Closed Races

Started by Meatwad, May 31, 2004, 01:59:17 PM

I was just wondering why it was decided that some races shouldn't be playable.  I'm not asking for any of them to be brought back, I just wasn't around when that happened so I never really found out.
hake: He's in a better place now.
Frylock: He's in the grille of that truck!

I believe that the other races were pretty well nixed for two main reasons.

Locations: The races required people to play out in the middle of nowhere. Gith/Mantis. This drew players away from the cities and spread the base out more. Keeping the players concentrated helps us out.

Roleplay: It is a very very different mentality that must be used for a mantis to be played properly. Things that make sense to a human are completely not what a mantis would do or act at all. Ergo many people were playing the roles incorrectly and there was no pressing reason for the staff to keep it up.

On that note, I've heard of people granted Gith Pc's for special reasons. If you think for some reason you have a reason special enough send in a special app.
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.  Zalanthas is Armageddon.

Think Dakkon nailed it pretty right on.

Most of the time races closed or open based on where they are.  Much like the iso clans that were closed, some races are purely iso.  

Drew players away from other places.

Ok, thanks for the information.
hake: He's in a better place now.
Frylock: He's in the grille of that truck!

And hobbits probably spread out the population more.
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

- - Actually, races are/were primarily closed to consolodate the playerbase.  The gith, halflings, and mantis are all antisocial races, and their interaction with other races is limited to killing, looting, and/or eating the dead.  I'd personally love to see the gith reopen, so players could be killed by PCs instead of NPCs, but hey...

i]The Unholy Immortal of Red Storm,
The Merciless Co-Immortal of House Kurac,
The Tyrannical Developer of Skill_Wagonmaking,[/i]

Halflings would be the best, out of those three, I think.

Open up the anklebiters!
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

So would I, besides, gith a fun to play, specialy if there are a few other players in the tribe.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

The PK'er race.  Sounds lovely... *sarcasm*

Quote from: "Gesht"- - Actually, races are/were primarily closed to consolodate the playerbase.  The gith, halflings, and mantis are all antisocial races, and their interaction with other races is limited to killing, looting, and/or eating the dead.  I'd personally love to see the gith reopen, so players could be killed by PCs instead of NPCs, but hey...


My new hero.

Not to mention, I hear that gith actually have an awesome culture within their tribes. I have wanted to play one with a small group of PCs for a while - not too many, to avoid taking too much from the pbase, but not alone, because no matter how rocking a character concept is, that'd mean TONS of solo rp in the dunes, and it's not like I'd be able to wander into the city every now and then for some interaction.

There was a gith PC/tribe in Red Storm for a while (probably still there for all I know), so it's not impossible for them to move peaceably through human locations.

I'd just hate, though, if the pendulum swing too far the other way.

The short, fat dwarf says, while grabbing his crotch, "Then I showed the scrab these and he ran off."
The hunched, white-skinned gith grins.

The blonde, blue-eyed gith shakes your hand.

Quote from: "CRW"The blonde, blue-eyed gith shakes your hand.

The tall, muscular gith says to you, in sirihish:
  "i hunt with my sword"

Bonus points to anyone who knows that I'm talking about.

Anyway, I'd like to see the gith option open up. I've read the docs and even seen some logs of them and it seems like a neat role. I'd make it special application only, though.
quote="Teleri"]I would highly reccomend some Russian mail-order bride thing.  I've looked it over, and it seems good.[/quote]

I seem to recall Sanvean mentioning a plan some time ago to open the halflings for a limited number of slots, special application only.  Has this idea been shelved?
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]

I think a race would be awesome.

A race with check points would be kind of neat. I'd join!


Weren't you all complaining just the other week about the game being too spread out?

I'm cool with the occasional special apped gith or halfling for the purpose of making travel more dangerous, and for not every threat to be a robotic NPC.  But don't you think that reopening any of these iso clans (even to a small number of people) would only further spread out our player base?  I do.

Amen to that, Pantoufle


Halflings...I want to stalk and eat people...cannibalism is cool. :twisted:
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

The spread out playerbase is not as much of an issue as it was about a year ago this time. Twenty five people during top hours was good. Now we get 50-70 at times, I think a few people pulled into some halfling slots (which would interact with the P-base) could only add to things.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Edit from double post:

Same goes for gith.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

perhaps we could introduce them as slaves. then everyone gets what they want. Playerbase stays the same size, people can interact with a pc gith/halfing/mantis and some one gets to play that race.

Nobody would use a gith, mantis, or halfling as a slave except in the capacity of a gladiator.
Back from a long retirement

A halfling or gith slave is little more than arena fodder.  You wouldn't have much to do by playing one, least of all hangout in a tavern with your buddies.  Though perhaps a few escaped halfling slaves might have made their way into the Labryinth?  That might make for an interesting subset of the race.

Regardless of what the playerbase was like and how it may be now in comparison, there's been umpteen posts so far about let's close down all the noble houses and strike off a city-state and make the world center around Red Storm all because the playerbase is, allegedly, too thinned as it is.  I'm not an advocate of this sort of radical change, but I do tend to agree that the player base is thinned out -- I don't care if it was even worse last year, it's still not where it should/could be.  There's a lot of clans already which have little to no players, I'm pretty confident opening gith (again, even to a select number of players) would only worsen this situation.

Furthermore, how exactly do gith and halfling interact with the rest of the game as you propose?  Aside from hunting you down and killing you with absolutely zero communication.

why not train a halfling to be a fierce guard-dog type thing?
"Sick'em boy!"

Don't be so quick to shoot down ideas. Think of ways they would work.

And I could go for some more arena games.
"Gith vs. tembo! pwhAHAHAH."

And where there are slaves, there are escaped slaves.
"Holy Shit! What is that -thing- doing down HERE? OMG RUN!!!1"

Obviously, these things would need to be special apped or restricted to high karma...but regardless, a few here and there wouldn't hurt a thing, and only serve to enrich at best, even if it means killing off a few too-brave PCs.
"Man, one time, i heard about this guy, that got eaten by a halfling...just outside allanak! Isn't that crazy? I wonder if it died off, or is still eating people?"
"Be good, child, or the crazed teeth of The Desert Hafling will come out from under your bed and eat you!"

Achaea probably beats us in getting new players because whenever I go to I see their advertisements.  Same with Imperian.  If we had 500 players on most of the time it'd be rather easy to have tribes of mantis and gith and what have you.  The concept of a gith in some of the documents seems pretty cool, but only cool with interaction from other people.
hake: He's in a better place now.
Frylock: He's in the grille of that truck!

they're profiteers. It's easier for them to afford those, but yea. that point has been beaten to death in other threads, though. Back to gith....

Quote from: "Agent_137"Don't be so quick to shoot down ideas. Think of ways they would work.

It wouldn't work. That is why it is shot down.
quote="Teleri"]I would highly reccomend some Russian mail-order bride thing.  I've looked it over, and it seems good.[/quote]

I like the idea of escaped halfling and gith would be a good idea, as well as more arena matches...not too many people see/are in those things. It would sure boost that area of where we're lacking playerwise
Crackageddon.... once an addict, always an addict

I wasn't even aware arena matches happened at all.  I thought that was something under construction.
hake: He's in a better place now.
Frylock: He's in the grille of that truck!

They were done in the past with PC gladiators.

Now it is strictly templars throwing the random thief or some other odd-ball into the arena.

I think it will make a comeback seeing as there is more than one arena now-a-days.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Quote from: "Callisto"
Quote from: "Agent_137"Don't be so quick to shoot down ideas. Think of ways they would work.

It wouldn't work. That is why it is shot down.

*flames you back*

That wasn't a flame.  It was just an accurate assertion.
Back from a long retirement