Tektolnes wants you!

Started by Naiona, July 19, 2004, 06:56:15 AM

Applications are being accepted for one Allanaki Arm of the Dragon non-templar position. This position will be a commoner and is associated with the city Militia. More information will be provided to those qualified for and interested.

Most important is playtime. You need to be able to play steadily, and during peak hours. You should also be a self-starter and able to function in a leadership position.

Applicants should also not have any recent bad comments, and ideally should not be in a sensitive role currently, where retirement would take something away from the game.

In addition, those applying should have some experience with Allanaki social roleplay and be at least somewhat acquainted with the noble structure in the city. The character proposed must be a human, non-magicker.  Please include your account name in any coorespondance.

Questions and application proposals should be sent to naiona@ginka.armageddon.org and cc'd to kivan@ginka.armageddon.org, dyrinnis@ginka.armageddon.org, wachabe@ginka.armageddon.org and mud@ginka.armageddon.org sometime soon.
brainz: it's what's for dinner.

This position has been filled. Thank you to everyone who applied.
brainz: it's what's for dinner.