Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: whitt on April 02, 2016, 03:23:55 PM

Title: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: whitt on April 02, 2016, 03:23:55 PM
Before LauraMars has to stop celebrating long enough to split the Celebration thread...

Quote from: whitt on April 02, 2016, 03:09:04 PM
Quote from: Jingo on April 02, 2016, 01:59:58 PM
I don't like the change. I don't like the way it changes the dynamics for stealth characters. I think it should be obvious when someone notice-observes you.


I think it should be obvious when someone follows you through the narrow doorway of your apartment and you close the door right behind you.

I think it should be obvious when you're talking to some one and they disappear in the middle of the conversation while you are looking right at them.

I think... the list is too long.

Until stealth stops being transdimensional movement and better than invisibility?  I don't think the stealth characters have much to worry about.


That said, players should be just as accountable for not reporting details about characters that they can't see as stealthy characters are about using their super-powers responsibly.

MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016!  Like if you had a hood up, facewrap on, and cloak closed... No mdesc.  Only tdesc and gear/tats/scars.

Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Jihelu on April 02, 2016, 03:29:56 PM
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Barsook on April 02, 2016, 03:33:23 PM
I dig this for the realism!
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: LauraMars on April 02, 2016, 03:36:15 PM
I like this idea and have always liked it.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Lizzie on April 02, 2016, 03:38:54 PM
It's not realistic, and realism isn't a concern to me at all. What it isn't, that does concern me, is believable.

You're trying to tell me that when the figure in the dark hooded cloak shows up and I look at him -

I won't noticed that he's missing two fingers on his left hand, his right leg is significantly shorter than his left, one of his eyes is black and the other is blue, and whatever skin is exposed, is peeling in grey flakes.

I won't notice that, because it's all part of his mdesc which you don't want me to see, just because he's wearing a closed hooded cloak.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Majikal on April 02, 2016, 03:44:13 PM
I despise mdesc hiding items because of the silliness that went along with them and the effort people would go through to kill someone and obtain their cloth sack with holes cut in it or their weird bunny mask (not joking, it was a thing).

The idea of a way to simply hide yourself with the facewraps, masks and hoods available makes the game more dangerous and provides more chance for conflict (which I am allllll for). Of course cloaking up in burglar/ninja fashion to hide your mdesc would demonstrate you are most certaintly up to no good and get dealt with accordingly too. Lizzie's concerns are 100 percent valid and I wish there was a more complex way to address it with the code. I think the pro's outweigh the cons though. Any code change that gives the opportunity for more MCB I like being brought into the game.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: IntuitiveApathy on April 02, 2016, 03:52:27 PM
Quote from: Majikal on April 02, 2016, 03:44:13 PM
I despise mdesc hiding items because of the silliness that went along with them and the effort people would go through to kill someone and obtain their cloth sack with holes cut in it or their weird bunny mask (not joking, it was a thing).

The idea of a way to simply hide yourself with the facewraps, masks and hoods available makes the game more dangerous and provides more chance for conflict (which I am allllll for). Of course cloaking up in burglar/ninja fashion to hide your mdesc would demonstrate you are most certaintly up to no good and get dealt with accordingly too. Lizzie's concerns are 100 percent valid and I wish there was a more complex way to address it with the code. I think the pro's outweigh the cons though. Any code change that gives the opportunity for more MCB I like being brought into the game.

Every time this topic comes up, this has always been the real concern.  The way Arm's appearance code works, it just isn't feasible.. so it's always the binary all or nothing.

I was looking at Sindome the other day, and as an example, their appearance code seems pretty interesting and would probably work to address this issue (I'm sure there are other muds might have something similar as well?):
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Lizzie on April 02, 2016, 03:59:14 PM
Another possibility could be head-to-toe costumes. But they would replace your clothing, and be worn as a jumpsuit and hooded mask. You'd have to take all your clothes off, have no pack. Remember - there's no spandex, lycra, zippers, or velcro in Zalanthas. This stuff would by necessity be pretty baggy and totally impractical to wear unless it was custom-made. And if you really wanted to wear a silly erdlu costume, it'd come complete with fake scales, no armholes, enough boning and stuffing to bend you over awkwardly so you couldn't walk straight, and the headpiece would probably be so heavy you'd want to take it off soon after putting it on.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: whitt on April 02, 2016, 04:03:25 PM
Quote from: Lizzie on April 02, 2016, 03:38:54 PM
I won't notice that, because it's all part of his mdesc which you don't want me to see, just because he's wearing a closed hooded cloak.

I'd expect those things to be in the tdesc.  But yes, I know that won't happen.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Jingo on April 02, 2016, 04:09:42 PM
Masks and disguises work very well in the real world.

I don't see why they wouldn't work on zalanthas even with your hyper-observant finger counting character.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: BadSkeelz on April 02, 2016, 05:29:35 PM
Make wearing items that hide your mdesc a criminal offence.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Norcal on April 02, 2016, 05:36:47 PM
Quote from: BadSkeelz on April 02, 2016, 05:29:35 PM
Make wearing items that hide your mdesc a criminal offence.

This. Would work in towns.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Dresan on April 02, 2016, 08:59:26 PM
I want to see items like this in game.

After some thought there is no reason why we shouldn't. However these items should be treated like the equivalent of ski masks, made for hard weather conditions. If you walk in the bank wearing a ski mask in the middle of summer, all eyes will be on you and police might be notified. It isn't illegal but it raises suspicion. This gear/masks would be made for heavy storms, specifically covering most of the face except eyes for protection,thus more be purposely thicker and obscure than say a light veil over the face. If you wearing it in the bar or even in the city should be considered weird and suspicions since it would be something a criminal would do who is trying to hide their identity.


If you think about it this way, there are more pros for the overall game than cons, if its handled this particular way. It should not be considered the same as someone walking around with their hood up, and as we know even that can get your ass kicked now and then.  It gives something for militia something more to do, and they would need to harass anyone they see wearing such things. Again it wouldn't be illegal but it would be normal get fined and have your ass kicked if you keep drawing attention like that, maybe even labeled a criminal after a while too if you are caught like that too many times.  

I trust the community not to abuse this by putting it. However, even if someone puts it on and walks into the bar to be an asshole to everyone there, it would just be a job for militia and templars to deal with...or the brawl code. Brawl code in bars could have an additional effect of having those face coverings yanked off.  :)

Ultimately I feel this addition would lead to more conflict but not necessarily more murders. This is not only because karma is more important now and the fact that staff/community frowns on and stops griefer who kills without any reason. But because it opens the door to conflict resolution that doesn't have to be fatal or social suicide for the attacker.  I think what we would see more of though is more muggings, and people beaten unconscious and having them wake their valuables (including an ear or an eyeball) missing both in cities/towns and outside in the wilderness.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Brytta LĂ©ofa on April 03, 2016, 12:26:02 AM
Quote from: Norcal on April 02, 2016, 05:36:47 PM
Quote from: BadSkeelz on April 02, 2016, 05:29:35 PM
Make wearing items that hide your mdesc a criminal offence.

This. Would work in towns.

- Make items that hide your mdesc be common and cheap, but cause you to be crime-flagged you if you walk into a populated city room wearing one - even if you're sneaking/hidden. It's silly for them to be rare and expensive, but there has to be some tradeoff; things will get bad if rinth-rats can sneak + hide + mdesc-hide with complete impunity.

- Add a concise, invariant-across-species-and-heights description to assess -v.
He appears young for his race.
He appears to be a young human, taller than average and heavier than average.
He is slightly taller than you.
He is slightly heavier than you.
The tall, muscular man is in excellent condition.
The tall, muscular man does not look tired.

Giving everybody a preternatural, error-free ability to accurately size up everyone else isn't exactly realistic, but it gives people a minimally-annoying, non-finicky way to describe an mdesc-hidden person.  (Also, as I recall, "for his race" was made the universal wording some years back to help half-elves blend in; that's unnecessary now since half-elves can choose how they present.)
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: solera on April 03, 2016, 01:29:21 AM
I'm not keen on NPCs jumping on you for what might be an OOC oversight .
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Evilone on April 03, 2016, 02:04:37 AM
I'm all for mdesc hiding gear. All the other RPI's I've played have used them, and playing a criminal on one of them for over a couple RL years, they are wonderful. I'd much rather be safe than sorry, letting the PC's description be hidden and rely on them to RP what can be seen accordinaly, than trust the player to RP not immediately knowing who you are by a simple look command if you are RPing being covered up and in a mask. If said PC's with the mdesc hiding gear are abusing, appropriate measures can be taken. The temptation is great, and it's hard if you know who it is and then have to suddenly pretend you don't. Your whole perspective changes, and the mystery is gone. Though those other RPI muds also had a stare command, which had a delay, but would let you see their sdesc.

This gear should be illegal contraband and be immediate reason for arrest.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Lizzie on April 03, 2016, 08:59:54 AM
I won't -not- have a huge problem with mdesc hiding gear, for the precise reason that it hides the entire mdesc. This topic comes up basically on a yearly basis, and my concern is always the same, and there are very few solutions to the problems it will cause. So far, the staff has only explained why it was taken out (some of which is my concern with it).

So to revisit my #1 concern and the solution to it that I have, and have had all these years:

Your mdesc isn't supposed to describe only your face and hair. It's supposed to describe your entire character, minus mundane/ordinary scars/tattoos that can be acquired via the hall of kings or immediately out of it. It doesn't need to be in great detail, unless that detail is profoundly obvious (such as a missing left arm or a hump back).

A *mask* that hides an mdesc, therefore, is a cheat. It's using a thing that covers the face only, that does NOT obscure the rest of the body, but the code forces it to anyway because we don't have the ability, currently, to change our mdescs and most people don't remember (or don't bother) to use tdesc, ever let alone when appropriate.

A *costume* that hides an mdesc shouldn't be hiding the body shape, if there's something unusual about it. Such as that humpback or missing arm. But the way the code is presently, your idea of wearing a costume WOULD obscure that humpback or missing arm, because you want it to obscure the entire mdesc.

So that's my issue with it.

My solution - I've refined it, but the basic premise is the same:

Change the mdesc code in chargen to accommodate for the possibility that the character will at some point wear an mdesc-obscuring object.

Implementation is a little different than when I first made this suggestion; here's my update on it:

Require fill-in target words during the chargen process, which would be used to provide a secondary "hdesc" for hidden descriptions (not hidden people - just their descriptions).

Blah blah blah is tressy tressed and slinky with broad shoulders, a humpback,
three feet. She has one dark brown eye and one pale blue eye. She is ample-
bottomed with ass-cheeks that jiggle when she moves, and is entirely flatchested
over her concave stomach.

Chargen asks:
Is there anything in your mdesc that stands out? Y

Okay. Include 1-4 words for each of the following that describe anything that stands out:
(separate features within each line with commas)

Head: brown eye, blue eye
Upper Torso: humpback, flat-chested
Lower Torso: ample-bottomed, concave stomach
Legs/feet: Three feet
Arms/Hands: [left blank]

Now, when you wear an mdesc-hiding costume, you'll see the following:

The figure in the green-scaled tregil-mask costume:
Blah blah generic tregil-like features for the face-mask part.
A brown eye and a green eye are visible through the mask. The figure
has a humpback and is flat chested, ample-bottomed with a
concave stomach. The figure has three feet.

It's clunky and I'm sure someone else could refine it further but that's the idea. Reason: Really big people shouldn't be capable of wearing costumes that make them appear to be really small. Really fat people shouldn't be capable of wearing costumes that make them magically appear to be really thin or even average. People with three legs shouldn't be able to just toss a mask over their face and suddenly no one can see the third foot sticking down from their left ankle. Humpbacked people shouldn't be capable of suddenly NOT being humpbacked, just because they threw a purple jerkin over their body.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: valeria on April 03, 2016, 01:15:03 PM
I'd really rather have a disguise skill, guys.

You would use said gear to "disguise" yourself, allowing you to put in a temporary mdesc that replaces your current mdesc.

Much like stealth, you would have no idea if your mdesc is what you think it is, or if people looking at you actually see you.

You could also change your height/weight/sex with it.

You would have to use skill-appropriate tools.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Chettaman on April 03, 2016, 01:57:40 PM
How about... during character creation; "hidden discriptions" are asked for.

''Hooded discription''
''masked / half-masked / full helmed discription''

so when you throw a hood up it replaces your mdesc with your hmdesc?
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Lizzie on April 03, 2016, 02:37:10 PM
Quote from: Chettaman on April 03, 2016, 01:57:40 PM
How about... during character creation; "hidden discriptions" are asked for.

''Hooded discription''
''masked / half-masked / full helmed discription''

so when you throw a hood up it replaces your mdesc with your hmdesc?

That sets the learning curve just for chargen to an incredibly high level for new players. Most new players (heck most players, period) want to get the chargen done and done so they can get approved and start playing ASAP. Most players aren't going to want to dedicate all that much time to creating a bunch of different descriptions JUST IN CASE they happen to need to make use of one of the alternates.

I'd thought of a secondary description just for covered faces...

But then I thought maybe requiring the original mdesc to have two phases - one for the head/face/hair, and one for the rest of the body - so that if their face is covered, the bottom part of the mdesc would still be visible, and the covered part would simply not show up when someone looked at them.

Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Thunkkin on April 03, 2016, 06:41:56 PM
Quote from: Lizzie on April 03, 2016, 02:37:10 PM

That sets the learning curve just for chargen to an incredibly high level for new players.

What if mdesc hiding equipment by default shows your mdesc, until you set a hiddenmdesc (works like tdesc) description. If you have something entered for hiddenmdesc, then it shows that instead. Newbies entering the game are none the wiser until they need to be. Players who abuse the hiddenmdesc can have the ability to change it removed or staff can could even edit something into it if the player was being particularly abusive (like adding "He has six arms" to the end of the hiddenmdesc).

Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Lizzie on April 03, 2016, 06:50:32 PM
Quote from: Thunkkin on April 03, 2016, 06:41:56 PM
Quote from: Lizzie on April 03, 2016, 02:37:10 PM

That sets the learning curve just for chargen to an incredibly high level for new players.

What if mdesc hiding equipment by default shows your mdesc, until you set a hiddenmdesc (works like tdesc) description. If you have something entered for hiddenmdesc, then it shows that instead. Newbies entering the game are none the wiser until they need to be. Players who abuse the hiddenmdesc can have the ability to change it removed or staff can could even edit something into it if the player was being particularly abusive (like adding "He has six arms" to the end of the hiddenmdesc).

You can already do that with tdesc, and most people don't use tdesc at all, let alone to significantly append their mdesc. That's why this is an issue in the first place. Because even now, with the ability to do this with tdesc, people don't. When given the option, people opt out.

The only solution would be a mandatory change, such that the disguise simply wouldn't fit if you didn't have one of those other descriptions.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Thunkkin on April 03, 2016, 07:00:08 PM
Quote from: Lizzie on April 03, 2016, 06:50:32 PM
Quote from: Thunkkin on April 03, 2016, 06:41:56 PM
Quote from: Lizzie on April 03, 2016, 02:37:10 PM

That sets the learning curve just for chargen to an incredibly high level for new players.

What if mdesc hiding equipment by default shows your mdesc, until you set a hiddenmdesc (works like tdesc) description. If you have something entered for hiddenmdesc, then it shows that instead. Newbies entering the game are none the wiser until they need to be. Players who abuse the hiddenmdesc can have the ability to change it removed or staff can could even edit something into it if the player was being particularly abusive (like adding "He has six arms" to the end of the hiddenmdesc).

You can already do that with tdesc, and most people don't use tdesc at all, let alone to significantly append their mdesc. That's why this is an issue in the first place. Because even now, with the ability to do this with tdesc, people don't. When given the option, people opt out.

The only solution would be a mandatory change, such that the disguise simply wouldn't fit if you didn't have one of those other descriptions.

ER ... but if people opt out with what I suggested, then their mdesc would be shown by default ... so ...
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: evilcabbage on April 03, 2016, 08:15:52 PM
tdesc is hardly capable of "significantly" appending to anything. it's a couple of lines of flavor text, nothing more.

lots of people use tdesc.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Chettaman on April 03, 2016, 10:53:51 PM
Thunkkin's got a great idea.

default the mdesc until someone uses the "hdesc" command.
The hdesc command can only be used if someone has a hood up or a mask or some other cover.

So... anyone who /wants/ to have their description hidden can. And anyone who doesn't or doesn't even care either way won't.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Riev on April 03, 2016, 11:12:57 PM
This just in: People don't use tdesc to "hide" their description because they know you can already see the mdesc.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Lizzie on April 04, 2016, 08:43:08 AM
I mis-read Thunnkin's post. I kind of like that idea now.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: catchall on April 04, 2016, 11:18:07 AM
Quote from: Lizzie on April 03, 2016, 08:59:54 AMReason: Really big people shouldn't be capable of wearing costumes that make them appear to be really small. Really fat people shouldn't be capable of wearing costumes that make them magically appear to be really thin or even average.

Maybe we should add a command that shows a figure's general weight/height/age.  We could call it "assess."   Every other issue you mentioned is immediately solved by adding a counterbalancing command that sees through disguises.  Hard to complain that it's hiding vital information from you when you can access that information with a single command.

A clunky markup language sounds cute and fun on paper, but besides the fact that it's a nightmare for newbies and would have to be optional, it's also nearly equivalent to not wearing any disguise at all if the person has seen you before, as substring uniqueness can be used to match the description to the description of someone else you've seen. 
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Delirium on April 04, 2016, 11:23:58 AM
^ I came here to post that.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: valeria on April 04, 2016, 11:43:52 AM
Anyway, the reason I'd advocate a disguise command/skill over a general hidden description thing is that how you look with your description hidden is going to depend on what you're using to hide it. So it would allow for more granularity as well as not just being automagically successful simply because you have your hood up.

And by all means pair it with a study command that echoes. That would be great.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Chettaman on April 04, 2016, 04:44:57 PM
Interesting idea.

Using Thunkkin's idea and valeria's idea.

A disguise skill that allows the use of "hdesc". hmm...
Maybe disguise could fool the "assess" command?

You're a human male age 44, your hight is 64 inches and your weight is 9 ten-stone .you are in excellent condition. You are completely rested.
>change gender female
>change age 15 --- you seem to be fifteen years old for your race
>change hight 88  (through the use stilts or something) --- you seem to be 88 inches tall!
>change weight 7 -- you seem to weigh 7 ten-stone
>change race elf --- you seem to be an elf
>change condition poor --- you seem to be in poor condition
>change stamina tired --- you seem to be tired.

I really like the idea of anyone being able to become a bandit just by hiding their appearance with hdsec, though.
scan could allow people to see through disguises. And maybe watch...
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Vwest on April 04, 2016, 04:58:20 PM
In principle it seems like it would be a cool addition, but experience with it in other games shows an almost universal tendency for people to devolve into absolute retards when they know they're more or less beyond identification.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Evilone on April 04, 2016, 07:07:07 PM
Were these other games RPIs? To me its never been a big deal in FEM, HL, and SoI. You definately need that study command tho. I think that would be a little easier to code than a new disguise skill and having a hdesc command, even tho I like the idea.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: BadSkeelz on April 04, 2016, 07:19:06 PM
Someone has the anecdote of the mdesc-masked man repeatedly trying to steal everything from everyone's pack in the Gaj because he couldn't be stopped.

RPIs or not, there will always be those players who will resort to code twinkery simply because nothing stops them.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Vwest on April 04, 2016, 08:15:27 PM
Quote from: Evilone on April 04, 2016, 07:07:07 PM
Were these other games RPIs? To me its never been a big deal in FEM, HL, and SoI. You definately need that study command tho. I think that would be a little easier to code than a new disguise skill and having a hdesc command, even tho I like the idea.

All of the above, plus EoE.

The latest reincarnation of SoI was exceptionally bad, where people were treating hidden descriptions and stealth code like it made them ninjas. This one guy kept hiding in the middle of a conversation and emoting peeking out of bushes and dropping down from trees, despite... you know... there being seven of us standing there looking at him. Just. Ugh.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: lostinspace on April 04, 2016, 08:23:03 PM
I already use a face item whenever I have a character do something they could get in trouble for and would really like if it also covered up my description. I would love if criminal types got a disguise skill that they could use hdesc to replace their description with the hdesc until they clear it.  Staff can log when a character does something, just have them log a big red flag whenever someone uses the skill. Then if players send in reports complaining about someone twinking with that hdesc staff can just grep the hdesc log and take away all that person's karma or send a scathing letter or something.

Hell, let other players disguise someone else using an item that hides the desc. 'disguise amos mask' so that anyone can have a disguise, but only certain classes can make them. Disguise goes away if the gear that is hiding them is removed or stolen or whatever. Also potentially add in a study command or something for seeing through a disguise, then have it passively countered by an opposed disguise roll to identify that someone is disguising their identity.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: BadSkeelz on April 04, 2016, 08:26:38 PM
I'd also like the bullshit '>contact figure' strategy to be removed.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Inks on April 04, 2016, 09:09:05 PM
With the twinkiness I am seeing with look hemote in game now (everyone spamming it at everyone even if seated in a tavern in a conversation). We need this. 100%. Make contact figure unable to be used too.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Lizzie on April 04, 2016, 09:11:50 PM
Quote from: Inks on April 04, 2016, 09:09:05 PM
With the twinkiness I am seeing with look hemote in game now (everyone spamming it at everyone even if seated in a tavern in a conversation). We need this. 100%. Make contact figure unable to be used too.

It's not twinky at all. This is WHY the look shouldn't echo - because people think it's twinky, when it's not. My character has pals - and she LOOKS at them all the time because I, the player, can't remember what color their eyes are, I can't remember which side of their shoulder they have their scars, I can't remember if they have broad shoulders or slender shoulders - things that my character *should* know, but I can't remember, things that I want to include in emotes, but can't, because I can't remember without LOOKING at them every so often to remind me.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Inks on April 04, 2016, 09:35:57 PM
Using look isn't twinky. Using look on a random in a virtually packed market instantly is twinky. Using look on every person walking through a tavern is twinky. Even if not twinky it is totally lame to be spamming look at people walking in while engrossed in a conversation at a bar or table.

Mdesc hiding gear would balance this somewhat for sneakies but doesn't help regular pcs. I don't really see a fix. At least with look echo I could see who was lamely spamming it. IMO.

I like not having the spam, to be honest, on the other side of things, but the fact I know it is probably happening more but is less noticeable now wigs me out, on the other.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Lizzie on April 04, 2016, 09:44:41 PM
If you feel people are abusing the code, report them. I'll continue using LOOK as an ooc information-gathering device until the staff tells me otherwise.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Case on April 04, 2016, 09:58:55 PM
Do we need hard paragraph mdescs at all?

Can we get by with another model? Even something like writing little blurbs for various bodyparts that forms the mdesc, and allows for partial and full covering?
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Lizzie on April 04, 2016, 10:06:25 PM
Quote from: Case on April 04, 2016, 09:58:55 PM
Do we need hard paragraph mdescs at all?

Can we get by with another model? Even something like writing little blurbs for various bodyparts that forms the mdesc, and allows for partial and full covering?

That's majorly old-school template stuff. You'd have to use a template, and you wouldn't be allowed to stray from it because if you did the code would show weird stuff. You wouldn't be able to mention that her hair falls down her back because then, her hair becomes part of the torso section. And when you cover her head, her hair wouldn't be visible, even though it should be. You basically would have to use a different sentence for each part of the body, and none of them would be allowed to overlap.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Thunkkin on April 05, 2016, 12:00:25 AM
Oh my god. Looking at people is "twinky" now?

Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Jingo on April 05, 2016, 12:02:08 AM
Quote from: Thunkkin on April 05, 2016, 12:00:25 AM
Oh my god. Looking at people is "twinky" now?


Yeah actually. It can be now.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Thunkkin on April 05, 2016, 12:17:03 AM
Until we code in sound, peripheral vision, smell, the ability to read thousands of tiny cues from the environment per second, the ability to instantly detect a change in the face of the person talking to us when something happens behind us, the ability for our eyes to dart quickly around the room, noticing that ten people at one table all have the same cloak pattern, etc., I'll continue to look as much as I please without the faintest hint of guilt.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: evilcabbage on April 05, 2016, 12:36:37 AM
Quote from: Lizzie on April 04, 2016, 09:44:41 PM
If you feel people are abusing the code, report them. I'll continue using LOOK as an ooc information-gathering device until the staff tells me otherwise.

look is in character
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Jihelu on April 05, 2016, 12:37:14 AM
Quote from: Lizzie on April 04, 2016, 09:44:41 PM
If you feel people are abusing the code, report them. I'll continue using LOOK as an ooc information-gathering device until the staff tells me otherwise.

I'll continue responding to your looks in an IC manor manur meaner manner then.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Asmoth on April 05, 2016, 12:43:28 AM
I'm happy about this change, I hate it!

See picture for reference.

Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Chettaman on April 05, 2016, 01:36:43 AM
I saw, "You notice: the guy looks at the girl" a few times today.
You see people ''spamming'' the look command and I'm having trouble emoting without using it! I'm so used to "look man (winking)" to get attention that I near spaz out and do it again because I forget it's hemoted. You may also be seeing this adjustment. I looked at the same person and the wrong person at least three times before actually emoting.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Asmoth on April 05, 2016, 01:44:47 AM
I'll make this simple. Look is in character until the day you type look Tressy and the mud directs you to the forums.

If that never happens, congratulations, your character looking at people is IC!!!
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Chettaman on April 05, 2016, 08:22:36 AM
Hm. my last post here was actually longer and more complicated, but I guess my computer died before it could edit it... or maybe... No. I was panicking, because I only had like three minutes. I posted it all at once. ... weird. Did I dream it? Damn you, brain. Note: my original post looked nothing like this post. This is just a tribute.
**edit dammit. I found the post in code discussion. Good work brain. I'm sorry for cursing you.

But I can see how look spamming can seem abusive.
As soon as someone enters a bar I can imagine every PC using "look dood" and they're in the middle of a bar fight! - they're in the middle of a heavy conversation that involves the lives of millions - they're secretly ''rubbin' ears'' in the shadows - they're link dead - they're blind - they are otherwise occupied.

bar fight - you're distracted momentarily by another patron of this fine establishment.
heavy conversation - you glance briefly at ~dood as something catches your eye, but you are none the less involved in your conversation.
ear rubbed - it'd be embarrassing if anyone saw you.
ear rubber - it'd be awesome if anyone saw you.
link dead - what the hell, man? you have time to look, but not time to roleplay? < file a complaint. < if they were thinking the whole time and ignoring you like the other NPCs... uh. Well. Unlikely. It's still poor form.
blind - When you learn to recognize the sounds of different foot falls it makes sense to want to be right about a type of foot wear a person may be wearing? What kind of smell their clothing me have; poop, blood, sweat and who it may belong to. Noticing the familiar sounds of chainmail or the subtle sound of the breeze on smooth silk compared to rough burlap.
has their back turned to dood - oh.

^ this is where the look command becomes ''twinky''.
When a person shouldn't have the ability to see you, but they look at you without even hemoting. And... while I know it's wrong of me to accuse people of stuff they may never do, I expect a majority of people will be ALWAYS seated facing towards the door (which is fine). Even worse, I expect people to use this knowledge gained with the look command ICly, because it is an IC construct.
but I think the OOC ideology/truth comes from people who know they may not be noticed if they use the look command /as soon/ as someone walks in. They can get away with gathering that information without roleplay attached as long as they don't get caught. - and worse use that information gathered later on for roleplay without any forewarning to the person who was seen. (which is fine) if you're seen with something that could get you in trouble, chances are going to the bar was a bad idea anyway. - there are more people than PCs in the bar.
I think it's just poor form /not/ to roleplay the look. Because it is an IC construct.

It makes sense to look at a person that you're talking to over and over again. I don't think anyone'll think that's twinky.

But ya know... I'll use myself as an example.
It wasn't a problem when you were talking to someone at the bar while also admiring the mural on the wall behind you. Or looking in a direction repeatedly while sitting down at a campfire chatting with your buddies. Or while traveling through the desert and looking in every direction as you move. Or walking down the street as you move.
Look gets use without roleplay a lot. Let's not forget this grey area where people see more than they perceive (usually). You could be omni-word that means sight, sure, but more than likely it's going to be considered poor roleplay. -- actually. Photographic memory is a thing. ... still. you have to be facing the things you see.

I want to encourage roleplay of the look command! Actual emoting! Use the evil at your fingertips for the good of us all.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: valeria on April 05, 2016, 08:50:56 AM
Quote from: Case on April 04, 2016, 09:58:55 PM
Do we need hard paragraph mdescs at all?

Can we get by with another model? Even something like writing little blurbs for various bodyparts that forms the mdesc, and allows for partial and full covering?

If someone tried to force me into some prearranged description format, I'd flip tables.  :-*  Even though I can see how from a coder's standpoint this could be utilized.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: evilcabbage on April 05, 2016, 10:03:15 AM
so can we all agree that look for hemote did absolutely fuck all to cut down this supposed "spam" everyone worried about?

your watch hits apprentice and you basically see -every- look anyways, only now it has (you notice:) attached to it.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Jihelu on April 05, 2016, 12:13:20 PM
Enjoy your apprentice watch, it's not that hard.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: Case on April 05, 2016, 03:04:52 PM
Quote from: Lizzie on April 04, 2016, 10:06:25 PM
Quote from: Case on April 04, 2016, 09:58:55 PM
Do we need hard paragraph mdescs at all?

Can we get by with another model? Even something like writing little blurbs for various bodyparts that forms the mdesc, and allows for partial and full covering?

That's majorly old-school template stuff. You'd have to use a template, and you wouldn't be allowed to stray from it because if you did the code would show weird stuff. You wouldn't be able to mention that her hair falls down her back because then, her hair becomes part of the torso section. And when you cover her head, her hair wouldn't be visible, even though it should be. You basically would have to use a different sentence for each part of the body, and none of them would be allowed to overlap.

Considering I've helped implement it without that problem, I disagree it has to work at all like that.
Title: Re: MDesc Hiding Gear for 2016 (Second Half)
Post by: tinsix on April 05, 2016, 04:16:49 PM
Quote from: valeria on April 05, 2016, 08:50:56 AM
If someone tried to force me into some prearranged description format, I'd flip tables.  :-*