Combat Improvements...No Auto ATTACK

Started by Agent_137, February 11, 2004, 07:20:51 PM

Quote from: "Agent_137"Just because your sense of humor is too constricting to find something funny regardless of its accuracy doesn't warrant a spam-flame post empty of content!

First of all, that wasn't "spam". Second, that certainly wasn't a flame. And third, your post is now going to be my example when someone asks me the definition of 'irony'.
"We pay for and maintain the GDB for players of ArmageddonMUD, seeing as
how you no longer play we would prefer it if you not post anymore.

-the Shade of Nessalin"


Quote from: "number13"
A bit off the subject, but seriously: is there ever a time when you'd -want- to fail a climb check?

I don't know.  Maybe if you were trying to convince someone that you are not a burglar by repetedly failing to climb up something?  That would be a weird OOC metagaming situation though, so it probably isn't worth a coded work around.

Um, maybe if a templar sentanced you to be thrown off something, and if you survive the fall you are free to go (meanwhile him and a buddy have a bet on whether or not you will survive).  Grabbing onto the wall would be cheating, and would mean certain death, so your best chance would just go limp and hope for the best.

QuoteSeems like nosave shouldn't effect that. If there's no utility, it's just an accident waiting to happen.

If you've played a tabletop RPG you are probably familiar with the concept of saving throws, situations where you have a chance to use your own natural traits or abilities to resist something.
Nosave has you skip all of your saving throws, including the one to stop from falling by checking your climb skill.

But you wouldn't want to have it changed so that you _only_ allowed subduing.  For one thing, people would be far more likely to leave it on all the time, which could quickly lead to non-soldiers abusing subdue.  If you don't resist subdues, a halfling or a half-elf could subdue you regardless of your race, size or skill.  You take a shortcut through an alley and a waiting newbie mugger (who may not even have the subdue skill) easily subdues you, and has his partner beat you about the head and shoulders untill you are dead.  Icky.  It would be better to have a command where you only submit to soldiers and templars, not everyone.

There are also other situations besides climbing and subduing that are affected by nosave.  I've never seen it myself, but apparently some PCs have a chance of resisting magic.  Now if a friendly magicker was going to heal you or cast some other beneficial spell with your permission, then you wouldn't want to auto-resist that spell.  Ok, this probably doesn't come up as much now as when the MUD was young, but it could happen.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Quote from: "Angela Christine"
I've never seen it myself, but apparently some PCs have a chance of resisting magic.  Now if a friendly magicker was going to heal you or cast some other beneficial spell with your permission, then you wouldn't want to auto-resist that spell.  Ok, this probably doesn't come up as much now as when the MUD was young, but it could happen.

Right, but if you had some kind of natural resistance to magick, could you really turn it on or off voluntarily?
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

QuoteBut you wouldn't want to have it changed so that you _only_ allowed subduing. For one thing, people would be far more likely to leave it on all the time, which could quickly lead to non-soldiers abusing subdue.

That's a good point. I was thinking that my character should be able recognize the difference between a 'rinther half-giant and a militia member, coming to subdue him.  It's too bad the guards can't have a unique flag to their subdue or whatever.

The mechanic probably shouldn't even be the normal subdue used by PCs.  An arrest ability unique to city-state guards (and maybe given to PC militiamen) makes more sense to me. The game would send a message:

"You are being arrested by the tall, dumb guard.  Type  FLEE to attempt escape, KILL or HIT to resist with your fists."  --which by the way would be made possible by the fact that your character wouldn't autoattack as per the orginal suggestion in this thread.

Then a 15 second delay to allow the player respond.  If the player types kill his wanted status is upgraded to a new flag: "You now have a DEATH SENTENCE.  Guards will attempt to kill you on sight."  Death sentence eventually disappears, just like a wanted flag.

Quote from: "Carnage"That makes absolutely no sense. Are you trying to say that verbal "abuse" or physical "abuse" is going to make me be nice?
No, I'm saying one would need to cheat the rules of real life to get you to be nice, Carnage, as everything you post borders on being a flame.

Now, back to on topic things...I agree that the 'subdue_me' flag could be abused...but it is something that I would not personally leave on.  If I committed a crime and new that I could be wanted, I'd turn it on.  I would much rather do that than no_save as I couldn't climb to get away from the law, if they were to find me.  I'm fine with a flag that allows anyone to subdue me...I just want it seperate from no_save.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Quote from: "Carnage"
Quote from: "Agent_137"Just because your sense of humor is too constricting to find something funny regardless of its accuracy doesn't warrant a spam-flame post empty of content!

First of all, that wasn't "spam". Second, that certainly wasn't a flame. And third, your post is now going to be my example when someone asks me the definition of 'irony'.

Don't you realize, Carnage, that when some one includes a smiley after a "potshot" it means they are being sarcastic?

Lighten up.