Scribe for the Northlands

Started by Irathu, June 12, 2004, 12:09:56 PM

As of now I am playing a bard, (though you will never know which one ) But I have ran out of stories and I was wondering.....

If its not bad rp, even though I would introduce the stories as ones I found on my travels (since I did add than into my background) I was wondering if it would be possible for you (the other players) to submit stories, maybe I will use them maybe I wont but I would most definately not just pop up one day and go hey listen to this and blurt it out.....

I would more likely say something like "and heres a new story from some of my travels across the tablelands(or from the elves i met in nak,,, or form some dwarfs from the mines of nak)' something like that just give me a bit of background on the story also.....

I swear I will try my damnedest to introduce them in an rp fashion.... if I think I cant do the song or story that way then I wont use it at all....

That is if this whole thing is not bad rp...

Anyways tell me what you think and if you want to submit something to me my email is


My character has come up with all kinds of mundane topics to turn into stories. She isn't a bard; she's a storyteller. Here's some ideas, you're free to use them. I make up most of this stuff "on the fly" - I never think them up in advance, and anything can inspire me to tell a story in game, no matter how simple or uninteresting the topic.

You can do these "silly" stories with all kinds of animation. Grab a practice weapon and shield and pretend to play the role of each part of combat scenes. Act them out, mime them even if you want! Pick any stupid-ass thing and turn it into a magickal spun tale. Tell people a story about a Reynolte who hated to drink wine. Make up a song about a herd of mekillots sharing a juicy desert elf for lunch and the big brother mek who starved to death because his pride made him insist that desert elves were too stringy and not meaty enough. Do a dance of a non-existent tribal culture, tell everyone it is their ritual of sacrifice on the day when both moons and the sun rise at the same time.

Make up a joke about why the rinthi crossed the road - and then embellish it by turning it into an epic tale.

If you're a northerner, make up a story that mama used to teach her kids to keep them away from the ruins. If you're a southerner, the same goes for the elementalist quarter. Tell tales about how a whiran and a krathi lost control of their senses and burned a whole village down outside the gates with a whirling gale wind of flames.

If you see a blue-eyed stranger in a tavern, make up a story about them. The more far-fetched the better. Tell the audience about how this blue-eyed lass once saved an entire Tzai'Byn patrol unit from a band of raging gith, with only a gentle whisper to the gith leader and a kiss on its cheek.

Now - if I can make all this stuff while I'm typing it out here on the GDB (which is exactly what I did) - you can certainly come up with all kinds of crazy shit that can keep people entertained! Have faith in yourself and your imagination. Dig into the "child" within yourself and just make all kinds of stuff up and have a blast!

Here's a list of Zalanthan folk songs:

You can probably take most any of those and make them into stories if you wanted to.

The link would suffice actually, heh.
I'm taking an indeterminate break from Armageddon for the foreseeable future and thereby am not available for mudsex.
In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.

Thanks for the help but, what I was looking for was a few stories from actual tribes in game, and hunters and such. Stuff that a traveling bard who is in good with a couple tribes and most of the city-states would overhear and be able to embelish...

I want to get a bit of the feel and taste the other players have and be able to reproduce it and put it out there for other players and bards to continue.....

Kinda like the chain stories and gossip and such that is told by innkeepers and bards in the original D&D EXCEPT set it entirely in Zalanthas and include ACTUAL char (dead or alive) and actual events....  More historical less fictional..

Now trust me I will use your ideas but I would like also to build a historical based story repetiore.

Thanks for the help but, what I was looking for was a few stories from actual tribes in game, and hunters and such. Stuff that a traveling bard who is in good with a couple tribes and most of the city-states would overhear and be able to embelish...

I want to get a bit of the feel and taste the other players have and be able to reproduce it and put it out there for other players and bards to continue.....

Kinda like the chain stories and gossip and such that is told by innkeepers and bards in the original D&D EXCEPT set it entirely in Zalanthas and include ACTUAL char (dead or alive) and actual events....  More historical less fictional..

Now trust me I will use your ideas but I would like also to build a historical based story repetiore.

Oh by the way I know of the folksong listings and I love using them I just want something different, and yet still something that actually happened.

Thanks again.

Try this then:

You should be able to find something in there of the global/historical events (not so much as tribal) that have been documented in city records by scribes.

The only way to get stories from tribals and hunters is to befriend them in game, get their stories and embelish or retell them.  Every bard I've made is insanely nosy.
I'm taking an indeterminate break from Armageddon for the foreseeable future and thereby am not available for mudsex.
In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.

Thanks I will try that, but it was just a thought to get a few stories from other players..... not neccesarily tribal but of just other players that might have been alive or survived around the current game time.... You know stories of great heroes....

I just wanted to know the names and feats they did. Kinda like Muk Utep did hundreds of years back.

But again thanks... I forgot entirely about the timeline.


Just bullshit it.

I fucking hate bards. But for some reason I decided to play one. I basically managed to bullshit every single line. Borrow from songs. Think of old wise tales. Whatever.
"We pay for and maintain the GDB for players of ArmageddonMUD, seeing as
how you no longer play we would prefer it if you not post anymore.

-the Shade of Nessalin"


Carnage Carnage Carnage my friend you just dont understand, maybe its my fault, maybe I didnt explain enough, what I want is real Char stories and events, real historic accounts of events.

My bard has a few quirks, and well thats what I want. The reason is I am trying to draw Bards away from 'Bulshitting' their way through songs and stories and such.

Almost all folktales and songs from our past came from some event somewhere, whether it was from a tribe, a well known noble who tripped over his robe and slapped the court jester and made him see things, or it was a great philosipher who came up with some deep crevice in the human mind they came from somewhere, they wherent just bullshitted up out of nowhere.

Its much less like today. I am trying to capture that, and well how does the regular commoner know about a great templar that saved their arse last week if a bard doesnt tell them. Yes the board is there in the tavern but thats just not the same, most stories and heroics would actually be told by a bard not rumors that travel across through the patrons of a bar. (most of them are drunk anyways and dont know their head from a kanks ass) And as for heroics or stories, tales, and just songs from other cities, I want the real thing (I can do this because my char has that he is a traveler in his background) I am not saying send every song to me. Just one or two here and there, maybe a story, maybe a tale of a heroic woodsman who was the first one to see the mantis and come running to tell the templarate. Now sorry if I didnt elaborate more but that is more of what I wanted. I want the real hard core facts of Allanak, Tuluk, and all the other city states and even outposts and tribes. Not every last one but a few here and there. I dont want to bullshit thats why I am asking the other players for help.

Now dont get me wrong I will bullshit a few songs, tales and dances but I do also want the actual thing.

Thanks for the help though.


PCs aren't the only 'real' people on Zalanthas. Hell, they're only a very small percentage.

Yes, but PC are the only ones that do anything interesting for the most part.  PCs are the ones that have been driving most historical events.

My PC has quite a few stories to tell.  Perhaps if the two of you meet, you will get some fodder for your barding.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Maybe this doesn't fit the concept you've got worked out, but I'd say your best bet is (which others mentioned) to roleplay it out and get the stories from other PCs.   Trade stories with people, and build up your stockpile of tales.

I'm not sure what else you can do, really.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

Well some PC's better start comming up with some good stories.

Anyways Thanks for all your help but I will work on it myself but if anyone wants to help me out by sending some info on historical events or anything like that please go right ahead...



Irathu, after a little bit, I stopped ready...

My only advice is to actually go get the stories IG.  Do this travelling IG to go get these stories.  If your character is in with all these tribes, why?  Go get in with all these tribes and learn their stories, and then head off to go tell the stories to others while learning their stories.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

And again noone understands a word I am saying... but anyways....

I shall go ahead and figure it out on my own....


A very annoyed Irathu. :x  :x

Quote from: "Irathu"And again noone understands a word I am saying... but anyways....
Actually, I think I do.
Quote from: "Irathu"As of now I am playing a bard, (though you will never know which one ) But I have ran out of stories and I was wondering.....

If its not bad rp, even though I would introduce the stories as ones I found on my travels (since I did add than into my background) I was wondering if it would be possible for you (the other players) to submit stories, maybe I will use them maybe I wont but I would most definately not just pop up one day and go hey listen to this and blurt it out.....
Okay...what you are saying here is that your character has travelled to have picked up these songs.  Why don't you go wander and pick up songs/stories from PCs IG, increasing the amount of RP you could have?  Why do you ask the other players, who may be busy writing these stories for when they play a bard, to hand out their own creative work for others to use?  Seriously, if you want stories, find them...write them.  I'm sorry if this sounds crass, but people feel posessive of their own art, which stories, poems and songs all are...for some silly reason.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Plenty of characters in-game have had real adventures and love to brag about them.  If you ask the right questions you should easily get more stories than you can ever use.  Long, boring stories that nobody wants to hear!  Independant hunters, bored Byn Runners, halfbreeds desperate for any attention, and tribal types trying to learn sirihish are all good targets, people who may have heard or seen interesting things and don't have some silly life-oath preventing them from telling you about it.  ;)

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Alright, first of all I am an artist myself, a painter, I know about people being protective and all... but thats not the point, adventure you say, travel you say, well think of the player base thats out there, most just sit in the tavern and dont do a damned thing anymore. I have seen it myself, I dont want stories of current chars, i want historical events that have happened in the last say 5 years, I want stories of those heroes and such. Most chars dont live that long so wont know a damned thing about it. Get my drift.

I give up on you people.



Encouraging people to have stories to tell you could cause people to get out there and do things that are worthy of being told in story.  Still, some people out there have 'historical' stories that you could learn in game.  I've said before and will say again that I disagree with the concept of having a character travel the world in their background or be from somewhere else than their starting location and everything of the like.  I heavily advocate doing it in game...which gives you something to do.  Seriously, don't expect people to get off their asses if you won't do the same with your character.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

You dont have a damned clue what I am actually trying to do you do. My char is not expected to get of his ass because he is a scholar and a historian. THAT is why I want to get the information, but as I said i give up on you people who believe that absolutely everything in should be done in game.

If that is so try then why is there even songs and stories posted on the website in the first place.

But anyways everyone only sees things in one direction so I am going to surrender my fight and go about this at a different approach. I want to give him a bit of a story and song background so that he CAN get these people of their asses by inspiring them with great historical based tales of warriors rushing to defend their city, or of Templars saving everyones ass from mantis, now AFTER I give him a historical background maybe, more than likely he will want to get off HIS ass and go back to those places to gather MORE songs and MORE dances and MORE stories, THAT will cause him to want more because the people will want more and in turn it makes it a vicious circle of supply and demand. GET my drift NOW that I broke it down barney style for you people.

Signed (the looked upon idiot of the bards and players)


QuoteCarnage Carnage Carnage my friend you just dont understand, maybe its my fault, maybe I didnt explain enough, what I want is real Char stories and events, real historic accounts of events.

Does it really matter if it's ficticious or not? Sing about Thrain Ironsword then, he's famous enough. Or dig up some shit from the RPTs. Not hard.

QuoteMy bard has a few quirks, and well thats what I want. The reason is I am trying to draw Bards away from 'Bulshitting' their way through songs and stories and such.

My bard was a bit of a bullshitter and fast-talker, but even if he wasn't I still would have bullshitted the stories as I went along.

QuoteAlmost all folktales and songs from our past came from some event somewhere, whether it was from a tribe, a well known noble who tripped over his robe and slapped the court jester and made him see things, or it was a great philosipher who came up with some deep crevice in the human mind they came from somewhere, they wherent just bullshitted up out of nowhere.

Tortoise and the Hare. Cinderella. The Seven Dwarves. Here's a whole bunch of them: and those don't seem to have much of a historical basis.
"We pay for and maintain the GDB for players of ArmageddonMUD, seeing as
how you no longer play we would prefer it if you not post anymore.

-the Shade of Nessalin"


Irathu, I'm sorry, but we're going to have to disagree.

You're complaining about certain things in others that you are defending in your own character.

I do think I understand what you're trying to do, but at the same time, don't expect many people to help you do it.  You'll have to do it on your own.  You want to play a scholar and a historian...why can't this scholar be a scholar a la Indiana Jones, who was a scholar and historian, but also beat up Nazi's.

Quote from: "Irathu"If that is so try then why is there even songs and stories posted on the website in the first place.
This...I don't really know what you mean, because I don't know what you are responding to.

And no, not everyone sees things in only one direction.  I'm trying to understand you here, but you're not understanding me.  You probably aren't going to get much help with stories, no matter how many times you ask the players to do it.  You're an artist, so try another form of art, storywriting.  Do it yourself.  First, you'll have a bunch of stories that noone's heard in the game already and second, noone will feel like they're giving up stories they could perform with their next bard character.  Everyone wins.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Couldn't you make bullshit stories without them actually being bullshit? Like pretend a VNPC told you one. Your making it up but ICly it isn't bullshit.
 had some really good quotes here but they were about 745 more characters than is the limit.

Quote from: "Irathu"I dont want stories of current chars, i want historical events that have happened in the last say 5 years, I want stories of those heroes and such. Most chars dont live that long so wont know a damned thing about it. Get my drift.

Unless it's something found on the history page or posted here from an RPT, most other tidbits of Arm history would be travelled via word of mouth -- and you know how reliable that is.  But it might be more fun to start without any stories and go find them IC from other characters, rather than assuming you already knew them from the get-go.  Surely there are people out there who know some of the less recent events from Arm's history.  It'll give you an excuse to go travelling and meet important people!