Desert Elven Tribes

Started by Xerokine, July 26, 2004, 11:58:17 PM

Well, I've recently begun having the ability to play a desert elf which I've come to find an extremely interesting experience far from that of a normal human ranger, or atleast how I played those. However, I'm fairly curious in finding out what playing within the Son Lanah Kah and the other tribe is about. Would I have to hunt in groups, like the standard clan rule.. you know, the basic questions regarding any clan as I have no idea about either of them. If anyone could help me, or point me to some documentation regarding these tribes and their interworkings as far as rules are concerned, I would greatly appriciate it.
ocking a fake scream, the badass scorpion exclaims to you, in
"Ah! Scorpions! I pissed my Wyvern trousers! Ah!"

You might try emailing and - they are the immortals in charge of desert elves, last I checked. :)

Each coded clan is sure to have its own separate documentation and set of guidelines to follow, though I sincerely doubt they're as structured as a military or other city-type clan. You can also look up general info on tribes here.

A word of advice.  Joining a tribe can be a lot better option both ICly and OOCly than doing the virtual thing, but you had better be open minded about waiting if you want in a tribe.  It means you have to e-mail the necessary clan immortal(s) and work on a concept with them.  It shouldn't be an obscene amount of time to go through this process but, like any other special role (templar, merchant house family member, etc.), it may take a few days until you're settled and in game.

Akei'ta Var rules. That's all I really have to say.

The Soh Lanah Kah is an excellent tribe to be in, especially if you haven't been in the Tablelands a whole lot, or haven't had a real reason to explore there.  The environment is awesome!   The society is great, and it really feels as gritty as the game truly should be!  

So, I would highly recommend going with the SLK, especially if you can bring along a friend, or somebody you know OOCly with the d-elf option.