
Started by Bug, July 29, 2004, 04:59:37 AM

Well, because people would probably also use it in non-sparring situations, in which case it should be harder to get away but remain that close to them.

Got to look at the whole picture, not just in the sparring aspect of it. Like someone else already said, without a delay and such it's subject to twinky use in non-sparring situations.

In those situations I think it should be more risky to attempt than just running the fuck away.

Yes, while sparring they're not going to chase you out of the circle...but in serious combat situations...are you going to just let them back off and stand just out of reach? Probably not.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Quote from: "jhunter"

Yes, while sparring they're not going to chase you out of the circle...but in serious combat situations...are you going to just let them back off and stand just out of reach? Probably not.

True enough, but as an attacker, i'd rather see them in the same room with a huge delay than in another room with half the delay.

I mean, with the delay of "flee e, w" for "flee room" I don't see how it could be twinked. at all. No need to make it harder to do.

See where i'm coming from? I mean, I understand your point from a realistic view, but imma have to side with playability on this one.

In this situation, I don't see any reason that this is less playable to make it function more realistically.

If the dificulty was higher, theoretically it would be easier for more skilled pc to get back just out of reach of a lesser skilled one and harder for the lesser skilled to get back just out of reach of the greater skilled.

I would just be extremely annoyed to see a lesser combatant jumping back easily out of reach of a more skilled one to talk, it just shouldn't work that way and since it's not something that's already in the game I'd rather see it come into the game as realistically as playably possible.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D