Rangers and Mounts

Started by A newb, November 12, 2002, 04:34:05 PM

I know that with a ranger if you quit out in the wild mounted on your mount when you log back in th emount will be there but it will not be hitched to you or titled. I have been having t ohitch it back up and title it.

I am wondering how does it work if a ranger has more than one mount? Can I safely assume that if I quit eout riding one of the mounts the rest that are hitched to me will come back when I log back in.

Thank you.

I am fairly certain that if you are hitched to one mount, and riding the other, and you quit, you will log back on with both mounts.

I hope you are right and by the wayy I have both mounts hitched to me. Wil that work the same or do I have to unhitch one of the mounts and get on it and ride it?


If it doesn't bug it (by using the bug command) and wish up saying your mount dissapeared when you quit it out and it was hitched to you. You'll probably get a new one.

What saves it is having it hitched so, if you can lead 20 kanks then you'll come back with your entire herd =)

I may be wrong but...I'm pretty sure I've quit out with two kanks hitched before.
"People survive by climbing over anyone who gets in their way, by cheating, stealing, killing, swindling, or otherwise taking advantage of others."

"Don't do this. I can't believe I have to write this post."

Yes, you should log back on with any mount hitched to you AND/OR that you are riding.  I can't recall precisely how this saves, so I can't recall whether this works for more than 2 mounts (but it's highly unlikely you'll end up with more than 2 mounts following you when you log out, anyway).

If you log out while mounted, you'll return mounted but it won't be hitched.  If you log out with a mount hitched but NOT mounted, then the mount should return NOT mounted AND hitched.  In either case the mount must be in the SAME ROOM.

If this isn't happening, then it's most likely that I've missed something rather than something is broken (a bug to this would get reported swiftly, I imagine).  Most people prefer to log out while mounted so they'll return mounted, and thus most people are too scared to log out only hitched because they've never done it before and don't want to take any chances.  For those without confidence, this is pretty easy to test by simply quitting out and logging right back in.  You'll see a message such as "A yellow kank falls in behind you" immediately upon logging back in, if it was hitched but un-mounted when you quit out.  If the kank had not quit out with you and was just sitting in the room, abandoned, then you would not see this message upon relogging (the kank is being reloaded and forced to follow you, thus you see the message when you relog).

i]May the fleas of a thousand kanks nestle in your armpit.  -DustMight[/i]

How can you hitch more than one kank?

Hitch <name>
"People survive by climbing over anyone who gets in their way, by cheating, stealing, killing, swindling, or otherwise taking advantage of others."

"Don't do this. I can't believe I have to write this post."

Quote from: "Sephiroto"How can you hitch more than one kank?

You may not be able to.  How many mounts you can lead depends on your class (and possibly on your ride skill but I'm not sure).  Most classes can only hitch one mount, but you can hitch one and ride another without having it hitched so effectively you can take two mounts with you.  A couple classes can hitch two mounts, and ride a third unhitched for a possible total of three, but there are not many situation where you will need three so don't cry if you can only hitch one animal.  

8) Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Using quit as a ranger is going to have the same effect as when the game crashes.  To point, any mount in the same room with you that you are either mounted on, hitched to, or both will come back.
Evolution ends when stupidity is no longer fatal."

What if I hitch a kank to me, and hitch a kank to that other kank? will that work? (just curiousity here)

Well if your kank runs on the same quit script as you,
I guess it's hitch buddy will quit out too :D

Wait... you can hitch to hitchees?

Quote from: "[url=http://www.armageddon.org/cgi-bin/help_index/show_help?hitchHitch Help File[/url]"]Syntax:
hitch <follower> <leader>

> hitch inix
> hitch kank me
> hitch kank inix