Started by INSTAGIBBED, August 02, 2004, 07:42:26 PM

It looked to me as though the crim flag was working just fine, and realistically. Bear with me - the concept is oozing from my brain and I'm writing as it comes to me:

Okay there's two general kinds of being caught: Being caught after you've already committed the crime, and being caught WHILE you are committing the crime. (There's also being caught before you ever commit a crime, but the crim-flag code doesn't consider that...that's up to the PCs to work out)

So I attempt to steal from someone, and I fail. I get crim-flagged. But the moment I am crim-flagged is also the moment I am no longer attempting to steal from someone. I am not 'actively engaged' in committing the crime of stealing.

I attempt to subdue someone, and I fail. I get crim-flagged. The moment I am crim-flagged, I am -currently- and 'actively' engaged in combat, because once you fail, the other guy's gonna fight back, and that's your combat situation.

It looks to me, as though the soldiers saw me 'actively engaged' - AFTER they were alerted to my being crim-flagged. And so rather than just subdue me, they break my face.

If I was crim-flagged, and IMMEDIATELY ceased to continue the crime (via the code ending the crime being committed), then they would not see me 'actively engaged' and would simply haul me over their shoulder and lug me off to jail (assuming I don't fight back).

Did that make any sense? It does to me, but like I said this stuff is just ooze of my grey matter and the caffeine hasn't quite kicked in yet.

Tlaloc put it well, listen to him.

Also, my suggestion is that if you are going to commit a criminal act, look around and make sure no guards are in the immediate vicinity.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

I don't think there should be a delay, I just think that they should still attempt a subude.  That's all.

I wanted subdue to fail, because I was going to get dragged off to jail.  Part of my chars RP.  Well, not anymore I guess  :?  heh

QuoteYou chose instead to use a subdue code, which is not the same as grabbing someone's arm to pull them towards you. You instead chose an action which is akin to wrapping your arms completely around someone to immobilize them. Odds are the soldiers were in the next room and saw you manhandling her and her fighting back and rushed in.

Just like with backstab, there are many different ways you can subdue someone.  You can put on arm behind their back and push, you can do a full head lock, you can freaking jump on them and sit on them.
I was wielding no weapons, and was grabbing a prostitute.  That is grounds for NPC enforced jail time.  The PC templars should be the ones who decide if my char dies for that.  There was no RP involved in my death.  If they had attempted to subdue me, I could have played out the situation, and even if I died, at least there would have been RP.

I appricate the help, but 'check the helpers page' is just as standard a response as 'its too ic'.  I already knew all that, I'm proposing it get changed.  It seems the majority agrees its fubar.  No one likes their great char getting killed instantly for a stupid ass reason like this.

You can rub it off and say, Zalanthas is a tough world, don't break the law.
All it's doing is ruining peoples chars.[/quote]

Don't get me wrong, Tlaloc, helping noobs is cool and all, but I am not new.  I am proposing somthing to fix what the majority of the playerbase feels is messed up.

All I noticed was, you totally ignoring the discussion part of this thread.  Staff opinions are half of this board.

Ever thought that maybe that was thier whore? Go to any whore on the street and start handling her rough and the pimp'll cap your ass rl too.
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.  Zalanthas is Armageddon.

Thing is, it dosen't matter what mob it was.  It could have been a templar, it could have been some blind, naked, spiced out, toothless begger.

I have two things to say on this.  First:
QuoteComplaints of unfairness on the part of others will not be given an audience. If you think someone was mean to you, you're most likely right.
So, in other words, tough luck, ol' chap.

Second.  The best way to get something changed is to write a thorough, polite proposal.  State the problem, and how to change it in a way that is concise, reasonable, logical and shows thought.  Don't say, "This sucks, this has to go!"; rather, try "There is a problem with how the guard crim code works.  What happened was...blah blah.  What I suggest is changing it so that the guards...blah blah.  Alternatively, if that isn't possible, maybe we can do it like...blah blah."  When you outline a problem and solutions clearly, it's easier and more efficient for the coder(s) to track down the problem and fix it.  Send this to

The reason that I'm not commenting on this situation directly is because I (amongst other staff) don't have in-depth code experience necessary.

That quote was fucking stupid.
Whatever, I'm out for today too.

Quote from: roughneck on October 13, 2018, 10:06:26 AM
Armageddon is best when it's actually harsh and brutal, not when we're only pretending that it is.