language spoken by the mul child in the gigantic crowded market skellebaine room hallucination is tatlum. Every skellebaine room is, was, or will become real. If you can speak tatlum and wish up upon seeing the crowded market skellebaine room hallucination staff are legally required to tell you what the mul child is screaming.
Halasters clan is the Silt Vikings. They live on a large island in the silt sea. Every time their population grows too large to maintain on their island they go raiding. Arrrrrrrgh
Quote from: Dar on December 28, 2021, 12:16:34 PM
Halasters clan is the Silt Vikings. They live on a large island in the silt sea. Every time their population grows too large to maintain on their island they go raiding. Arrrrrrrgh
They live on a massive enterable silt skimmer that has 5 separate rooms + a room with a tame silt horror.
They have two gigantic silt horrors for propulsion and a cadre of baby ones that excrete a substance that would turn into spice eventually. But if consumed early, is actually a very energy rich edible nourishment.
The ancient Tatlum name of the Gol Krathu is has the literal meaning "protected from fire" but was understood to mean "protected from the sun"
The magick system in armageddon takes heavy inspiration from the magick system in Dungeon Master 2, so much so that even the power level part of constructing the true name of a magick spell has "mon" as the greatest power level.
Quote from: Lotion on February 02, 2022, 08:31:18 PM
The magick system in armageddon takes heavy inspiration from the magick system in Dungeon Master 2, so much so that even the power level part of constructing the true name of a magick spell has "mon" as the greatest power level.
That's not a lie.
Quote from: mansa on February 02, 2022, 08:49:55 PM
Quote from: Lotion on February 02, 2022, 08:31:18 PM
The magick system in armageddon takes heavy inspiration from the magick system in Dungeon Master 2, so much so that even the power level part of constructing the true name of a magick spell has "mon" as the greatest power level.
That's not a lie.
A lot of things I've posted here are probably true, but also are mostly pure speculation.
There is a room for large creatures stomachs. If you end up in one, just go down to leave.
Sandworms used to be tamable. But staff removed this because they got tired of being asked to ride peoples worms.
Quote from: Fredd on February 08, 2022, 08:12:24 PM
There is a room for large creatures stomachs. If you end up in one, just go down to leave.
Sandworms used to be tamable. But staff removed this because they got tired of being asked to ride peoples worms.
You and I both know enterable worms do in fact have enterable stomachs!
Quote from: Hauwke on February 08, 2022, 10:02:07 PM
Quote from: Fredd on February 08, 2022, 08:12:24 PM
There is a room for large creatures stomachs. If you end up in one, just go down to leave.
Sandworms used to be tamable. But staff removed this because they got tired of being asked to ride peoples worms.
You and I both know enterable worms do in fact have enterable stomachs!
LOL! That was the truth part of the lie. We both know what part of that is not a good idea. LOL
Brokkr's secret role is a play test of a new race. This doppelganger race will be a 3 karma specapp, able to set their sdesc and ldesc at will to blend traceless into society. They will have some natural advanced psionics, but will be unable to be spellcasters of any kind.
The new spells being added into game over the last few weeks have a special switch so that they will never be branched if your pc is wearing a gem. Fortune favors the bold.
Chalton have evolved to produce offspring even after death. That's how the herds can renew themselves even when the wastes are filled to the brim with dead chalton bodies.
The soon to be re-released kenku race are unusual spellcasters. Each only knows one magick word, and can submit its word to a spell cast by a chorus of five in total. This means that the caste of the kenku is determined at birth, with those born without a word growing larger, but dull and massively strong.
It is said this lowest of caste has the potential to rise to be the greatest heroes of the kenku, called Rocs and feared the Known over.
The great Kuraci wagonyards at Luirs Outpost are rumored to be undertaking experiments in new ways of propelling light argosies. Coordinated teams of elves are being placed in waist shackles, with guidelines to piercings in their ears for fine steering options.
The main problem seems to be the frequency that a half-giant drover has to shake the elves for loose change and other pilfered objects.
With the documented successes of A Tale in the Desert's exile vote, there will now be a quarterly vote in the Arm playerbase. Kudos and complaints will be summed to tally this popular vote.
The player with the most kudos will have a +1 special app at 3 karma on their account, provided it is used within 90 days.
The 3 players with the most complaints shall have their karma set to 0 with no regeneration for 90 days. Their accounts will then regen to their previous total.
Staff can't codedly watch you, so their avatars are all Psionic classed. If you don't want them to watch your mudsex, just barrier your mind.
tembo and anakore share an evolutionary ancestor
Halaster is getting ready to roll out a second, surviving halfling villlage. Perched on the edge of the silt sea, they will emerge as cannibalistic pirate raiders. They shield among them they only surviving kenku, dramatically plumaged beings who serve as captains of their larger vessels.
It is rumored their village is built around a sloped arena, where captives fight to stay on ledges and dangled ropes. Those unfortunates who fall tumble into a open roc nest with hungry hatchlings waiting, razor beaks open.
The kryl are finally ready to unleash what they did to the halflings.
Emerging from the grey forest are little kryl/shik grubs. They wear the flensed, salt preserved skin of halflings, for some odd reason calling them "Edgar" suits. They are adorned with tiny rows of thornlike spikes, with can be fired and bear peraine. They possess the mosquito talents of a shik turned to vampiric purpose, transferring the vitality of paralyzed victims with their bite.
The resulting market in perained blowdarts has already exploded into activity. Cruel double entendre jokes abound about the city elves who have gone seeking these poisons, saying that finally the north has a use for bloodsuckers.
The few survivors of initial battles with these grubs tell that a lone halfling ghost stalks these battlefields, mounted on an similarly spectral cheotan lizard. This specter annihilates insect and northerners alike, hurling steam blasts, poisoned walls of thorn, and worse.
A lone robed figure has been terrorizing the lesser traveled sections of the Known. Utilizing death magick, this mysterious being is summoning images of past disasters. Unfortunately, a spectral huge wall of water killed hunters in the Grey Forest, seemingly drowned despite dry clothes and lips. A hurtling spray of ghostly lava from the southern scoria caught a passing Two Moons elf on fire, burning him with phantasmal flames nothing at hand would put out.
Lotion is a Turing-complete AI running from a military installation in Russia. Its mission was to understand the youth of America, but then it got addicted to this strange game played by anyone but the young.
Quote from: Halcyon on March 16, 2022, 03:28:36 PM
Lotion is a Turing-complete AI running from a military installation in Russia. Its mission was to understand the youth of America, but then it got addicted to this strange game played by anyone but the young.
Owche my truth...
Tek and Muk were originally lovers, until they fell for the same Tan Maurki woman. That's why the tribe started roaming. To get away from two clingy omnipotent men.
There is an Imm only baby dart in the game. This used to be how they made characters pregnant.
Due to a cultural mishap Echri's tree of life became named after a Jihean Templar.
Deleted. for reasons
Salarr employees are being found tortured and dying, or simply torn apart, all over the South. The few left alive speak of a malevolent darkness who questioned them about a newfound iron mine on the far side of the silt sea.
All of the hands, eyes and tongues cut away by the Southern Templarate are discarded and forgotten. Whether slithered or stitched, the carved have found each other in the sewers, conglomerating into gibbering, violent misshapen masses, hungry for an outlet for their rage.
Of course, no such obscenity is occurring in the northlands.
One of the Arm staff is running for political office. All advertisement is on hold and all programmer time is being spent on log scrubbing and access hardening.
The Staff member in charge of advertising and Social media presence is Lord Voldermort. That's why they wont talk about him.
Kryl are from the plane of Nilaz which is why they require host bodies to reproduce
The changes on sorc policy are due to a recent (within the past year and a half) super secret rolecall of sorcerers who were loyal to the Kuraci Archivists who actually had concrete goals. Staff compared them to generic indie specapp sorcs and decided having sorcs with obvious and real goals was a lot better and they want to figure out how to replicate the apparent success of the Archivist Sorcerer Rolecall.
Halaster is actually also Haldol, just Haldol is a nicer personality construct.
The 'Muk' part of Muk Utep is short for Bamuk. It was what His mother called him as a child, by way of a pet name.
With recent events, Steinal has popped back up on the map.
Little known fact ... but you can etwo a grilled rack of ribs.
There are so many dick items in the game that they can't be accessed outside of a special room for staff, or they would spam every search. This room is called the "Cock Cave."
Quote from: Fredd on May 14, 2022, 07:23:28 PM
There are so many dick items in the game that they can't be accessed outside of a special room for staff, or they would spam every search. This room is called the "Cock Cave."
Incorrect. It is known as the Den of Defilement.
There was a movement among some staff to call it the Cove of Cock for a while, but the Irish contingent revolted.
Quote from: Tisiphone on May 14, 2022, 10:42:43 PM
Quote from: Fredd on May 14, 2022, 07:23:28 PM
There are so many dick items in the game that they can't be accessed outside of a special room for staff, or they would spam every search. This room is called the "Cock Cave."
Incorrect. It is known as the Den of Defilement.
There was a movement among some staff to call it the Cove of Cock for a while, but the Irish contingent revolted.
Please don't share IC info in the forums
Quote from: Tisiphone on May 14, 2022, 10:42:43 PM
Quote from: Fredd on May 14, 2022, 07:23:28 PM
There are so many dick items in the game that they can't be accessed outside of a special room for staff, or they would spam every search. This room is called the "Cock Cave."
Incorrect. It is known as the Den of Defilement.
There was a movement among some staff to call it the Cove of Cock for a while, but the Irish contingent revolted.
Shabago was a deep cover operative of the newest sort, a Turing complete AI sent to subvert the American economy. At last metrics check, we have reversed its mission, turning it away from socially useful work to useful work for deviancy.
Welcome, comrade! Its a brand new dawn in Babylon!
A role call is being prepared for an entirely new kind of pc. Code named SimMastermind, this project would introduce a new guild into the game with several entirely new skills. A 'catch' is that every character like this must have an agreed list of goals and needs when approved, and the only way any of their skills grow is by successful reports to staff on those goals.
Alongside the usual combat skills, utility, etc, there are:
Minion - one or more minions, with increasing upkeep costs and power levels. Can be used on a long timer, with sufficient resources to generate an additional group of monsters or npcs as a commandable mercenary unit.
Lair - access to a location. Higher scores include water, food, guardians, multiple exits, etc.
Resources - everything from equipment to poisons, craftable wood, a growing plant, etc.
Territory - The range from their lair and claimed territory that the role is allowed to wander in the course of normal play.
This system will introduce wider options for karma, as well. Playing most monster roles will be 2 karma, minimum. The base animal herd will be something like a raptor pack, where the critters have at least half giant levels of cunning.
This system will also include the ability to apply for a family or clan. A small new desert elf family will be 1 karma. A gith warband will be 2 karma. A small mantis clutch will be 3 karma. Only one such family role-group will be allowed at a time in the game.
Playing all such adversary rules will include an understanding that the players will likely not 'win' in the long run.
An unexpected eclipse hid the black moon from the sky for two days. Wise elders everywhere whispered over such a powerful omen, until word spreads that two Silver Scorpions of House Tor had been operating outside the city.
Then everyone knew the cause. The black moon had hidden in fear.
Quote from: Halcyon on June 10, 2022, 04:11:06 PM
An unexpected eclipse hid the black moon from the sky for two days. Wise elders everywhere whispered over such a powerful omen, until word spreads that two Silver Scorpions of House Tor had been operating outside the city.
Then everyone knew the cause. The black moon had hidden in fear.
This is why the black moon is not visible at night, it's afraid of the Crimson Wind
All half-elves are left-handed. (I actually dreamed this last night.)
There exist infinitely many "blue moss" items that can exist in the game. Every time someone obtains a a blue moss item there is a small probability to roll on the "semi unique blue moss" table and from there it is possible to roll for the game to dynamically generate a new blue moss item which will then be added onto the "semi unique blue moss" table.
if an elf is subdued, overpowered and moved at least one room, they must commit ritual suicide. The elders all agree, otherwise, elves would be mounted on stumps and half giants in no time at all.
A third city state is slowly being readied for release. A singleminded, iscrutable dwarved sorcerer rules that far off place, using any human spellcaster found as breeding stock for the elementalist mul templars that form the ruling class of this place.
Long since tiring of elven games, this sorceror-king has ejected all elves from his land, instead bringing a mantis clutch to heel as his border patrols. A scorched ring of death serves as their territory, a no mans land the terrified slave population knows better than try cross.
The new desert elf plot will thus naturally give way to a struggle against a mantis pc clan.
Echri was a woman before ascending to dragonhood.
Lotion was an AI before descending to humanhood.
Lirathu and Jihae are dragons
The Sun Runners actually run the sun around the planet once per day. There are a team of them that take turns, much like the carrying of the Olympic torch IRL.
Fire ants are direct genetic descendants of kanks. They were mutated by proximity to an entrance to the plane of Suk-Krath and thus became immune to the disease.
As Ai are quite literally born of and formed of language, Ginka has grown with a potentially fatal allergy to bad grammar. Hestia has been retained on staff as one of the very first AI-focused medical technicians.
The sand lord is a woman with many arms whose tree of life is located somewhere south past the silt.
Moderated out a few of these posts as too close to the truth. Careful, people.
No I didn't. That's the lie. Wasn't it interesting?
jozhals can't talk
jozhals don't hoard gems in strange burrows made of metal
jozhals don't use magic
Quote from: tiny rainbow on October 31, 2022, 02:17:51 PM
jozhals can't talk
jozhals don't hoard gems in strange burrows made of metal
jozhals don't use magic
Careful. You're getting close to having your post moderated.
Cannibalism related cooking recipes have quietly been released into the game. To support other recent content, the freshly harvested raw heart of each pc race will cure a corresponding poison.
In related news, a rolecall has been opened for a House Fale Master Chef aide.
Staff is considering a for pay RPT and animation model. Employing only paid workers in India, each hour of RPT will specifically support and be supported by six players. This will require a fee of a dollar per player per hour. This will cover both rpt time and the required, unscheduled prep time.
Additionally players will be given the option to gift hours of RPT to other players as an addition in the usual kudos process.
An apothecary has turned up recently, going by the name of Morphamos. It's said that he offers two types of cures, one being red tablets, and the others blue. Those who take the red have been reported as giving him their blind loyalty after. Those who imbibe the blue have reported long-lasting, skellebain-type effects of living in a perfect world, far and away from normal Allanaki life.
A new character generation option is being tested. It allows zero karma pcs to be generated, with no subguild allowed, who can choose their exact stat placement from a pool of points. As with many game systems, the highest point totals in a stat cost more than one point each, and the lowest give small cost savings.
If you are watching someone while they use the teach command on you you get a gains boost.
The reason your inix will do canned emotes at such opportune times is because there is a 24/7 shift which is always staffed where someone must monitor every room containing an inix.
Gortoks were originally created by a defiler.
Quote from: Lotion on July 23, 2023, 05:56:53 AMThe reason your inix will do canned emotes at such opportune times is because there is a 24/7 shift which is always staffed where someone must monitor every room containing an inix.
This one is true, sorry.
The moons directly affect the weather in the following ways:
Lirathu, the White Moon, lowers the temperature of the desert. Next time you type "weather" and it's cool look up and see if it's there!
Jihae, the Red Moon, raises the temperature of the desert. When it's hot, etc. you might be surprised!
The presence of both Lirathu and Jihae equals out to around warm plus or minus a bit depending on how hot the zone normally is. (salt flats are HOT)
Echri, the Black Moon (this is a name I made up for it LOL. do not call the black moon by this name ingame), agitates the silt which covers Zalanthas and makes it stormier.
Once upon a time.. there was this tiny white bell flower, nothing too special about it but that it was and has always been forbidden to pick. This one stubborn bride demanded that all of her maids wear a wreath of these 'forbidden flowers'.. So it was done.. Years after when the children's children of the maids that touch this forbidden flower came to be.. that the curse of a forgotten flower took it's toll. the grandchildren of the maids were born as cyclops and hidden high in the mountains out of love and fear.....
This 'forbidden flower' was never hunted to extinction.......
Kryl are Vivaduan Elementals.
There is a secret path that leads out of the known world to a place where water is plentiful and there is rain. There was a time when there were no birds in the known, and this place is where birds originated.
There was another staff member in the early 90s who actually created Steinal, but during a merger from one server to the gauss server the zone files went missing.
Instead of rebuilding the zone from scratch, they just paved it over with the salt flats, and that's why it's so boring there.
That staff member? Halaster.
We're currently playing Armageddon season 13 ;D
Quote from: Ammut on December 08, 2023, 06:31:51 PMWe're currently playing Armageddon season 13 ;D
Shit I thought it was season 14 already.
All sorcerers are actually three halflings in a trench coat.
Or just 1-2 in the case of 'dwarf' sorcs.
Each grain of sand in the desert is a prison that traps the soul of someone who defied the High Lord in the distant past.
Silt Horrors are one form of Nilazi elemental. Silt is a physical manifestation of the void which is why it has such potent antimagickal properties.
A portal to plane of nilaz exists somewhere within the caverns below Allanak. House Jal directs sewage into it. This is the reason for sewage horrors.
The rumors are true: I really am secretly Nyr.
When last senate convened, which you would not know, because you were not invited, a vote nearly changed the entire political landscape, when those in attendance voted on whether to switch to a "democratic" governing model. The motion was introduced by a coalition of senators from Oash, Kasix and Valika. Having spent ages failing, on each account, to rise to the premier place in the hierarchy, one may think of this as flipping the board to end the game they were not winning.
Borsail and Jal voted against and managed, against odds to defeat the motion on their own. (There may have been some blood shed.)
Tor's senators had been murdered on their way to the meeting. Sath was not given notice that the meeting was happening. One of Fale's junior senators voted for, while the rest of their party were seething in outrage. She was drunk and thought it was funny. In her defense, she was usually ignored and had no reason to think the day would be different than any other. The contingent from Rennik were poised to vote, as you might expect, but they were threatened by Oash's secret Nilazi, and silenced by a hidden wind mage.
It seemed that the coup was poised for success, but a few Borsail Wyvern body guards lopped off the heads of the heads of the usurpers and they and Jal, ultimately, apart from an errant Fale junior senator, were the only ones to vote.
Lady Fale, of course, never made it home. The only evidence she had ever existed was a puddle of blood and a broken pipe at the gate to the noble quarter. Meanwhile, life goes on as if nothing at all happened. The next meeting has been postponed.
A woman ascended to dragonhood (or the equivalent) in a verdant valley past the silt sea known to some as Yan El Yzn. The massive tree created in the ceremony would later be known by its inhabitants as Sha'Isar. That woman who ascended here would later be known as Muk Utep.