Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Desertman on July 10, 2013, 10:48:50 AM

Title: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Desertman on July 10, 2013, 10:48:50 AM
I'm bored this morning and thought I might make a thread about something that will probably never be fixed. It would be a huge project with a questionable payoff, but, it bothers me personally, and we all know the GDB exists so Desertman can voice his personal likes and dislikes (amirite?) so here we go.

Since the beginning of time, the obsidian longsword has existed in the world of Zalanthas. There it is, being all beaituful, and shiny, and sharper than steel. It is glorious in its glossy polished luster, and fearsome in the hands of any T'zai Byn dwarf Trooper. Alas, it shouldn't exist. An obsidian sword IRL would shatter almost immediately upon impact with just about anything.

I give you exhibit A:

Real Life Obsidian Shortsword (more or less)

As you can see just by looking at this item, if you swung this like a sword and let it hit anything, it would shatter. Such is the nature of obsidian.

Now, imagine an obsidian greatsword. It would probably snap off under its own weight if lifted by the handle.

I realize I am one of the biggest voices for "This is a game, it isn't always about realism". But, I feel in some cases, we accept things that aren't realistic simply because making them realistic would be possible, but a lot of work.

This isn't only about obsidian swords. This is just a good example for what I am pushing for. I would like to see a community wide and staff-backed effort to re-write and re-work all of the items in game that are made out of unrealistic materials. It isn't a matter of taking items out of the game, it is a matter of putting items into the game in their place that make more sense.

For example, you can make a sword out of obsidian, you just have to use realistic methods for crafting such an item. Methods that actually existed at one time and were utilized in real life.

I give you the Aztec Macuahuitl Obsidian Sword.

These were well documented to have been used by the Aztecs and were extremely durable and dangerous in combat. Not in love with this thing yet? Check this out.

Pedro de Morón was a very good horseman, and as he charged with three other horsemen into the ranks of the enemy the Indians seized hold of his lance and he was not able to drag it away, and others gave him cuts with their broadswords, and wounded him badly, and then they slashed at the mare, and cut her head off at the neck so that it hung by the skin, and she fell dead.[13]

That's right, you can cut a horse's head off with this bad boy.


They used . . . cudgels and swords and a great many bows and arrows. . . . One Indian at a single stroke cut open the whole neck of Cristóbal de Olid's horse, killing the horse. The Indian on the other side slashed at the second horseman and the blow cut through the horse's pastern, whereupon this horse also fell dead. As soon as this sentry gave the alarm, they all ran out with their weapons to cut us off, following us with great fury, shooting arrows, spears and stones, and wounding us with their swords. Here many Spaniards fell, some dead and some wounded, and others without any injury who fainted away from fright. -Francisco de Auguilar, untitled account, in The Conquistadors, 139–40, 155.

You know you want one of these. Oh yes you do.

I have actually seen one example I can think of in game of a sword made in exactly this fashion, and out of obsidian. Whoever wrote that realistic item deserves some recognition for putting forth a little extra effort.

Ok, I'm done with the obsidian sword thing, you get my point. There are realistic alternatives to a lot of things that can provide us with the same end results but make for a much more immersive and argueably creative/intelligent method of crafting.

This would also apply to things like, wooden swords. You can't put a slashing edge on a piece of wood, at least not one so sharp as to realistically depict the kind of damage they do in game. Wooden swords were traditionally used to "NOT HURT" people in training. That was the only reason to make a sword out of wood. Why we try to make actual live combat weapons out of them in game completely escapes me.


The one big downfall I see to this shift in practice would be that the south just doesn't have the sort of natural resources the north has. Perhaps that is why we let them use obsidian the same way you would use other more realistic materials. Because how many bone and obsidian composite sword types can you make before they are all the same? How many bone and obsidian spears can you produce?

Obsidian is great for other things realistically. Obsidian would make the best knives and daggers in the game, and also the best cutting and scraping tools in the game. It can be very useful for jewerly and art as well. It just doesn't make good shields, large pieces of armor, or large weapons as a single piece.

Chitin gets a pass on most things, due to the fact that chitin from the sorts of creatures we are talking about in game just doesn't exist on a scale IRL to be comparable. I'm really not sure how strong, durable, and flexible, or heavy a piece of chitin from a bug the size of a minivan would be, because I can't think of any bugs that size IRL. But I know I sure would like to see those obsidian breastplates replaced with bone scale armor and chitin breastplates. Why? Because obsidian just doesn't work like that. Chitin is lightweight IRL. With the south prizing themselves on wearing lighter armors, why don't we see more chitin armored southern fighters wielding a pair of smaller but faster and more realistic obsidian blades? Chitin. Stronger than leather, but just as light, but not as strong as wooden or bone armor, which would be heavier, but more readily available in the north.

I can see in game where some attempts have been made over the years to put in just this sort of divide. But I can also see many many many examples of where we kind of took a left turn off of that path as well and just sort of put in some crazy unrealistic stuff. I can imagine this is probably because whoever was in charge at the time thought it looked cool, and it is a game, so I can see that as well.


I'm still going.

Way way back in the day the use of a sword was considered to be for higher ranking soldiers or even nobility. They were expensive. Even when made out of bronze they were prone to breaking much more easily than other weapons, and the common soldier/fighter was much more likely to be found using a spear, knives, axes, clubs, a bow, a shield etc. Since Zalanthas is in terms of technology is probably pre-bronze age in most cases, I can see this fitting into our world very well. It would also be much realistic in terms of utilizing the materials the world has available.

You get where I am going, and this wouldn't apply only to weapons and armor, these are just the most extreme examples I can think of.

Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: hatchets on July 10, 2013, 11:01:52 AM
I have always assumed things were denser on Zalanthas. Thusly, Obsidian, when polished and smoothed appropriately, would not look so rugged nor be so fragile, but more prestine and solid. Though equally that idea takes a hit when so and so picks up shard, with no tool, and poof smooth as silk longsword.
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Qzzrbl on July 10, 2013, 11:08:55 AM


Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Desertman on July 10, 2013, 11:09:43 AM
Quote from: Qzzrbl on July 10, 2013, 11:08:55 AM



Yeah, this has always been the assumption I have been forced to make. You can't treat obsidian like obsidian in game. I always treat it like steel, since it functions like steel. I just wish I didn't have to.
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Delirium on July 10, 2013, 11:19:41 AM
So in this thread you're arguing for more realism, in the other thread you're arguing for punching critters because Zalanthas is not the real world. ;)

I'm not against more primitive and desert-appropriate materials and weapons (and clothes: Victorian England gowns do not belong in zalanthas).

But it would be a HUGE overhaul. Huge.
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Lizzie on July 10, 2013, 11:25:31 AM
I kind of get where d-man is coming from, in a backward way.

I wondered - why don't we have steel? What can it do, that obsidian can't do? Or maybe - what can it do *better* than obsidian can do? Obsidian is sharper than steel, and currently, it does not shatter like obsidian, but instead, keeps its sharpness and its shape like steel (with exceptions). In the right, skilled hands, it can hack a bahamet to death, just like we imagine steel would be able to do.

So why bother making steel this mysteriously super-powerful thing, when compared with obsidian, it isn't all that and a bag of chips? Why is the fact that steel is rare, such a big deal, when we have obsidian and chitin?

Electric light-bulbs are rare too, but no one cares because we have glow crystals. Lots of things that are valueable in real life, are rare in Zalanthas, but no one cares, in-game, because everyone in-game has learned to adapt to what they -do- have. The world of Zalanthas is self-sufficient. They don't -need- steel for anything, they don't -need- electric light bulbs, or automatic dishwashers, or velcro shoe clasps.

So what's so great about steel, that anyone would care in-game that it's rare? I know OOCly it's a marvel of wonderfulness that we really can't live without. But Zalanthas isn't the real world, and our characters are the ones living in it. So what is it that our -characters- are thinking, about steel, that makes them drop their jaws when they see a templar wield a steel stiletto, while their character is wielding a massive, two-handed spiked obsidian mace?
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Qzzrbl on July 10, 2013, 11:31:32 AM
I dunno. I kinda dig that steel and metals at large are mega rare and seen as some uber-mystical things.

Largely because the rarity of metal keeps the world low-tech.
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Lizzie on July 10, 2013, 11:32:56 AM
Quote from: Qzzrbl on July 10, 2013, 11:31:32 AM
I dunno. I kinda dig that steel and metals at large are mega rare and seen as some uber-mystical things.

Largely because the rarity of metal keeps the world low-tech.

I'm not asking why is it rare though. I'm asking why our characters would care that it's rare.
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Qzzrbl on July 10, 2013, 11:34:02 AM
Quote from: Lizzie on July 10, 2013, 11:32:56 AM
Quote from: Qzzrbl on July 10, 2013, 11:31:32 AM
I dunno. I kinda dig that steel and metals at large are mega rare and seen as some uber-mystical things.

Largely because the rarity of metal keeps the world low-tech.

I'm not asking why is it rare though. I'm asking why our characters would care that it's rare.

Because generally only templars and nobles have access to it, and they're better than us.

Must make it special, right?
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Desertman on July 10, 2013, 11:35:21 AM
Lizzie's point is really that with obsidian acting like RL steel, why would we care about steel in game?

We already have an item that acts like steel as we know it.

I also see Qzz's point that, "It is rare and the celebrities like it, so it must be awesome."

I agree with both points.
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Lizzie on July 10, 2013, 11:38:04 AM
Quote from: Desertman on July 10, 2013, 11:35:21 AM
Lizzie's point is really that with obsidian acting like RL steel, why would we care about steel in game?

We already have an item that acts like steel as we know it.

I also see Qzz's point that, "It is rare and the celebrities like it, so it must be awesome."

I agree with both points.

Almost exactly what I'm saying. Except - that in the matter of sharpness, obsidian is *superior* to steel. And since it doesn't shatter like real-world obsidian shatters - that makes it equal to steel in durability, in-game.
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: hatchets on July 10, 2013, 11:39:17 AM
I have no idea how good steel in the game is, I can only assume, in its mythologicalness that it surpasses the goodness that obsidian presents itself as.
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Qzzrbl on July 10, 2013, 11:40:40 AM
Not to mention, given its rarity, many commoners would have no idea that steel is better/worse than obsidian.

They probably see it as some crazy sharpenable, unbreakable material that's a billion times better than anything ever.


(i.e., pretty much what hatchets said)
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: lordcooper on July 10, 2013, 11:41:48 AM
Why do people make such a fuss over champagne when we have cider that does the exact same thing?

Alternatively: Zalanthan steel is also not Earth steel.
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Lizzie on July 10, 2013, 11:44:06 AM
Quote from: lordcooper on July 10, 2013, 11:41:48 AM
Why do people make such a fuss over champagne when we have cider that does the exact same thing?

No idea at all. I never understood that either. I much prefer Manischewitz Concord Grape to Moët & Chandon. Champagne is just a whole lot of weird-tasting bubble-liquid that makes me burp with every sip.

QuoteAlternatively: Zalanthan steel is also not Earth steel.

I can accept that. So the question is only somewhat adjusted: Since it's so rare, why would characters care? No one ever sees it being USED for anything. They can't miss what they don't know about. Are there fables or myths or legends about steel? The only steel thing that is widely known about, is the dragon outside Allanak. And that thing doesn't DO anything. It just sits there, being steel.
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Desertman on July 10, 2013, 11:44:35 AM
Kind of taking a right turn here. Items being made of realistic/unrealistic materials.

We can all agree I think that some things hold value only in our minds and because we see them as being rare, even if they are functionally maybe not as good, or only marginally better than readily available items.

Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Qzzrbl on July 10, 2013, 11:44:54 AM
Can we get off all this nonsense about steel and get back to how awesome it would be if materials and items IG actually made sense?
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Yam on July 10, 2013, 11:53:42 AM
Most of the longsword descriptions already make look like non-Western swords.

QuoteA three cord long shard of black obsidian has been chipped into a narrow
leaf shape
and then set into a bone hilt to form this longsword. The edges
of the blade are carefully sharpened to make it a solid slashing weapon,
and the handle has been wrapped with brown leather to provide a firm grip.

QuoteA medium-long piece of black obsidian, chiseled into a narrow slashing
blade. A leather strap is wrapped around the base to form the grip. The
blade is heavily worn, and shards of obsidian have clearly been lost from
its length.

They obviously aren't perfectly straight traditionally western longswords.
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Desertman on July 10, 2013, 11:55:23 AM
Quote from: Yam on July 10, 2013, 11:53:42 AM
Most of the longsword descriptions already make look like non-Western swords.

QuoteA three cord long shard of black obsidian has been chipped into a narrow
leaf shape
and then set into a bone hilt to form this longsword. The edges
of the blade are carefully sharpened to make it a solid slashing weapon,
and the handle has been wrapped with brown leather to provide a firm grip.

QuoteA medium-long piece of black obsidian, chiseled into a narrow slashing
blade. A leather strap is wrapped around the base to form the grip. The
blade is heavily worn, and shards of obsidian have clearly been lost from
its length.

They obviously aren't perfectly straight traditionally western longswords.

Agreed, most of them typically don't look like western longswords. They would still shatter like obsidian, if they were coded to be like actual obsidian, regardless of shape.

Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Nyr on July 10, 2013, 11:55:59 AM
We're probably not going to overhaul materials anytime soon; this was something that was considered quite heavily in the crafting process for JavaMUG, however.  In fact, I contributed many hours of work towards just that end myself, working on hardness scales and developing relative scales of flammability, hardness, density, etc for every material that would be in the game, from vegetable to mineral.  It's a JavaMUG consideration for sure, but not so much for the existing codebase.

At best we can try to limit or retcon areas where there are unrealistic weapons or armor; we occasionally do that anyway.  I don't foresee a project specifically devoted to that at this point in time, but maybe later in the year or next.

...but no, obsidian is not the equivalent of real life steel.  No, it is not equal to steel in durability in-game.  It doesn't shatter (as often as you might think it should, perhaps?) because the code isn't that complex (in those cases).  As mentioned above, we can do what we can to limit unrealistic uses of obsidian in that context.
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Desertman on July 10, 2013, 11:58:13 AM
Quote from: Nyr on July 10, 2013, 11:55:59 AM
We're probably not going to overhaul materials anytime soon; this was something that was considered quite heavily in the crafting process for JavaMUG, however.  In fact, I contributed many hours of work towards just that end myself, working on hardness scales and developing relative scales of flammability, hardness, density, etc for every material that would be in the game, from vegetable to mineral.  It's a JavaMUG consideration for sure, but not so much for the existing codebase.

At best we can try to limit or retcon areas where there are unrealistic weapons or armor; we occasionally do that anyway.  I don't foresee a project specifically devoted to that at this point in time, but maybe later in the year or next.

...but no, obsidian is not the equivalent of real life steel.  No, it is not equal to steel in durability in-game.  It doesn't shatter (as often as you might think it should, perhaps?) because the code isn't that complex (in those cases).  As mentioned above, we can do what we can to limit unrealistic uses of obsidian in that context.

Was JavaMUG part of the 2.0 concept or was that something that was supposed to go into 1.0? I'm just curious as I'm not familiar with that. It also sounds awesome.

Also if you do plan to rework certain items, I am on board to rewrite as many as you need to include realistic crafting recipies and description changes. Just say the word.
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Nyr on July 10, 2013, 12:11:36 PM
JavaMUG is the code project for Armageddon.  It is the "new game engine."  At any rate, a lot of the groundwork has been done for item materials.  While we don't update this blog with stuff done on that engine (because the blog was for "reborn" and not "JavaMUG"), here's an entry about that:
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Desertman on July 10, 2013, 01:31:49 PM
Holy shit.

I really hope that somehow finds its way into Arm one day.
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Qzzrbl on July 10, 2013, 01:38:31 PM
Quote from: Desertman on July 10, 2013, 01:31:49 PM
Holy shit.

I really hope that somehow finds its way into Arm one day.

Quote from: Adhira
When that codebase comes available we will look to port the existing game world over to a new code base.  We do not think that this will be occurring in the near future and when the time arrives we will give you more information.

Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Reiloth on July 11, 2013, 03:06:26 AM
Or you can (if you feel your weapon took a mighty blow):

>remove weapon
>junk weapon

You don't need to rely on code to reinforce your opinions, D-man :)
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Qzzrbl on July 11, 2013, 04:41:43 AM
Quote from: Reiloth on July 11, 2013, 03:06:26 AM
Or you can (if you feel your weapon took a mighty blow):

>remove weapon
>junk weapon

You don't need to rely on code to reinforce your opinions, D-man :)

Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Barzalene on July 11, 2013, 07:32:05 AM
Quote from: Desertman on July 10, 2013, 10:48:50 AM

Since the beginning of time, the obsidian longsword has existed in the world of Zalanthas. There it is, being all beaituful, and shiny, and sharper than steel. It is glorious in its glossy polished luster, and fearsome in the hands of any T'zai Byn dwarf Trooper. Alas, it shouldn't exist. An obsidian sword IRL would shatter almost immediately upon impact with just about anything.

I give you exhibit A:

Real Life Obsidian Shortsword (more or less)

As you can see just by looking at this item, if you swung this like a sword and let it hit anything, it would shatter. Such is the nature of obsidian.

Not only would it shatter almost immediately upon impact on anything, it's not all beautiful, and shiny or glorious in its glossy polished luster.  Sad face!
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Desertman on July 11, 2013, 10:43:59 AM
Yeah I got a little sidetracked by Nyr showing me shiny things. What am I a ferret?

Anyways my point wasn't that obsidian swords should act realistically, my point was that they shouldn't even exist, except maybe as ornamental artistic pieces that would have to be handled with extreme care when moved from one place to another. Certinaly never as weapons.

So while I could "junk" my sword, really, it shouldn't exist for me to even junk it.

They don't "shatter as much as I think they should", because they would shatter every time. I wasn't really asking for them to be coded in a way that they shatter realistically, I was hoping they would be reworked/rewritten as different items, since they are silly, and wouldn't actually exist.
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Reiloth on July 11, 2013, 11:01:43 AM
I mean, I agree in theory. But that's a bit of a rabbit hole with a game with 20+ years of items, don't you think? It may have been easier if Arm 2 happened, because it would be a complete reset. But I can only imagine what unholy hell this would open for Staff.

Maybe...Gradually...Possibly? I suspend my disbelief daily in Armageddon for the sake of playability, and I think it's OK that there are obsidian swords. I mean, let's not mention "Sharp Wood Swords That Cut People".
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Desertman on July 11, 2013, 11:04:25 AM
Quote from: Reiloth on July 11, 2013, 11:01:43 AM
I mean, I agree in theory. But that's a bit of a rabbit hole with a game with 20+ years of items, don't you think? It may have been easier if Arm 2 happened, because it would be a complete reset. But I can only imagine what unholy hell this would open for Staff.

Maybe...Gradually...Possibly? I suspend my disbelief daily in Armageddon for the sake of playability, and I think it's OK that there are obsidian swords. I mean, let's not mention "Sharp Wood Swords That Cut People".

I did in my first post. Sharp wooden swords. The Devil.  ;)

Quote from: Desertman on July 10, 2013, 10:48:50 AM

This would also apply to things like, wooden swords. You can't put a slashing edge on a piece of wood, at least not one so sharp as to realistically depict the kind of damage they do in game. Wooden swords were traditionally used to "NOT HURT" people in training. That was the only reason to make a sword out of wood. Why we try to make actual live combat weapons out of them in game completely escapes me.

I'm on board with suspending reality for every day gameplay when we don't have a real world basis from which to derive "reality" in a given situation. For example, no real world magickers, dragons, psions, etc...So when they pop up and do their thing, I assume that everything they are doing is realistic for the world of Zalanthas.

We have wood and obsidian IRL, so why are we giving it properties it doesn't have?

If it isn't going to act like wood or obsidian, why didn't we call it:

"Dorphok" - Dorphok is very much like RL wood, but it can hold a slashing edge and cut mofos.

"Orsplak" - This stone looks a lot like RL obsidian, and has a lot of the same properties, but it is MUCh more durable, to the point it kind of acts like steel does IRL.

If we just want to universally agree that wood and obsidian are nothing like RL wood and obsidian but we call them that...just because...I guess that is fine and I will play along with that, I'm just not sure that was the original intention, and I think we could do better than that.
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Fnord on July 13, 2013, 01:37:12 PM
Dude, in my professional opinion as a defiler, using psionics, riding a giant trained giant lizard,while the 3 moons and sun are overhead, the obsidian weapons are just fine.  8)
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Wastrel on July 13, 2013, 01:54:06 PM
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Zul on July 13, 2013, 02:09:16 PM
Quote from: Reiloth on July 11, 2013, 11:01:43 AM
...that's a bit of a rabbit hole with a game with 20+ years of items, don't you think? It may have been easier if Arm 2 happened, because it would be a complete reset. But I can only imagine what unholy hell this would open for Staff.

Hasn't there been a history of things considered unrealistic being retconned? Mind you I don't have a particular dog in this fight, just wondering.
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Gimfalisette on July 13, 2013, 02:24:33 PM
Quote from: Zul on July 13, 2013, 02:09:16 PM
Hasn't there been a history of things considered unrealistic being retconned? Mind you I don't have a particular dog in this fight, just wondering.

I wouldn't say that most things that have been removed from the game in recent years was because they were "unrealistic." I'd say it was more about "unbalanced." And usually those changes have only affected a small portion of the playerbase. Whereas attempting to remove or change all the obsidian weapons in game would affect everyone, pretty much. I can't even imagine how much staff effort that would take. It just doesn't seem worth it to me.
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: hatchets on July 13, 2013, 02:38:56 PM
Perhaps maybe, instead of simply trying to destroy the obsidian weapons, introduce a special treatment of obsidian that is a southern practice, that makes it smoother, and sturdier. You know kinda like Isilt. I am all for fantasy concepts of treatments of stone and such that would improve it.
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: FantasyWriter on July 13, 2013, 02:50:51 PM
Quote from: hatchets on July 13, 2013, 02:38:56 PM
Perhaps maybe, instead of simply trying to destroy the obsidian weapons, introduce a special treatment of obsidian that is a southern practice, that makes it smoother, and sturdier. You know kinda like Isilt. I am all for fantasy concepts of treatments of stone and such that would improve it.

*cough* Magick *cough*
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Dalmeth on July 13, 2013, 02:53:37 PM
I'm down with making things more realistic, but not because realism is necessarily a good thing.

Most of the items in the game come from a void where we have no idea how they were made.  This means consistent conflicts over what can be made and bad crafts that defy all notions of sensibility, but they're still valid suggestions because no one sits down and describes how things are made.

First and foremost would be a system of processing materials.  Nothing in nature is very useful as-is.  Even wood has to be left out to dry for a season until its internal humidity approaches the humidity of the air, to prevent warping during use.  This crap we do where we turn branches into bows and arrows is also ridiculous.  Straight lengths of wood typically come from saplings, as they tend to grow straight with less knots, uniform thickness, and consistent grain whereas branches simply do not.

Changing forage items from branches to saplings would be a major step toward realism, as it gives ample justification for those instances where we see plenty of trees but can't forage wood :  the area is barren, receding, and not enough new saplings are growing.

But we're not getting realistic with wood anytime soon.  Most of our crafts are based in forms that require the sawmills and machined processes of the modern day, but we can push toward something based in the tools we know characters will have.

A good start would be with chitin.  It's not much different from rawhide except for the fact it is generally harder and more brittle.  I've suggested before the ability to modify the hardness and flexibility via a process not much different from tanning to allow more color variety and different forms, but it's not too popular.  

That said, chitin swords are at least as unlikely to hold an edge as wooden, but I'll let you guys simmer on that one.  Because bone is also porous and wouldn't be near as useful as the way we use it in game.

But the message is here is materials processing.  It's the key to fleshing out crafting RP.  Not only will players know what they have to do, but it also allows for the quality gradients we seem to so desperately crave.  Just let certain factions have certain processes.

It's important to remember that iron dominates the modern age not because it is harder and stronger.  That was actually the main barrier to its use throughout early history.  The thing that brought iron to the forefront of civilization was stable societies capable of supplying the immense amounts of charcoal necessary for iron production.  This allowed societies to use a resource that was largely everywhere, more common than the copper and tin used to make bronze and more common than even obsidian, for a certainty.
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Zul on July 13, 2013, 11:25:56 PM
Quote from: Gimfalisette on July 13, 2013, 02:24:33 PM
I wouldn't say that most things that have been removed from the game in recent years was because they were "unrealistic." I'd say it was more about "unbalanced."

Are you sure about that? Were sandwiches and katana-like swords (or did they make a comeback? Having to rely on the person who got me into the game for this information) removed from the game because they were unbalanced?

Also, can we please not throw around words such as "most", "every", "many" or what have you? I never questioned the degree, but rather whether it ever happened.

Quote from: Gimfalisette on July 13, 2013, 02:24:33 PM
...attempting to remove or change all the obsidian weapons in game would affect everyone, pretty much. I can't even imagine how much staff effort that would take. It just doesn't seem worth it to me.

I would assume staff would only need to change high-impact weapons such as axes and swords. Obsidian tipped spears or knives would likely not be affected as greatly since they are used for thrusting.

Kanks? Halflings? Sure, they were removed through natural (or magickal?) causes, but the same could be done with obsidian swords just as easily. Go into the database and increase the rate at which they shatter. Voila. :)
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: LauraMars on July 13, 2013, 11:47:35 PM
The thing is, there's hundreds upon hundreds of items made out of obsidian in the game.  If you narrow it down to weapons, there are STILL hundreds upon hundreds.  Locating, loading, and reviewing each one and judging it for realism, and then changing or removing it from every instance of spawning in the game and replacing it with a "more realistic" equivalent, is too much work for too little reward.  I'm sure if you come across an item that you think is particularly unrealistic looking, you can idea that it be looked at, and someone will get around to it eventually.
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Zul on July 14, 2013, 04:07:18 AM
Quote from: LauraMars on July 13, 2013, 11:47:35 PM
The thing is, there's hundreds upon hundreds of items made out of obsidian in the game.  If you narrow it down to weapons, there are STILL hundreds upon hundreds.

Reeeeeeeeaaaaaaallyyyyyy? Suffice it to say, hyperbole has won the day.  ::)
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Lizzie on July 14, 2013, 07:16:21 AM
Quote from: Zul on July 14, 2013, 04:07:18 AM
Quote from: LauraMars on July 13, 2013, 11:47:35 PM
The thing is, there's hundreds upon hundreds of items made out of obsidian in the game.  If you narrow it down to weapons, there are STILL hundreds upon hundreds.

Reeeeeeeeaaaaaaallyyyyyy? Suffice it to say, hyperbole has won the day.  ::)

Reeeallly. Check a single apartment building for one of the more common weapon items in the various storage containers kept in the different apartment units in that building. Chances are, you'll come up with around a hundred.

Then check your -local- Salarr warehouse for the same item - you're likely to find several hundred.

We haven't even checked individual PCs or NPCs to see if they have any in their inventory yet, or checked the Kadian crafting hall, or the Kurac bunkrooms, or the noble guards' buildings and lockers yet.

That's a few hundred of just -one- specific weapon. Although Armageddon has strayed immensely from its original DIKU roots, it is still, at its root, a DIKU mud. It isn't a MOO. You can't just change the "parent item" and expect all its "children" to comply instantaneously with the change. You have to change each individual item's flag.

And sure you can create a mini-script to do that, but you still have to create the script, run a search for the specific item's sdesc, make sure that the resulting list contains ONLY the weapon you're looking for and NOT other items that share keywords, then apply the script. And of course there will be several items that have different keywords (such as custom-made crafting items) but were built off this particular weapon, and those won't show up in the list, and won't behave in the new way that it's needed to behave.

With MOO, all of those custom weapons come from the "parent" object - so it wouldn't matter what the keywords are. You just do a @flag on all items that descend from object #472, and every single item that was made using #472 as a template will change that flag.

Again though - this isn't a MOO, and the process isn't that simple.
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: maxid on July 14, 2013, 08:22:39 AM
That's not what he was saying, if you changed the shatterability of a weapon-type then all weapons listed as 'big obsidian sword' would break more often.  You don't need to change each individual one.

I'm not defending his point, just saying that you're making it sound even harder than it would be (and it would be difficult since there are probably at least 20-30 different types of obsidian swords in game.)

Also, in answer to your 'steel' question from a couple of days ago.  Gold had little to no common use until the electronic age, yet it was valued highly and rarely seen save for ornamentation on nobility and other prestigious types.  It didn't lose its value over the years, and stayed something of almost mystical importance.
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Zul on July 14, 2013, 08:44:45 AM
Quote from: maxid on July 14, 2013, 08:22:39 AM
That's not what he was saying...


( (
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: LauraMars on July 14, 2013, 05:23:23 PM
Quote from: Zul on July 14, 2013, 04:07:18 AM
Quote from: LauraMars on July 13, 2013, 11:47:35 PM
The thing is, there's hundreds upon hundreds of items made out of obsidian in the game.  If you narrow it down to weapons, there are STILL hundreds upon hundreds.


Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Adhira on July 14, 2013, 05:46:53 PM
Quote from: Zul on July 14, 2013, 04:07:18 AM
Quote from: LauraMars on July 13, 2013, 11:47:35 PM
The thing is, there's hundreds upon hundreds of items made out of obsidian in the game.  If you narrow it down to weapons, there are STILL hundreds upon hundreds.

Reeeeeeeeaaaaaaallyyyyyy? Suffice it to say, hyperbole has won the day.  ::)

I did a very rough and quick check of those with obsidian in the sdesc only, was around 700 items.  Extremely rough as there would be a lot of other things that did not come up in that search.  I believe when we removed kanks there were approximately 8 different types, and there were about 6 different sandwiches.

While the material type suggestion is perhaps one that could be feasible, at this point in time we're not particularly interested in altering all these items.  People have managed to believe that obsidian weapons can work for two decades, I think we can continue to do so.  The same goes for other item types.  That's a major rework of the fundamentals of how the game works and an incredible amount of work on top of already full plates.  There are a lot of other projects that I think will do a lot more to enhance the game that I'd rather see delivered first.
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Zul on July 14, 2013, 10:19:22 PM
Quote from: Adhira on July 14, 2013, 05:46:53 PM
I did a very rough and quick check of those with obsidian in the sdesc only, was around 700 items.

Wow, that's a lot. What about for weapons, specifically swords of the slashing variety?
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Desertman on July 15, 2013, 11:36:40 AM
Quote from: Adhira on July 14, 2013, 05:46:53 PM
I did a very rough and quick check of those with obsidian in the sdesc only, was around 700 items.  Extremely rough as there would be a lot of other things that did not come up in that search.  I believe when we removed kanks there were approximately 8 different types, and there were about 6 different sandwiches.

While the material type suggestion is perhaps one that could be feasible, at this point in time we're not particularly interested in altering all these items.  People have managed to believe that obsidian weapons can work for two decades, I think we can continue to do so.  The same goes for other item types.  That's a major rework of the fundamentals of how the game works and an incredible amount of work on top of already full plates.  There are a lot of other projects that I think will do a lot more to enhance the game that I'd rather see delivered first.

But, but...please?
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Nyr on July 15, 2013, 11:48:04 AM
No problem!  We'll just delay the HRPT so we can focus our time on those pesky unrealistic weapons removed.  :)
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Zul on July 15, 2013, 09:09:34 PM
Quote from: Nyr on July 15, 2013, 11:48:04 AM
No problem!  We'll just delay the HRPT so we can focus our time on those pesky unrealistic weapons removed.  :)

Can't tell if joking or trolling.  :-\
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Nyr on July 15, 2013, 09:20:01 PM
Joking.  We are not delaying the HRPT :)
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Zul on July 15, 2013, 09:33:00 PM
Quote from: Nyr on July 15, 2013, 09:20:01 PM
Joking.  We are not delaying the HRPT :)

Perhaps...I should have rephrased that.  :)
Title: Re: Item Material Overhaul
Post by: Dalmeth on July 16, 2013, 07:05:43 PM
Hey, Desertman.  Just write up a  few obsidian objects to replace the set we have now.

It's a start, at least, and you can just use bone instead of wood.