ethnic-looking names

Started by flurry, January 30, 2004, 08:45:57 PM

So I was looking around the other day, and I saw a name that I thought was really cool.  I thought it would be a nice name for a future character.   Except that it was very obviously Greek, and anyone who saw the name would likely  recognize it as such.   And I didn't know if that would be distracting or annoying or what.   I had a previous character with a Czech name, but I didn't think it would really be out of place.   It looked passably Zalanthan, I guess.   But I'm just sort of curious about it bad to have a character name that looks Italian, Spanish, Russian, whatever?

(And for what it's worth, the name in question was Euryleia, which I won't use.   Other cool looking names will come along).
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

It wouldn't bother me.
but then again, I just go like this (type random letters)
Hyry or
l armageddon รจ la mia aggiunta.

I don't think there's anything wrong with choosing a name that has the flavor of a real-life culture, whether it be Middle Eastern, European, Asian, whatever.  The only time I'd have much of a problem is if the name was identical to, or too reminiscent of, an historical figure or fictional character. Ulysses, for example, to continue with the Greek theme, or Aristotle.  However, I would have no problem with Eionius, or Euryleia, or any other generic Greek-sounding name.  

In fact, I often use this site to choose character names with different flavors.  I especially like using African or Native American based names, because they're usually lesser known, and also the farthest from the Euro-centric, and especially celtic, names that flood most other MUDs.
Quote from: tapas on December 04, 2017, 01:47:50 AM
I think we might need to change World Discussion to Armchair Zalanthan Anthropology.

Names only add to the uniqueness of your pc, friend. If you wish it to be based upon a Greek term, then by all means, have at it. I personally see nothing wrong with that.

Many characters in both influential and non-influential have had distinct name. Like Maoko (a past Tor character) always seemed to be a fairly Japanese name. While Borsail names have always sounded Roman/Greek to me. Then there are of course the Arabic sounding names.

It really doesn't bug me, and having seen names all over the spectrum I doubt any really will. (There was even a Paul Atreides, from dune, before.)

I think the only real names that really aren't allowed and that bother people, are the general ones. Bob, Joe, etc. Although, there has been names that are modern that have some gotten accepted, maybe every now and then there are a few that get past

It can't be worse than very real life, popular (depending on the culture) names such as Ihsahn, Marie, Marcus, Santiago, Amos and Armand -- all of which have been used at least once in Arm.  I've even seen a Keanu in game, sheesh!

It's still better than seeing Brian or Chris in game.

Well, I have seen a Nathan, but I guess its alright.

Many of you probably remember name: Akasha, "the vampire Queen".  So it wouldn't bother me either using a greek name, since I used some arabian names before.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. -MT

I'd never use these, but what about Dustin, Sandra or Hunter?

Wouldn't those be acceptable givin the world the game takes place in? What are some of your views on those names?

What if Maoko (or some similar) really 'means' like 'Betty' in Japanese...or is the Japanese equivalent of 'Betty'?

Like Misha is Russian for 'Mike'.

Arrrgggghhh!  Great, ass-fucking demons from Nilaz!  If the world gets any more culturally inclusive, there won't be ANY decent names we CAN use for our Arm PCs!   :evil:

Um, for those who don't know me, this post is merely here to inspire thought.  Please don't take the naughty monkey too seriously.
-Naatok the Naughty Monkey

My state of mind an inferno. This mind, which cannot comprehend. A torment to my conscience,
my objectives lost in frozen shades. Engraved, the scars of time, yet never healed.  But still, the spark of hope does never rest.

I take a real name, and fuck it up. For instance I turned John into Jorm. Take Mike  and turn it into Miyel. Stuff like that.

Names just come to me:
I'll think up some names and post em down just like I do-


What if dragon names popped up in arm?
Jurmungarnter, or Khellendros, or Fyrenth, or Darynaxis, etc.

what makes them dragon names? And I've seen longer and more complex sounding.