Whatever happened to...?

Started by mirk_o_loio, July 28, 2016, 05:16:41 PM

Quote from: deathkamon on August 24, 2016, 02:46:43 AM
Who was that rainbow haired Byn sarge from around 2012? I remember playing one of my more longer-lasting characters with her, and she was fun to RP with.

Oh that was me. :)
After many years of playing (my first PC was 2001) Seren (aka Lucky) was actually my first and only Bynner.
The Byn was a really busy clan at that time and it was fun and new finally having that combat-clan experience.  Besides that though, I really just liked that character and the RP and relationships she had with various people.

That rainbow hair was tedious to maintain!  I spent many leave days junking dye packets to re-dye that hair.
I occasionally had help with it and those little moments are some of my favourites from Lucky's life.

kankfly was this in like 2010?

because if so... same guy. no idea what happened to him.
Quote from: Adhira on January 01, 2014, 07:15:46 PM
I could give a shit about wholesome.

Was that that far back? I hated that rainbow-haired Byn Sergeant ICly and was actively plotting to murder her, shame I got robbed of the chance.
Quote from: Synthesis on August 23, 2016, 07:10:09 PM
I'm asking for evidence, not telling you all to fuck off.

No, I'm telling you to fuck off, now, because you're being a little bitch.

August 24, 2016, 08:20:57 AM #228 Last Edit: August 24, 2016, 08:30:28 AM by Hashi

Lucky was awesome.  And the Byn at that time was pretty epic between her, Koman, another Sarge who may or may not still be living, Drogan, Rolan, Heejo, and a bunch of other crazy bastards I can't recall at this moment.  My recollection is that Albie started to drift away from the Byn at approximately this same period due to a couple of things, including the Byn re-establishing operations in the North (which was a really big deal to Albie - he hated the filthy Northy Witches) and some other things.  He was still "henching" for Fale at times and eventually went over to Kadius on a brief but supposedly very well-paying short-term contract.  I think it actually broke Albie's heart when he felt like he had to leave the Byn.  He had been in for over 20 game years at that point, I think.  Best HG I've seen.

Aww.  I had a pc who was quasi-involved with Heejo. Now I miss him. <3
Quote from: Maester Aemon Targaryen
What is honor compared to a woman's love? ...Wind and words. Wind and words. We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory, and our great tragedy.

I'm curious what happened to the first few Guild figures I met:

as IF you didn't just have them unconscious, naked, and helpless in the street 4 minutes ago

Quote from: evilcabbage on August 24, 2016, 03:22:53 AM
kankfly was this in like 2010?

because if so... same guy. no idea what happened to him.

No I think manipura is thinking of an older reincarnation of rainbow hair Sergeant. I think the recent one was played by Kankfly.
"You will have useful work: the destruction of evil men. What work could be more useful? This is Beyond; you will find that your work is never done -- So therefore you may never know a life of peace."

~Jack Vance~

Quote from: bardlyone on August 24, 2016, 10:37:02 AM
Aww.  I had a pc who was quasi-involved with Heejo. Now I miss him. <3

Fun fact: Literally every female PC had a quasi, if not full-blown, involvement with Heejo.  Love you, Smiley!

I enjoyed meeting him when I was playing my mul. My one regret when storing him was that I wouldn't get to keep interacting with Heejo.

Quote from: Reiloth on August 24, 2016, 10:46:30 AM
Quote from: evilcabbage on August 24, 2016, 03:22:53 AM
kankfly was this in like 2010?

because if so... same guy. no idea what happened to him.

No I think manipura is thinking of an older reincarnation of rainbow hair Sergeant. I think the recent one was played by Kankfly.

Cabbage was talking about dick guy. It somehow got mixed up with rainbow sarge.

And I played a pink sarge. Not a rainbow one. XD
I ruin immershunz.

Quote from: Hashi on August 24, 2016, 10:50:45 AM
Quote from: bardlyone on August 24, 2016, 10:37:02 AM
Aww.  I had a pc who was quasi-involved with Heejo. Now I miss him. <3

Fun fact: Literally every female PC had a quasi, if not full-blown, involvement with Heejo.  Love you, Smiley!

Yeah. Heejo was fun. I had a little, brokeny Oashi aide totally head over heels for him. It was mildly irritating, because he was so obviously ugly and untrustworthy, but the player made him irresistibly interesting.

Did you play him, path?
i love being a nobles health points

Quote from: Hashi on August 24, 2016, 10:50:45 AM
Quote from: bardlyone on August 24, 2016, 10:37:02 AM
Aww.  I had a pc who was quasi-involved with Heejo. Now I miss him. <3

Fun fact: Literally every female PC had a quasi, if not full-blown, involvement with Heejo.  Love you, Smiley!

It's funny because it's true.  ;D

Can verify.  Was trying to assassin Heejo.  Saw a lot of lovemaking.
as IF you didn't just have them unconscious, naked, and helpless in the street 4 minutes ago

Was always iCly ambivalent to Heejo, my characters couldn't tell if they wanted to hug him or slip poison into his booze. Well played character, lots of depth and fun, and he'd involve you in some good shit even if his PC didn't like you, or maybe they did, was hard to tell. Definitely a powerful PC you could hate the shit out of and they wouldn't just come over and curb-stomp you into oblivion, which is something to be thankful for. My only objection to his leadership policy was the whole "no sharps allowed" thing, but that was completely allowable as his decision and was likely a general consensus with others he assosciated with. I never did know if that policy was inspired by the simple fact that they slowed missions down, or a certain bad event having a long-term effect.

Koman was pretty awesome too (loved those raunchy tunes, btw). Lots of memories. Great PCs guys, shit. Lucky was cool too, didn't get to interact with her as much, definitely pulled the whole breed thing off well, without it leading to the untimely demise of her character, was fun to talk to on off days about backstory, hair dyes, flowers, and random events that had happened. Drogan was cool too. Then there was that fat, trinket-bearded merchant, Harar or something? Guy had some kind of weird long-term master plan I never did figure out, ah well, wanted to see what it was, but wasn't so fortunate.
Quote from: Synthesis on August 23, 2016, 07:10:09 PM
I'm asking for evidence, not telling you all to fuck off.

No, I'm telling you to fuck off, now, because you're being a little bitch.

What about that old wizened Dasari lord back in 2012(?)?
i love being a nobles health points

Quote from: Dunetrade55 on August 24, 2016, 11:38:18 AM
Then there was that fat, trinket-bearded merchant, Harar or something? Guy had some kind of weird long-term master plan I never did figure out, ah well, wanted to see what it was, but wasn't so fortunate.

Harar was awesome. His master plan was actually to put together an independent group along with some other well established PC's during that era who had all agreed to throw in together secretly when the time came. He was in the process of making uniforms for the group and seeing about the prospect of getting a warehouse and eventually a wagon.

The end result was supposed to be more or less Firefly in Zalanthas riding the wagon around, taking jobs, and looking for trouble/profit.

Sadly, he ran into some barriers that prevented him from ever getting it really going.

(I did not play this character.)
Quote from: James de Monet on April 09, 2015, 01:54:57 AM
My phone now autocorrects "damn" to Dman.
Quote from: deathkamon on November 14, 2015, 12:29:56 AM
The young daughter has been filled.

Quote from: Desertman on July 29, 2016, 11:13:04 AM
Whatever happened to Sis, I think was her name? You were my friend when I played Markus, the Face of the Guild for a while in Allanak. I died to a insta-gib whiran back before whirans got changed and just sort of left you there. (I thik Shaleah might have played this character? I can't recall. For some reason I'm thinking that.)

Markus dying was Sis' last straw. I as a player was fucking pissed cause I really wanted Sis to use do X and Markus was the right one to really turn her into what she could have been. She ended up up north, was made into a spy and I retired her when mushashi asked me to play a delf.  Incidentally, my d-elf got dead from the same "psycho" whiran. I hope that bitch got karma docked. LOL
I'm taking an indeterminate break from Armageddon for the foreseeable future and thereby am not available for mudsex.
In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.

Quote from: Barsook on August 24, 2016, 11:39:45 AM
What about that old wizened Dasari lord back in 2012(?)?

Not quite sure who you mean, but I would guess they stored.

I remember one of my earlier PCs had wanted to murder the shit out of Koman (pre-Byn days) because not only had his breed mate gone crazy on him shortly after meeting Koman and they got in a spat and she took a swan dive off the shield wall, then Koman made what the PC decided was a joke about it in bad taste (something about bouncing, LMAO, it was funny to hear the story on another PC), but a failed escort caused my PC to snap, say some awful shit, get banished from the outpost, then fell in the damn gith trench because I didn't know my way around.
Quote from: Synthesis on August 23, 2016, 07:10:09 PM
I'm asking for evidence, not telling you all to fuck off.

No, I'm telling you to fuck off, now, because you're being a little bitch.

Quote from: palomar on August 24, 2016, 11:52:26 AM
Quote from: Barsook on August 24, 2016, 11:39:45 AM
What about that old wizened Dasari lord back in 2012(?)?

Not quite sure who you mean, but I would guess they stored.

I think they did, but that one heck of a cool lord.
i love being a nobles health points

Man, especially with the earlier days the Byn was just fucking amazing, because when I was a noob back then that would be my number one spot to go to. I was there from the time I had my character beaten the shit out of when he didn't answer properly to Lucky up until the very end. Koman and Heejo were also some of the best PCs I've ever been around, and the same goes with the Templar Twins back when Tuluk was still around.

Let's see, OH! Pikks, dude was fucking a legendary badass! Loved that guy, and Niall made the Byn playable and enjoyable for me, and Murdle the unbreakable, the ever-present murder-stump Sarge (actually essential to have one of these for taking out the trash). I remember a LOT of wild plots with those three Sergeants involved, was a GREAT, game defining experience for me. Then there was Gavin and his fucking chair (whatever happened to that chair?), and Silteye wiping boogers on my breed when they were both Runners (yes, I saw those hemotes, but I decided my PC likely wouldn't notice, also wiping boogers on the breed decked out in gith armor is kind of redundant). There really was this weird, crazy dynamic going on at that time that I seriously enjoyed, every moment felt fresh and exciting. OH, and Harle, she was cool too.

Then outside the Byn there was Materi (I think that's how it's spelled, been so long) and another merchant whose name I wish I could remember, and Lin the lantern-seller who tried to sell my first PC to gypsies, then got me near ROFL stomped by a carru, I was straight out of chargen and was like, OMFG this shit is so intense.
Quote from: Synthesis on August 23, 2016, 07:10:09 PM
I'm asking for evidence, not telling you all to fuck off.

No, I'm telling you to fuck off, now, because you're being a little bitch.

Quote from: Barsook on August 24, 2016, 11:27:35 AM
Did you play him, path?

I did not play Heejo. I only play the fool.

Koman was the bee's knees! This was a very happening time in Allanak. Shout out to Rahnevyn as my staffer at the time. He was top shelf.