Eye Color in SDesc.

Started by Thoroughly Annoyed., February 24, 2004, 07:34:47 PM

In response to all those who whine and moan about characters with eye color in their short descriptions:

If you don't think you'd notice someone's eye color due to the irises refracting sunlight or distance between the characters, then why don't you quit bitching and roleplay it out instead of 'looking' at them the first chance you get.  As if using the code to view the character's long description justifies being able to see their eye color any more.  Its so insignificant.  And you know what?  Its a roleplaying game.  You don't even NEED to notice all the PCs in the room with you.  I don't see all of you emoting your 'passing glances' and 'wandering gazes' to the hundreds of other NPCs in the area.  You don't think you can see the character's eye color?  Good, then use your supposed roleplaying skills and don't see it.  Who the hell cares anyways whether you see a stranger's eye color or not.  And also, when and if you chance upon a conversation with that character, the eyes are often refered to as the window to the soul, the central emotional feature of the face.  If the character in question has noticeable eyes, then you'd better fucking believe its a valid reason for having them in one's short description.  And hell if their eyes are purple or some other strange color, its may just be their most memorable trait.  As if your 'lithe' bodies and 'bulky' builds are any more descriptive.  SHUT UP AND PLAY THE GAME.

I love these people who post as guests and bitch about players bitching  :lol:

If your hiding your login name to hide your identity is one thing. But I don't see why it's needed here. Even if you have a char with an eyed- sdesc, it's hardly going to single you out  :roll:

Guess people just like bitching as a guest.

Quote from: "John"I love these people who post as guests and bitch about players bitching  :lol:

If your hiding your login name to hide your identity is one thing. But I don't see why it's needed here. Even if you have a char with an eyed- sdesc, it's hardly going to single you out  :roll:

Guess people just like bitching as a guest.

Why can't someone anonymously post something they dislike?

Maybe they don't want people in their clan knowing some of the dislikes they have and think they're singling them out. Or maybe they're talking about someone in particular and don't want that person to put their GDB name and their character together. The only beef I have with guest posts is flaming a poster in particular as anonymous.

But, to be on subject, I agree. If you don't think it's something you'll notice, then just don't. Some people here can be so anal about the most insignificant things. John's post was another example, as well as the "omg tuluk bunnyhugging lol" crap that people seem to think is witty.
"We pay for and maintain the GDB for players of ArmageddonMUD, seeing as
how you no longer play we would prefer it if you not post anymore.

-the Shade of Nessalin"


Quote from: "John"I love these people who post as guests and bitch about players bitching  :lol:

If your hiding your login name to hide your identity is one thing. But I don't see why it's needed here. Even if you have a char with an eyed- sdesc, it's hardly going to single you out  :roll:

Guess people just like bitching as a guest.

Well then it was me!

Well...not really...but hey, I agree. (Actually with this quote too *snicker*)
Veteran Newbie

QuoteIn response to all those who whine and moan about characters with eye color in their short descriptions:

Can you point me at the thread? Or are you talking about elsewhere?

I apologize for coming off so harsh.  People have been complaining in several recent threads about characters with Eye Color in their Short Descriptions.  I feel that they should see it from another perspective other than their own.

Here is where it started in one particular thread.

I don't see the need to have created a new thread about it though. There were people discussing the pros and cons for it there.

And to point one out that I remember without excessive searching...

Under the thread "What feature/change would you most like to see."

X-D's posted list about what he'd like to see changed
4.) no eye color in sdesc.

I mean no offense by it, only as I said before, to offer the other perspective and to give other players some incite as to why it is both insignificant and perfectly valid to have eye color in the sdesc.

There have been many other instances of this as well throughout the board that are simply aimed at making those players with eye color in their sdescs' seem oblivious to some sort of "higher roleplaying structure", and I for one think that is bullshit.[/quote]

Quote from: "Carnage"Maybe they don't want people in their clan knowing some of the dislikes they have and think they're singling them out.
If  I was in a clan and someone from that clan said something that could be applied to my character (but was a general statement and could be applied to a large portion of the playerbase) I wouldn't take it personally.

Quote from: "Carnage"Or maybe they're talking about someone in particular and don't want that person to put their GDB name and their character together.
Like I said, I really don't see the need to hide yourself this way. I can't say in particular who this poster is, because I know so many eyed characters. And this person might not even have an eyed sdesc at the moment.

I personally don't respect the guest for posting anon. But I do agree with their assessment.

If you want to know why that person posted anonymously, then look at the caustic response he/she got.  I mean Holy Hell!  All the person did was log in as a guest and he gets jumped like a bologna sandwich air dropped into Ethiopia. Face it, you're frickin' scary!

Ok, I'm ready for you!   And I'm not afraid of you guys...You want a piece of me, bitch?  Bring it!
*runs and hides behind Venomz*  :P
he last thing in the world I want to do is to hurt you...
but it's still on the list.

Quote from: "Candi"Ok, I'm ready for you!   And I'm not afraid of you guys...You want a piece of me, bitch?  Bring it!
*runs and hides behind Venomz*  :P

I'll fuck you up like a cherry pie, biatch.

I agree with the Guest about -eyes descriptions and don't see a problem with them.

I disagree with Guest about 'look'.   In fact I'm not really sure what the complaint is.   Someone 'look'ed at you?    I mean, if you're in the same room as other PCs, chances are some of them will look at you.  

I don't really see how the two issues are connected at all.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

Quote from: "Forest Junkie"
Quote from: "Candi"Ok, I'm ready for you!   And I'm not afraid of you guys...You want a piece of me, bitch?  Bring it!
*runs and hides behind Venomz*  :P

I'll fuck you up like a cherry pie, biatch.

Although...I'd make you enjoy it. ;)
Veteran Newbie

Using the command 'look' to look at someone means you are getting a good look at them...sometimes, you're not close enough to look at them, as so many proponents of the 'no eye color in sdesc' have said...but they everyone looks at everyone and remembers them based off everything in their sdesc every time, unfailingly, no matter what they were wearig then or now, disregarding what is covered by what clothing.  It's a general argument stating that everyone could and should keep in mind what their character should notice and go with that...if you think your character wouldn't notice the eye color, don't notice it.  As I said on the other thread, someone's most memorable traits should be in their sdesc...and sometimes, that is the eyes.  Live with it and work with it...move on.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Non-caustic, non-aggressive statement of my views on the subject?

Uhhh, nope, can't do it.

I've played PCs with eye color.  I've played them without.  I much prefer playing them without.  I much prefer not dealing with people who do have eye color in the sdesc... except for that one dude whos eyes kinda glowed.  THAT is an important thing to have for sdesc.

The blah dude with blah-blah-eyes is sitting here at the bar.

Along with 2 other PCs who have blue eyes in the ldesc, and 5 vnpcs of 10 who also have blue freaking eyes.

WHAT IS SO AMAZING ABOUT YOUR BLUE EYES THAT WOULD MAKE ME NOTICE THEM?  In the *vast* majority of PCs I have seen with blue eye sdescs (which easily numbers over 50), there is not a damn thing special about them.

Okay, there, I said it.  Happy?  I said it.  If your freakin peepers are glowing, or smoking, or emit random crackles of energy, or are void-deep pits and you don't need a mouth to eat, or if they extend on stalks, or float willy-nilly about your head while laughing, or if you have one in your forehead or your palm... then yes, IMHO, you should put that shit *IN* your damn sdesc.

But if I'm somehow able to notice the fact that you have blue damn eyes from 3 leagues away, those motherfuckers best be glowing or pulsating or be flickering like a 500 watt neon sign.

Malifaxis, who was honestly going to make an attempt to be civil, but just can't seem to get the knack for it.
Yes. Read the thread if you want, or skip to page 7 and be dismissive.

Words I repeat every time I start a post:
Quote from: Rathustra on June 23, 2016, 03:29:08 PM
Stop being shitty to each other.

Quote from: "Malifaxis"Okay, there, I said it.  Happy?  I said it.  If your freakin peepers are glowing, or smoking, or emit random crackles of energy, or are void-deep pits and you don't need a mouth to eat, or if they extend on stalks, or float willy-nilly about your head while laughing, or if you have one in your forehead or your palm... then yes, IMHO, you should put that shit *IN* your damn sdesc.

ROFLMAO!!!   Malifaxis, you are fantastic.
he last thing in the world I want to do is to hurt you...
but it's still on the list.

Then pretend not to notice them and move on. Honestly, I don't see why this is such a big ol' issue.
The Duty Of The One Inspired By The Muse~
So sleep now
my longing heart, do not worry I won't tarry.
We shall be together in your dreams,
to be happy and make merry.

..I know.. I'm a romantic.. its disgusting..

I think people use eye color in sdescs for two reasons:

1. They feel that the character's eyes are one of their character's most distinct features.
2. They're having a creative brainfart and can't think of anything else to use in the sdesc.

Either way, boo freakin hoo.  Personally as far as RL goes, a person's eyes are one of the first things I notice about the person.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "spawnloser"Using the command 'look' to look at someone means you are getting a good look at them...

This might be true if there was any other way to spot blindingly obvious things such as a naked character, or a character decked out in militia gear, or a character with drawn weapons, or any of a wide range of unspeakably obvious things that never make it to an sdesc without using that "look" command. At present, however, I don't view "look" as necessarily any more than the most passing of glances, although as look-spam tends to get under my skin I tend to refrain from using it except when my character has some reason to notice another character anyway. If someone finds your sdesc lacking in noteworthy features they can use to describe you, I see nothing wrong with them having a look to see if there's something more "obvious". The slightly lame "Uh... he was tanned and had brown eyes" reply to being questioned later about some character's appearance isn't really as useful as "Lanky fellow, dark-haired, had a beard down to the middle of his chest, arranged in braids, a long scar across his cheek and a misshapen nose" - and almost all those latterly mentioned features are at least as noticeable as one of the ones cited in the sdesc. Sdescs are never going to capture the look of a character anything like as well as a main desc will, they're merely compact handles for our convenience, and I don't think there's any need to make a big deal out of people referring to eye colour or the shape of their noses or anything like that in them.

I am God's advocate with the Devil; he, however, is the Spirit of Gravity. How could I be enemy to divine dancing?

Quote from: "spawnloser"everyone looks at everyone and remembers them based off everything in their sdesc every time, unfailingly, no matter what they were wearig then or now, disregarding what is covered by what clothing.  

I don't.  I doubt that everyone but me does either.  When I look at someone I don't copy and paste their desc into some master directory.  Why bother?  I remember what I remember.  If I want to remember things about them I jot down some quick point-form notes on paper, that lets me remember their notable features without having a flawless recall of the exact wording of their main desc.  

Unfortunately relying on my own memory means I have to look at people more often.  Suck spam feckers!  :P

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

My beef with it is,
#1 even if you think the eyes of a person are the first thing you notice (wrong, but let us assume for a moment) How close do you need to be to see them well enough to notice what color they are?

#2 Your short description should include distinctive -easily- noticed features. Things that can be noticed at a glance at more then 10 feet.
If the char has none of them then dammit, make that the short description, I don't care if it is one that says the very average looking man (actually, that would be very distinctive because there are none)
But at least I know there is nothing distinctive that I can see about him from any distance, leave the small things in your main so I can decide if my char noticed it on a look.

#3 As Malifaxis said, seeing a tavern with 3 emerald eyed women 6 blue eyed people a couple oranges and browns and whatever else simply makes me want to scream, I mean come on.

#4 as to the people bringing up lithe or svelte or bulky or whatever, this is something that describes somebodies complete build, IE whole fricking body, and yes, it can damm well be seen from more the 10 feet away.
Sure, they are over used, but at least they are not somebody who has something in the sdesc that is only around 7mm across and saying people can see it down the length of a 20 foot bar in torchlight.

#5 Posting anon to rant, also, damm annoying, the people who defend it, come on now, they got jumped on not because of the rant, but because they did not have the balls to stand up and take responisbility for thier views. I myself am at odds with the views of many people on here and they know who they are :) But I respect them more for being willing to stand up there each time and go "Yea, I said it, this is how I feel."
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

If having -eyed sdescs was discouraged by the staff then it wouldn't be an example in chargen. It also wouldn't be on a fifth of the example descs in the docs.

And the point on that is what?
I don't think anybody stated or implied that it was discouraged by staff.

Also, the examples in chargen have been there, unchanged forever as have the docs, both created at times when the player base was like less then a tenth what it is now, so when you saw one of the maybe 6-20 people logged in (depending on time and year) and they happened to have an eye sdesc, it was no big deal, but when you log in and 10-20 of the 60 people logged in have it, well.....
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job