Feedback on points made during the PSTM

Started by Sanvean, July 24, 2004, 10:30:46 PM

Heh.  Okay.  My view of the situation is shot down.  Next?  :P
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

I suggested having a system comrpised of rings around each civilization center and major trade route.  The rings would consist of the following

Ring 1 - Prey and small predators.  These would not be anything that'd give a real hunter anything more than a bad bite or scratch.   Hardly life threatening unless just a freak accident.

Ring 2 - Larger predators and medium sized prey.  Thinned out from local hunters around the main of the city/village, these animals roam a bit futher out and what hunters who want to make a decent 'sid go for in way of hides and meat.

Ring 3 - Opposing civilization centers, monster class creatures, etc...  This would mostly be your gith/mantis/halfling encampments and huge creatures capable of destroying nearly any PC it came across with one or two chomps.

The idea behind this is not to make hunting easier, but to create an easier system for PC-PC interaction to take place.  Armaddict made the comment that this would have everyone out spam hunting to 'power twink' out without a system of checks and balances.  I think that this is great, because it gets lots of players outside of the cities and involved in some fun and exciting player vs. player RP that normally doesn't happen do the harshness of the NPC population.

I don't want to play a game where the most common and dangerous entity in the desert is one or more NPC's.  I want the dangers to come primarily from PC threats or from creatures when I stray a bit too far from the cities to be realistic.

As for the bigger animals not being 'afraid' - that's not why they are further from the cities.  They are further from the cities becaues the VNPC population of hunters, caravan guards, escorts, mercenaries and guards that travel these outlaying lands with great frequency would pretty much keep them cleared up and the REAL hunting would need to take place a little ways from the city itself.


How PUSSY do you want to make Zalanthas? ffs, i've been playing like 3 months and i've never had to struggle to survive... to struggle for food and water... its lame.  Now you want to make it even lamer?

When I first started playing, I expected it to be hell outside the city walls.  So much so, Ranger guides would be making a great living escorting people through.  Not this run across the world in a couple hours no sweat crap.

The smaller creatures around the city is a terrible idea.  It almost seems ooc.  Want to practice backstab?  Run a pace or two outside town and start borging lizards.  Robbed blind?  No sweat, scrap up any knife and get back on your feet skinning these little creatures outside of town with no real threat.  Why don't we just make the game fking tolkien based, rivers and forests.

I don't think I'd like lots of little lizards/animals too much. Vestric are ok, but tiny little things screw around with tracking and are unrealistic to hunt. Leave those to echoes. Most of the non-aggressive, smaller prey are a fair challenge for a newbie hunter, but still workable(at least up north).

QuoteWhen I first started playing, I expected it to be hell outside the city walls.

Read Gilvar's post. Slowly. Carefully. Word for word.

Edited to add: If realism was the focus, I'd say the amount of wildlife outside in the hellish environment should be cut down significantly, but I wouldn't like that much.

By hell outside the city walls, I did not really mean right outside of town.  I meant the entire wastes.  Where wandering around with other PC's = a MUCH higher chance of death due to the elements and such.

I expected it to be hard to make a living for food and water, not everyone having sack fulls of sid, that i know how to make in several ways.  The economy REALLY needs to get re-worked.

QuoteHow PUSSY do you want to make Zalanthas?

Grow up. Using such rude language does not make for good debate.
Armageddon is neither a MUSH nor is it a type of Hack and Slash where everything is coded, it's not supposed to be.  People can't expect for everything to be coded.  If you want a scared character, if you want a character barely hanging on, then make one.  Do not rely totally on the games code or other PCs to –make- your character do or feel anything.  Your character's actions and emotions are your responsibility.  Fact is once the player gets into the mindset of the character, gets into using the Think command or emoting VNPC terrors, then it's a lot easier to see the game as being more harsh.

QuoteI suggested having a system comrpised of rings around each civilization center and major trade route.

I <3 this idea!
"The Highlord casts a shadow because he does not want to see skin!" -- Boog

<this space for rent>

Every help file suggests is a brutal world were going outside alone if you have not grown up there all your life would = doom.  The fact is, its no more dangerous than going into a swamp land in any other mud... with the ocasional crocs and snakes.

You might get thirsty! But don't worry, you can buy truckloads of water since its so easy to pump out sid.

QuoteYou might get thirsty! But don't worry, you can buy truckloads of water since its so easy to pump out sid.

The economy does need to be reworked, but you can fix things for yourself to make things harsh.

1) Make burglars, play them as pickpockets and warriors(that's what I used to do).
2) Play only in Allanak.
3) The only clan you should join is the Byn.
4) Explore everything: drop into every hole, climb every cliff.
5) Pick fights with everyone(I have a feeling you'll be good at that).

Quote from: "Kalden"The economy does need to be reworked, but you can fix things for yourself to make things harsh.

Though I don't necessarily agree with Kalden's options, his statement itself speaks alot of truth. If you want it to be harsh, make it so.

Quote from: "Kalden"The economy does need to be reworked, but you can fix things for yourself to make things harsh.
Agreed, but I still personally like the idea of making the game harder. That is my own machoistic instinct.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.
