
Started by Dre, May 22, 2004, 10:50:00 AM

I thought it would be a great idea to add a mood line that a person might see when looking at someone.  Since people in RL have the ability to read other peoples body language...looking at someone may give them an idication of what their mood is like.  I think it would help RPing when aproaching someone else or when being approached my someone.

 ex. You see someone at the bar looking sad, you may ask "why do you look so sad?" or if you commanding officer approuches looking angry you may RP your character as being a bit fearful "when talking to him".

-The PC would set the mood of his character.
- Others would notice the mood by looking at the character
ex.   This man is <desciption here>
       He looks bored.
      <character's worn items>
-It could be added the the change command..just like the change ldesc
-The moods should be optional, if no mood is set, no mood would be shown.

We have emote, change ldesc, walk emotes, say emotes and even some action emotes.  

change ldesc is standing here, looking bored.

Works fine, or

say (with a dull drawl) I suppose I could go look for more obsidian...

- or -

n dragging her feet along the ground.

The fact is in real life you have to guess at how people's moods are based on their actions.  More or less we have the means to put fourth our actions, but there really is no reason we should be able to put into someone's mouth what exactly they're assuming said actions mean.  Therefore I think things should remain how they are in this reguard.

yea, i think a person should represent their mood by emotes and ldesc and all the other options we have. I like trying to express my boredom, i'd hate to be able to do mood bored or see other people doing it. I'd rather them either a: not do anything so i can ignore them or b: express their boredom.

Also, mood is a very subjective thing.  I can look at someone and think that person is sulking, while another can look and think that person is just sad.

Most of us can discern happy, angry, etc.  But it's the nuances that distinguish the lines that cause variation in perceptions.  

When I find the proper way to subtly convey a nuance in Arm, I will be an RP GOD.  Then you will all bow before me and suffer my reign of terror and ph34r!

Oh and give me ph4t l3wt.
 wish I was witty enough to have something here.  Alas.

Just use the ldesc coding we have:

change ldesc is sitting here, frowning and looking at the floor

make sure you don't make it exact. Just make it hints that would lead someone to thinking how you feel
Crackageddon.... once an addict, always an addict