Moderation is the key.

Started by Sholdyn, July 26, 2004, 05:46:01 PM

I tend to not read as many posts on this board as I used to. I've found that I get tired of people bitching about one thing or another, or someone merely making a point and a bunch of other people bitch at them, OR they post something nice and people still bitch about it.

... does it sound like I'm bitching?

Anyway... Next time you have something heated to say, remember, moderation is the key in ANY situation. People tend to see something they don't like and then swing completely the other way. This just creates problems.

I'm not saying don't post and I'm not saying don't argue. Argument is healthy for people as long as the argument itself is healthy.

Just remember... balance and moderation, please.
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Yeah..that'll get taken under advisement in the middle of a flame war..  :roll:
The rugged, red-haired woman is not a proper mount." -- oops

Diealot - Ninja Helper (Too cool for Tags)

hahah, so true.  I'll try to be on better behavior.  Good point.
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