Clan Immortals

Started by Kade, April 13, 2004, 09:39:51 PM

Who are they exactly?  Are they the head of clans and houses?  Or just helpers for people in game?  Do they have characters, or are they out of game?  And, despite the 'immortal' part, Can they be killed?

Immortals are the staff that run this game.  Clan Immortals are the staff that run those clans.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

they can be killed.. it is just a title :) And some special talent that can't be used IC :)
l armageddon รจ la mia aggiunta.

Immortals are a completely OOC concept.  They're simply the people who run the game for us.  Each coded clan has its own immortal(s), and those people are in charge of keeping things running smoothly for that clan.  If you ever see an immortal, it'll be because they forgot to turn on their invisibility, or they want to speak OOC (in either case, I would advise against attacking).
Immortals can also have regular characters, but these characters don't get any special privileges that other players don't.
Kofi Annan said you were cool.  Are you cool?

New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

Wow, I didn't realize that almost all the clans have 2 imms now.  Cool beans.
Quote from: tapas on December 04, 2017, 01:47:50 AM
I think we might need to change World Discussion to Armchair Zalanthan Anthropology.

Ditto to everything everyone else has said.

Note though that generally clan immortals represent an idea of the higher ups, if you have an idea that you would ICly approach the clan's leader with generally emailing the Imm is the proper response.  Sometimes they might animate an NPC and do it ICly, sometimes email correspondence is the route they'll take.

The Clan Imms basically have control over the NPC and VNPC populations of the clans, which in all coded clans means they generally have control over the top spots of the clan.  All that though is an OOC concept, clan leaders all exist in a virtual world and for the most part never interact with the player population directly.

Hope that helps.

So from what I gather, it is not possible to take out the leaders of clans.  If that is true, then doesn't that have a significant detriment on opportunities for role playing an assassin, or guerrila attackers, or a hostile takeover?


Quote from: "Kade"So from what I gather, it is not possible to take out the leaders of clans.  If that is true, then doesn't that have a significant detriment on opportunities for role playing an assassin, or guerrila attackers, or a hostile takeover?


You can still kill PC leaders of a clan, most still have one.  Just because most PC leaders would be considered middle management of their clan doesnt mean killing one isnt a big blow.  I generally look at PC leaders, those that get into positions of power, as being pretty vital to their clan and therefore prime targets for a would-be assassin.

And remember that unless your assassin is -very- powerful killing the top notch person in a clan is about as likely as killing Tek himself.  These people are surrounded by guards/trusted aides and likely have informants everywhere.  Deal with the PC population, they're the ones that are killable anyway.

Quote from: "Kade"So from what I gather, it is not possible to take out the leaders of clans.  If that is true, then doesn't that have a significant detriment on opportunities for role playing an assassin, or guerrila attackers, or a hostile takeover?

Oh, you most certainly can.  Its just very difficult, obviously.

You can kill powerful people, even NPCs or VNPCs, you just can't do it on a whim.

If you want to kill a particular low-ranking Borsail Noble PC is can be fairly simple, not easy, but simple.  Follow him around, learn his habits.  When he is somewhere relatively isolated alone (or with just one guard) nail with a dagger that you have treated with a particularily rare and deadly poison.  (He likely has cures for the common poisons).  Then you simply need to kill his guard and finish him off before he can summon help.  Even rare poison may not work if the target can get a mage or templar to use magick to heal him, so you want to finish him off yourself rather than simply waiting for the poison to do its work.   There are variations on this plan, you might try to ambush him alone in his own bedroom.  With the door locked it would take a few moments for him to escape or anyone else to enter, even if they know what is going on.  A few moments is all a good assassin should need.  It will take a long time to get skilled, but that is a seperate issue.

If you want to kill the Borsail Senator, a powerful NPC that may never be seen by any PC and that may not even be a coded NPC, you will have to work harder.  You can't simply decide to kill this NPC you've never met and then do it.  Is he in one of the Borsail compounds, in the senate chamber, or somewhere else?  What does he look like?  What are his weaknesses?  You have no idea.  In order to even attempt to assasinate him you will have to notify the staff, so that someone can animate him if you ever get close, and perhaps leave some IC clues about how to find him.  An NPC that isn't animated usually just stands in one place all day, every day, and if the Senator is stuck in the Senate Chamber, which is probably a heavily guarded location somewhere in the Templar's Quarter, then he is almost untouchable.  But if he is animated then he can move around, visit his family, play with his mul pleasure slave, and sit in a dark corner plotting whatever Senators plot.  Now he isn't untouchable, he is merely nearly untouchable.  

Some people don't like to involve the staff, because the staff tend to apply realistic consequences to your actions.  You can't just hop over the wall into the Templar's quarter and sneak around looking for the Senate Chamber, because realistically you will stick out and most likely be caught before you get anywhere near your target.  Being able to "blend in" to the 'rinth or the commoners quarter doesn't mean that you can blend in to a sector populated by soldiers and templars.  (It is an alien environment, your dark hooded cloak won't help you here any more than a ranger's desert camoflauged armor will help him blend in to the rinth).  If you keep the staff informed of your activites, then it will take months of planning and scheming to get near your target, and even then you may fail.  But if you don't involve the staff then you probably can't get near these NPCs at all, making your mission impossible.  

It isn't impossible to kill or kidnap high-ranking NPCs, it is just very difficult.  Probably right up there with leading an army to besige Allanak.  You won't be able to do it without letting the staff in on your plans ahead of time.  The staff aren't trying to squash plots, quite the contrary.  If you have a good plot they will probably be as excited to see what happens as you will.  Their goal isn't to keep the world static, but to ensure that it grows and changes in realistic ways.

That's my non-staff non-imm-pet view on it.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Quote from: "Angela Christine"Their goal isn't to keep the world static, but to ensure that it grows and changes in realistic ways.

That's my non-staff non-imm-pet view on it.



Just wondering. I see that the  Anyali have a clan immortal. Does the rest of the tribes have one? Or does anyone just handle general tribal things?
 got caught at school with my hands down my pants and had to keep it down there for  a whole week.......What a week!
~Chris, Family Guy

Bhagharva and Myrixt run a lot of Desert Elf tribes and at least one city elf tribe.

Naephet runs the Tan Muark.

Louten runs the Anyali.

Immortals help run the coded tribes, but there are some uncoded, player-run tribes in the game.
aikun: I have scratched the 1 off of my d20. I CANNOT FAIL!

Think of them as The Greek Imortals in Greek Mythology

Zeus for example, was god of the sky, but he had a weekness: He was tempted by every woman he saw.

Also, not exactly a god, but a hero: Acheillies...He was bathed in the river to give him imortality, only his mother held onto his heel so he wouldn't drown in the water. He was the best fighter because of this, but what killed him was a hit to his heel that made him instantly die.

etc etc. Clan imortals are sometimes the actuall leader of a clan, but sometimes they are jsut the outside ooc force that keeps the clan up to par.
Crackageddon.... once an addict, always an addict

Do -not- think of them as immortals from Greek mythology.

We are staff members.

We do not exist within the parameters of the game, of Zalanthas - ther eis nobody named Zhaira, no concept named Zhaira, no celestial body named Zhaira, nothing -- the same can be said of Nessalin, Sanvean, Tlaloc, Sanura, anyone.  We are simply the people who take care of the business that needs a human being to run it -- we keep the machine up to date, we keep the code working smoothly, we write up room descriptions and work on plots.  We do -not- exist in the game.  Nobody has heard of us, and nobody will.