Lots of people use Craigslist....

Started by MSM, July 27, 2004, 11:50:28 PM

We should to....

Post Arm plugs in the gaming community sections of your city.

It's not a mud board, so it's fair game.

Edit: Oh yea, www.craigslist.com

That's a great idea.

I think the "groups" section would be a good place to do it too.


I'm about to catch a plane and I'll be gone to the east coast for work until Friday, but I'll post a plug in the San Francisco Bay Area CL when I return.

You might want to point people at this link:

http://www.armageddon.org/joinus.html  - might be more welcoming than the main page.

Ugh...I thought I did NY. I'll go do it now...

Unless they all link up?

Edit: They all link up. Or atleast san fran and ny
Edit2: Posted the second link.

Quote from: "Sanvean"You might want to point people at this link:

http://www.armageddon.org/joinus.html  - might be more welcoming than the main page.

Just as a note, the topmud sites points to http://www.armageddon.org/intro/adpage.html which seems to be identical.  Perhaps they should both point to the same page?

Any other ideas on where we could post that link?

Game and/or fiction sites etc?

I'm thinking we currently target mudders at mud sites, which is cool.....But there is a whole other market we could hit, in terms of people who are avid readers. I think Arm would appeal as much, if not more to them.

What I'm trying to brainstorm now is how to reach sci-fi and fantasy readers who don't know much about mudding. People who might be less open to a concept of a mud, but more to the concept of game offerinf an an "interactive fiction" experience.


EDIT: For coherence.
If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.


They are the same page - in some situations, I felt people would be turned off by the word "ad" in the link.