Just a sweet transvestite from transexual transyl-tuluk?

Started by Reverend Jeff, August 17, 2004, 01:04:26 PM

Today on Jerry Springer: Zalanthian Transvestites -- Fact or Fiction?

Haven't Seen It
19 (37.3%)
Seen It
23 (45.1%)
Lived It
7 (13.7%)
Loved It
2 (3.9%)

Total Members Voted: 50

Voting closed: August 17, 2004, 01:04:26 PM

So, I was reading the mul-mix discussion over in "Ask the Players" and there was an off-hand remark made about mudsex with female characters played by male players (Interestingly enough, there's been a couple fascinating papers written on cross-gender role-playing in virtual worlds that're pretty damn cool).

Anyway, so, it got me thinking.  Sure, we have male players playing female characters.  And female players playing male characters.  But how common are male characters that play female characters or the reverse?  

Figured I'd make it a poll to keep the IC information as far away as possible, but I'm kinda curious as to whether we've had this before or not.
The one-celled, sultry amoeba says: "Oooh, baby. Yeah."
The one-celled, sultry amoeba moans in ecstasy.
The one-celled, sultry amoeba splits in half, shuddering with pleasure.[/quote]

In my old "we say we're RP Encouraged but we're really just a filthy Hack and Slash" mud I once had a female character.

I quit playing her because thieves were all about spamming thievy
sk][11z in that game, and it got old.

While fun at first, blowing off guy characters trying to hit on her got kinda old, too. I also felt it was somewhat unrealistic.

If I do it again (which I might), I'd just make a lesbian. But not an F-me. :)

Whoops.  Maybe my little tangental digressions made me forget my point.
What I meant to ask about was, you know, male players who play female characters that pretend they're male characters.  Or female players that play male characters that pretend their female characters.

Granted, I've always had a strange urge to, you know, buy a dress and wear it around Allanak and do curtseys and the like, but it totally wouldn't have been in-character for any of my characters.  But I can dream, can't I?
The one-celled, sultry amoeba says: "Oooh, baby. Yeah."
The one-celled, sultry amoeba moans in ecstasy.
The one-celled, sultry amoeba splits in half, shuddering with pleasure.[/quote]

You freak. The original question was better. I withdraw my vote of lived it and vote haven't seen it.


(i'll admit,  i was confused by the title, but decided to answer the question over the title.)

Although I detest the way the thread is titled, I will still reply.

I have known people to play the opposite gender. I have also done it myself though rarely. It is challenging, but also enlightening.

There was an extensive discussion about the subject recently on Top Mudsites recently.

Though I prefer playing females, I do and will play males too.
f time conversions are giving you a head-ache, visit: http://www.worldtimeserver.com/

Quote from: "nublet"You freak. The original question was better. I withdraw my vote of lived it and vote haven't seen it.
Back from a long retirement

For the sake of the intended question, as I understand it:

Without RL-style sexism, it's a lot harder to find the motivation for a Zalanthan Yentl (or the reverse).  I guess it'd have to be either kink or fashion sense, neither of which sound quite as adventuresome.

On the other hand, I can see doing it short term as a spy or other character trying to create temporary confusion about their idenity.


I have seen a male character who preferred to dress as a female, although I do not know what gender he preferred to spend naked time with.  

He made no bones about having all the "out-y" hardware, but insisted on using a female name and referred to himself as "herself" in about sixty percent of his emotes.

Don't know the gender of the player, but the character rocked.  Absolutely.
Sitting in your comfort,
You don't believe I'm real,
But you cannot buy protection
from the way that I feel.

For a short while I played a female who was very butch and had male qualities of appearance.  Her desc was the blah, blah-blah human, and I made an effort not to use "her" in emotes, but rather to emote asexually (it's hard, believe me).  She was on several occasions mistaken for a male.
Quote from: tapas on December 04, 2017, 01:47:50 AM
I think we might need to change World Discussion to Armchair Zalanthan Anthropology.

I've seen a male char that everyone thought was femine. Loooooooong tiem ago... Wish I could find his player. I had some of the best times with him... Wait, no, there was one more. Same time.... Amos(Kadian) and Kojiro. I loved those guys. They were a blast to hang out with. And now everyone'll yell and me and say they didn't fit the Zalanthian world. Quite frankly, I don't think Zalanthian people fit in this world. But you WILL find those kinda people.... Sadly.

-Tortall, who is bored out of her mind at college.
The man asks you:
     "'Bout damn time, lol.  She didn't bang you up too bad, did she?"
The man says, ooc:
     "OG did i jsut do that?"

Quote from: Shalooonsh
I love the players of this game.
That's not a random thought either.