Code Help

Started by Highlander, August 14, 2004, 11:01:46 AM

Sorry for being a complete newbie, but I'm kind of confused about the code stuff.

I'm very involved with programming, so it shouldn't be too hard for me to understand. So if you could tell me a location where they all are located, I would be gratefull.

Uh, where all what are located? The code? It's proprietary information that players don't have access to. If you're just interested in seeing what the code -might- look like, you could run a google search for DIKU - Arm's code is derived from it.

If you're looking for a list of commands, there isn't one. Different commands are located in different places. But you could look at the help files on the main menu, and see all the different commands there, mixed in with all kinds of other stuff.

While Armageddon MUD's code remains a closely guarded secret, you can look at and manipulate the code base Armageddon was built from - DIKU.

Get DIKU's source code here:

And a somewhat expansive guide to how it works, here:

Edit - Like Bestatte said, unless you're interested in MUD-building, there's nothing really to be gained from looking at the DIKU mud code. For the player, Arm's help files should suffice, and what's not in them likely isn't intended to be.