Combating boredom without having to act OOCly...

Started by Uglyhead, April 14, 2004, 10:03:04 AM

Trust me Arm would never be the same without RP....if it was then I would be playing Achea. You do not have to stay in a tavern all day....oh no go hunting as long as it's realistic.....or make a street thug as long as you give him a personality and be realistic....everything is made so much more fun because it has RP. Everything. In a way it's like reading a book, but you have control over a character of your choice. And it's multi genred. Trust me Arm is the best.  And I have played almost every mud out their so trust my advice.

I had a dream last night. One of my current PC's sergeants was giving me advice OOCly on how to see new things with your character, and break out of ruts. She said:

Take your character out of his guild and subguild. Take him out of his clan. Strip your character of everything but who he is at heart. And look at him then. What does he want? What does he need? Where does he want to go?

And for gaining better combat emotes, she suggested:

Imagine your character fighting some one of equal ability in your mind. Not while you're distracted with armageddon, but as a thought exercise by itself. Imagine what he'd have to do new that would help him to overcome his opponent. "getting better" doesnt' cut it, in this case. Some new move or action that lets him defeat his opponent. Find that and use it to represent improved combat ability in the game.

Thanks Sergeant!