
Started by Aqua, July 18, 2004, 03:58:00 PM

Im a newb and I started a file, wandered around town... attempted to steal some stuff (i was a pickpocket) and I died... i always got caught, and I died within like 1 hour... I need some newbie tips and thief tips!

Setting 'nosave on' will cause you to give-in to guards trying to arrest you, so they'll throw you in jail instead of killing you when you automatically attempt to escape.  You will also learn a ginormous bit more from talking to other characters than trying to learn everything on your own.  They probably won't tell you where to find the sekrit hat of ubertheftyness, but signing on with a clan could get you a cover-job (so people won't suspect you quite as much of thieving) and this will also give you a source of food+water while you carefully learn the ropes of stealing.  Yay thieves!  :twisted:
Murder your darlings.

Contact a Helper. They can give advice when you get stuck.

Welcome and good luck. :)

Another piece of advice...Thieves are much tougher to play for beginners than most people think.  I suggest making a warrior for your next character.

But good luck to you either way.
'm helpful to noobs, ask me questions, totally noob friendly.

"Mail if you think you've crashed the game."


Weellll, where can I join a guild? And also, is there a way to tell whos an NPC or a PC?

If you want your character to join a criminal organization, what you need to do is find one in the game and try to wiggle your way in.

The documentation might give you some hints as to where'd be good places to look.  Then again, most criminal organizations operate below the radar, right?  So finding them may take a bit of work on your part.  One thing you can be sure of is that wherever there are a lot of people in Zalanthas, there are criminals.  Good luck with the search!

In Armageddon guilds are called clans. There is a clan called "The Guild" which is a criminal organisation that is difficult to join.

You may wish to join another clan. For example in Allanak to join a mercenary company you are more likely to find people in a fairly dirty, filthy establishment that is still within the law-abiding section of the city. That would be the Gaj. If you wanted to join a merchant house you might want to try the medium-range tavern which isn't as dirty. That would be the Bard's Barrel. If you wanted to join a noble house your best bet would be to try the poshest tavern in the city. The Trader's Inn. However to join a Noble House you have to be from that city (or in neighbouring towns that are still part of the city).

Quote from: "Aqua"And also, is there a way to tell whos an NPC or a PC?
Not really. People that start with "a something something" as their short description are NPCs, people who have "the something man is sitting here muttering to himself" when you walk into the room is also an NPC most of the time. Mostly PCs will only have a "the something man is standing here" or "The something man is sitting here at the round table." PCs can have "the something man is sitting here muttering to himself" as their description you see when you walk into the room, but most of the time they don't.

Another way is to try "talk keyword topics" (e.g. talk spindly topics). If that works, they're DEFINITELY an NPC. If it fails they might be an NPC.

If you decide to be a thief once again, try to start from the bottom of the barrel.  Basically don't try to steal the pack from a drawf with a huge axe...start small, easy and from those that are most likely unable to fight back. Remember morality is as scarce as metal in this game

Greetings Aqua, and welcome to Armageddon.

Thieves are very hard for new players, since they tend to require a lot of knowledge before you can make a living as one. I highly suggest making a warrior character and joining a clan such as the T'zai Byn, a mercenary company located in Allanak and Tuluk. This will allow you to have a lot of fun while having an easier time learning the game as you go.  As someone else also suggested, contacting one of our helpers outside of the game to answer your questions and offer advice can be invaluable to new players.  That said, good luck, and I hope you enjoy the game as much as many of us do.

Don't forget about The Atrium. It's the one place designed to teach everything you need to learn to survive the harder side of Allanak which means you'll learn how to bow to all the right people and tell the differences between the right people and the not so right people. Learning how to tell who's who, how to treat them and the proper way to kiss ass is very very important!

Keep in mind that almost all of this above information, taverns and clans, are all Allanak based.

If you start in Tuluk, you can still join the Byn or the merchant houses, but the nobles and taverns are different.  You'd start right in front of one of the more popular ones that also happens to be the posher one.  There are a couple other taverns out there that you would more likely find other sorts of people, obviously.  There is no Atrium up north, though.  Your noble clan choices can be found here.  Just for information's sake, only Winrothol and Tenneshi are coded, meaning that you could join them.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.