Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => Code Discussion => Topic started by: SMuz on February 05, 2009, 08:14:10 AM

Title: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: SMuz on February 05, 2009, 08:14:10 AM
It would be nice if a crafting skill came automatically with a list. Maybe something that everyone generically knows. Like a 'Naki weaponcrafter could have a list of simple obsidian weapons, and a Tuluk one would have a list of wooden weapons. Doesn't even have to be a full list, just maybe three to eight items, depending on situation. Just a few generic ones like basic clubs, tunics, skirts, bandages - the players would have to FOIC how to make the really cool stuff.

And maybe even as the character gets better in the skill, some other generic recipes would be unlocked, like to make a generic hammer, hooded cloak, antiseptic bandages.

Also would be nice if the list included what tools would help, like some things would require digging holes, woodcrafting, boneworking, etc.

The stuff is IC knowledge. I have no idea what I need to make a staff IRL, so anything from saws, chisels, and sandpaper seems to make sense. And it's kinda sad if a crafter has no idea how to make something he should IC already know for years. Every real tailor knows how to sew an aba, but I'm not a real tailor, and it's IC not realistic that my character tailor doesn't know :(
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: Majikal on February 05, 2009, 11:06:15 AM
I would like to see the helpfile examples for the crafting skills maybe be expanded on a bit, a few basic craft recipes, a couple intermediate craft recipes and one expert craft recipe. I personally think that would solve enough of the issues to get any crafter up and going without too much trouble.
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: Gimfalisette on February 05, 2009, 11:40:47 AM
Your best bet for learning crafting recipes, other than the few things that are in the crafting help files, is to join a GMH clan as a crafter. Then, you can learn from PCs whose players have knowledge of crafting, and/or your imms will help you out via emails and animations. Plus, you get to learn about nifty clan-specific crafting recipes, which is extra fun. And if your PC is guild_merchant, eventually you could rise to mastercrafter status and create whole new items for the game, which is a special thrill of its own.

Since we do have these other, interactive options for learning about crafting, I don't really support the idea of much expanding the widely-known crafting recipes.
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: Thunkkin on February 05, 2009, 12:05:14 PM
I think a basic, area-specific list of a few recipes per craft would not be game breaking and would do much to encourage newbie retention.  There is a true niche of gamers that really enjoy crafting (as their sole focus or as a side-focus).  When these people try out Armageddon, I would rather give them a taste of the crafting system and help them to play around a bit with it rather than expect them to somehow know that they need to join a GMH, swear a life oath, and amass excel sheets of OOC knowledge for their next character to use.  Figuring out the crafting system was the most frustrating code-related aspect of the game for me.  Yes, there is a "joy of discovery" to discovering amazing new recipes.  There is no joy of discovery in throwing up your hands after the twentieth item that returns no "analyze" response and concluding that very few things in the game are craftable and that crafting is a waste.  Giving someone a small handful of recipes would not remove the necessity or possibility of PC interactions and training.  It would instead show beginners what is possible and provide them with incentive to continue crafting (and playing the game).  When I was first figuring out how to craft, my reaction was not "Wow, this is frustrating, I should join a GMH."  My reaction was "Wow, I wish I'd picked a subguild that did something."  After long frustration, I begin to get the hang of it.  Only then did I think, "Wow, this is fun - sometime I'll have to play a GMH merchant and really get into this.  Now I can see why this is entertaining." 

I'll also point out that I was shocked to learn that merchant = master crafting, subguild = mediocre crafting.  This should really be clear to new players who want to play a crafter.  It should also be clear what the advantages of being a merchant with a crafting subguild is.  This information is easily available on the GDB - IF you know to search for it.  It's not secret.  It's not "find out IC."  Instead, it's "punish new players by allowing them to make permanent mistakes during character creation."

That's my take. :)

Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: FantasyWriter on February 05, 2009, 12:20:25 PM
Quote from: Gimfalisette on February 05, 2009, 11:40:47 AM
Your best bet for learning crafting recipes, other than the few things that are in the crafting help files, is to join a GMH clan as a crafter.

I agree.
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: number13 on February 05, 2009, 12:27:32 PM
Quote from: Thunkkin on February 05, 2009, 12:05:14 PM
I'll also point out that I was shocked to learn that merchant = master crafting, subguild = mediocre crafting.  This should really be clear to new players who want to play a crafter. 

Not so mediocre. The subguilds can get pretty good at crafting within their narrow range.  I think it's balanced just fine.
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: AmandaGreathouse on February 05, 2009, 01:47:14 PM
Quote from: number13 on February 05, 2009, 12:27:32 PM
Quote from: Thunkkin on February 05, 2009, 12:05:14 PM
I'll also point out that I was shocked to learn that merchant = master crafting, subguild = mediocre crafting.  This should really be clear to new players who want to play a crafter. 

No so mediocre. The subguilds can get pretty good at crafting within their narrow range.  I think it's balanced just fine.

Could just be how I read it, but it seems like s/he (?) more meant the difference in that subguild crafter will never be 'master crafters', that they may get as good with a single type of crafting (not sure) but they will never have the sheer talent and choice of crafting which a merchant, who can actually write up and create totally new items which don't yet exist.
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: Thunkkin on February 05, 2009, 01:58:42 PM
Quote from: AmandaGreathouse on February 05, 2009, 01:47:14 PM
Could just be how I read it, but it seems like s/he (?) more meant the difference in that subguild crafter will never be 'master crafters', that they may get as good with a single type of crafting (not sure) but they will never have the sheer talent and choice of crafting which a merchant, who can actually write up and create totally new items which don't yet exist.

I'm a boy.

And yes, that's what I meant.  It's not a critical issue, but I was just adding it on while I was thinking about other ways to make crafting into more of a "hook" for beginners.
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: Halcyon on February 05, 2009, 02:47:05 PM
I'd offer that a list isnt need, but a slightly different approach to research.  Don't start with the items you want to make, start with the materials that are logical to work with.  The helpfiles may not all be very helpful, but I only found one craft to be truly obtuse to start.

I'll second Gimfalisette's comment about joining a GMH, or finding a teacher.  Its invaluable.
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: Thunkkin on February 05, 2009, 03:02:33 PM
There's lots of useful information in this thread for someone who wants to become a master crafter.  Yes, joining a GMH or finding a teacher is the way to go.

However, none of this is a compelling argument for why a few basic starting recipes do more harm than good.  Giving your average newb who makes a Byn warrior/weaponscrafter a few basic recipes seems to add more fun (and realism, since they DO have the subguild) than telling them to leave the Byn and join a GMH.
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: Ourla on February 05, 2009, 04:08:34 PM
Quote from: Thunkkin on February 05, 2009, 03:02:33 PM
There's lots of useful information in this thread for someone who wants to become a master crafter.  Yes, joining a GMH or finding a teacher is the way to go.

However, none of this is a compelling argument for why a few basic starting recipes do more harm than good.  Giving your average newb who makes a Byn warrior/weaponscrafter a few basic recipes seems to add more fun (and realism, since they DO have the subguild) than telling them to leave the Byn and join a GMH.

You're aware that the crafting skill helpfiles generally contain a recipe or two along with the proper syntax, right?  With my crafters, I found that they gave me sufficient direction to start in.  I'll second (or third or fourth) the sentiment of finding a teacher or joining a GMH.  My first long-lived PC was a Kadian crafter/hunter.  She could make a few single-item things with her crafting subguild from the start, but after I joined Kadius and started learning recipes IC from other crafters, her 'cookbook' grew in leaps and bounds.

I don't think it should be easy for your average indie to make a ton of different things right off the bat.  There's the lack of money most commoners suffer from, and the fact that the GMHs exist and are run much like the Guilds of 14th and 15th century Europe, with apprentices, journeymen, and masters making their way up through the ranks from the bottom and learning as they go.
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: Thunkkin on February 05, 2009, 04:39:45 PM
Yes, yes.  :D I am aware that there are help files with some examples ("craft hide into pants!") and yes, not being an idiot, I'm aware that if you're a crafter and you join a GMH, you'll probably learn lots of recipes and be good at crafting.  I'm not entirely sure how giving out a handful of recipes is being equated with joining a GMH or making "a ton of different things right off the bat."  If you look at my posts in this thread, you'll see that I'm coming at this from the angle of the newbie experience to this mud.

I'm not sure how many new players take the approach that I did - but I'll bet a few do: pick a martial main guild and a crafter sub-guild.  Why? To be able to mess around with multiple aspects of the game and get to know what the game offers.  Giving out a few recipes (3 to 5 != "a ton") would encourage these people to continue trying out different aspects of the game.  Your average Byn newbie is not going to join a GMH or somehow find someone to teach them trade secrets.  Why not give them a few recipes to help add flavor to their character and encourage them to be more than spar bots?  I hardly see how this equates to joining a GMH or giving them free money.  I'm not talking about the crafter end-game ... I'm talking about the newbie experience of first encountering crafting.  I'm not talking about merchants destined to make master-work swords, I'm talking about your average newbie who picks warrior or ranger plus a crafting subguild.  Maybe I'm a sofite.  Perhaps they should have a frustrating and annoying experience with the crafting part of the game that leaves a sour taste in their mouth.

Anyhoo, I'm talking in circles at this point.
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: Gimfalisette on February 05, 2009, 05:06:04 PM
Quote from: Thunkkin on February 05, 2009, 04:39:45 PM
Your average Byn newbie is not going to join a GMH or somehow find someone to teach them trade secrets.  Why not give them a few recipes to help add flavor to their character and encourage them to be more than spar bots?  I hardly see how this equates to joining a GMH or giving them free money.  I'm not talking about the crafter end-game ... I'm talking about the newbie experience of first encountering crafting.  I'm not talking about merchants destined to make master-work swords, I'm talking about your average newbie who picks warrior or ranger plus a crafting subguild.

Remembering my time as a newb (first PC was a merchant who went to work for Kadius), I didn't experience the recipes themselves as being the daunting part; rather, it was beginning to figure out what materials were craftable by themselves or in combination with other materials. I still don't see crafting recipes as a solution there--rather I think I'd like to see a "how to craft for beginners" guide or something of the like, which would cover how to find basic materials, how to experiment, and how to not spend all 1k starting coin in the search for recipes. Most noobs seem to want to start with analyze (I did) and work backwards, but someone else in this thread mentioned that's not necessarily the best technique for noobs. Analyze is really for players who already know what they're doing.
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: Thunkkin on February 05, 2009, 05:12:02 PM
Quote from: Gimfalisette on February 05, 2009, 05:06:04 PM
Remembering my time as a newb (first PC was a merchant who went to work for Kadius), I didn't experience the recipes themselves as being the daunting part; rather, it was beginning to figure out what materials were craftable by themselves or in combination with other materials. I still don't see crafting recipes as a solution there--rather I think I'd like to see a "how to craft for beginners" guide or something of the like, which would cover how to find basic materials, how to experiment, and how to not spend all 1k starting coin in the search for recipes. Most noobs seem to want to start with analyze (I did) and work backwards, but someone else in this thread mentioned that's not necessarily the best technique for noobs. Analyze is really for players who already know what they're doing.

Hmm, that puts it better than I did.  I agree with Gimf.  Also, I depended entirely on analyze and it was very depressing and gave me the opinion that nothing much was craftable (I know better now, just remembering my newbie experience). 
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: SMuz on February 05, 2009, 06:45:53 PM
"how to craft for beginners" would help :P

But IMHO, I'm not really interested in joining a GMH. Heck, they're not interested in my character joining either. I don't want a full-time crafter. I want the crafting as a part of the character - like a thief who her makes her daily living sewing clothes, or an armorsmith who becomes a soldier. They're not professionals at it, not master crafters, just the average Amos with a job.

And as a player, I have no idea what the difference between 1.rock and 5.rock is. Can I make rings out of sandstone? Or do I need the little red rock or the big blocky rock? Do I buy all those cheap feathers and make earrings from them? My character should know. He's been doing it for a living. Which is why I'd be happy with recipes.. so newbies have a first step to figure out what they need to do. And so that casual crafters can just churn out a typical item as part of their character while waiting to prey on someone at night.
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: FantasyWriter on February 06, 2009, 03:51:12 AM
I wouldn't mind seeing two or three low value items being put into each of the crafting skills' help files.

Low value so that they will actually be fairly successful at making it from the beginning.
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: Thunkkin on February 13, 2009, 03:53:11 PM
Thank you Vanth.  <3
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: DustMight on February 13, 2009, 04:00:14 PM
THANK YOU!  Awesome!
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: Gimfalisette on February 13, 2009, 04:00:32 PM
Wow. That is awesome. Thank you.
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: mansa on February 13, 2009, 04:11:21 PM
This is fantastic!  Awesome.

*Unless there were not that many appropriate recipes.  If you would like to help, we need more recipes for clubmaking and ropemaking, and you can submit them as instructed here:,32060.0.html

I think I have another crafting skill that only has 2 recipes in the help file.  Should I email you that?
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: number13 on February 13, 2009, 04:14:57 PM
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: Vanth on February 13, 2009, 04:20:47 PM
Quote from: mansa on February 13, 2009, 04:11:21 PM
This is fantastic!  Awesome.

*Unless there were not that many appropriate recipes.  If you would like to help, we need more recipes for clubmaking and ropemaking, and you can submit them as instructed here:,32060.0.html

I think I have another crafting skill that only has 2 recipes in the help file.  Should I email you that?

No.  There is one skill that only uses 2 ingredients for any of its recipes, so I only did one recipe for each ingredient.

And then tentmaking has only 2 listed, but each of those can be made in multiple colors, I just figured it'd be kinda repetitive to list the same thing in multiple colors.
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: mansa on February 13, 2009, 04:29:09 PM
Quote from: Vanth on February 13, 2009, 04:20:47 PM
Quote from: mansa on February 13, 2009, 04:11:21 PM
This is fantastic!  Awesome.

*Unless there were not that many appropriate recipes.  If you would like to help, we need more recipes for clubmaking and ropemaking, and you can submit them as instructed here:,32060.0.html

I think I have another crafting skill that only has 2 recipes in the help file.  Should I email you that?

No.  There is one skill that only uses 2 ingredients for any of its recipes, so I only did one recipe for each ingredient.

And then tentmaking has only 2 listed, but each of those can be made in multiple colors, I just figured it'd be kinda repetitive to list the same thing in multiple colors.

Okay cool.   This is awesome!  Thanks Vanth!
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: brytta.leofa on February 13, 2009, 05:59:08 PM
If I weren't occupied, I'd be sorely tempted to make a merchant.  And I haven't been.
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: SMuz on February 13, 2009, 07:00:48 PM
Oh wow, thank you! Would be great if I could figure whether I use a saw for making a wooden sword, or a woodcrafting knife :D

Damn, now if only my character wasn't such a prick about crafting certain things that he could codedly do. Oh, well, I'll still get OOC pleasure from trying to figure out new recipes now, never knew that I could make a sword out of a log :P
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: Pale Horse on February 14, 2009, 12:47:40 AM
Quote from: SMuz on February 13, 2009, 07:00:48 PM
Oh wow, thank you! Would be great if I could figure whether I use a saw for making a wooden sword, or a woodcrafting knife :D

Damn, now if only my character wasn't such a prick about crafting certain things that he could codedly do. Oh, well, I'll still get OOC pleasure from trying to figure out new recipes now, never knew that I could make a sword out of a log :P

"Assess" the tool you want to use.  You'll get an argument back saying what it would be useful for.
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: Synthesis on February 14, 2009, 01:05:44 AM
The 'assess' return is often mildly confusing, though.

For instance, if I assess a woodworking knife, it says it would help in carving wood.

Now...arrow shafts are made of wood, but you don't make them with the woodworking skill...will the woodworking knife assist in making arrow shafts?  What about rings carved from wood?

And some of them are just bizarre.  I believe there's an awl or an auger that says, "this would be useful for drilling holes."  Okay.  I don't see the "drilling holes" skill on my list anywhere....
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: DustMight on February 14, 2009, 02:01:20 AM
This would be great.

This is made from a block of wood, you might find a saw and a woodcarving knife useful if you try to make it.

Also, some way to know what our characters can't make - for example making a thing out of two flat rocks.

Now my character might be able to take "a grey lumpy rock" and make "a smooth square rock" but I as a player may not know I will never branch to make a flat rock from a smooth square rock.  Knowing this would allow me to save time and develop some RP by hiring someone to get me flat rocks that I will never be able to make.

The more I think of this, though, I suppose what I'm asking is to know what kinds of "parts" one can make from the basic materials for my particular craft skill. 

Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: mangler on February 14, 2009, 08:43:38 AM
On the topic of the new crafting changes.. I have already encountered one craft which my character had used, and which I thought was justifiably in it's correct place, but has been moved to another skill. Is my character just supposed to pretend he forgot how to make that perticular craft overnight? Any thoughts?
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: spawnloser on February 14, 2009, 09:23:26 AM
No, you're supposed to pretend your character never could make it.
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: FantasyWriter on February 14, 2009, 09:43:56 AM
Amos says to you,
Can you make me another doodlewhatsit?

You say to amos,
A what? I have never heard of such.

Amos says to you, confused,
What? You made me one last week.

you say to amos, raising an eyebrow,
No I didn't.

you say, out of character:
Due to code changed, I can no longer make, nor have I ever made, doodlewhatsits. Sowwies. :(

Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: Vanth on February 14, 2009, 11:27:09 AM
Quote from: mangler on February 14, 2009, 08:43:38 AM
On the topic of the new crafting changes.. I have already encountered one craft which my character had used, and which I thought was justifiably in it's correct place, but has been moved to another skill. Is my character just supposed to pretend he forgot how to make that perticular craft overnight? Any thoughts?

You can email me with your specific case.  I did put a fair bit of thought into the changes I made, and consulted with other staff members where I wasn't sure.  I'm not saying I wouldn't change anything back, but you'll need to convince me.
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: FantasyWriter on February 14, 2009, 01:32:21 PM
I seem to remember hearing staff say before that their were some items that were creatable by different recipes from different skills...
Is this another case of my horrible memory letting me down?

If I am wrong, it does seem logical that some items would be creatable by different crafting skills, simple stone rings from stoneworking as well as jewelrymaking, for example.
Title: Re: Can we have a crafting list, please?
Post by: spawnloser on February 14, 2009, 11:28:57 PM
There are items that can be crafted using two different crafting skills, yes.