Sex, sexuality, committment, & virtual reality.

Started by Nothing on under cloak., January 17, 2004, 04:28:33 PM

One of my best roleplay experiences by far actually involved things along these lines...

My character had grown up to a father and two mothers. Over the span of her career, she eventually fell for one of her co-workers, who was raised by a mother and father alone.

She was always discussing "one day taking a few lovers and raising a family." And he was always just kind of quiet, till one day stating that he was kin dof uncomfortable with her sharing another man, or him being with a woman other than her.

So they decided in the end to take on the "We'll stay with only each other, until the day comes that someone might interfere and cause emotions to run wild, then we'll discuss it, but no flings."

So the couple room up, have a child together, and profess themselves as lover to everyone.

Hehe, one day in a tavern, she pops off and starts talking about how so and so is her 'husband', to which another person responds, "Wow, the House must have plans for you, if they have you marrying a man!" and my character was like "Eh? House ain't marryin' us, he's just my husband, who the fek needs a contract to have a husband?"  :lol:

I'm not too sure how that relates to all this, but I can say that the joy of having such a broad range of options, that differ so much from our society, is part of what makes this game unbelievably addicting.

There's some 'loosely based' guidelines on what's accepted, and what isn't, but beyond that, I say to be creative with it all. Have one character who thinks it's absolutely sick that a man would wanna stick his thang in the same place that your wastes fall from. Have a girl who stays a virgin, because after a youth of whistles and cat calls, she -knows- she's too good to engage in such barbaric activites with a bunch of bumbling morons. Perhaps play a loose tavern gal who wants to, no, who HAS to sleep with more purse jingling bynners than that VNPC harlot at the back of the Gaj, who's always taking your man. And I'll stop those ideas, because I'll never catch AC.  :oops:

Creative freedom, without getting the imms mad enough to have Halaster kill you at the next HRPT... The lifeblood of this game. :)

I'll try to refrain from getting too esoteric here.  I apologize if that doesn't happen.  heh.

There are many factors, internal and external that function as 'drives' in animals (please forgive me if I lump people as inclusive in the term 'animal').  Of these, I think most would agree, that fear, hunger and desire are the strongest.  One could argue that physical hunger is a desire as well, but I'm seperating it here.

The sex drive is an incredibly strong and influential drive in sexually reproductive animals....and even plants.  I take the liberty of using the fact that threads regarding sex in Zalanthas are so frequent, and generate so much heated discussion to illustrate the power of the sex least in terrestrial humans.

Another strong 'drive' in terrestrial humans is curiosity.  Most mammals, especially predatory mammals are insatiably curious about their environment and the other beings who share it.  We are insatiably curious about sex.  We want to know what others think and feel about sex, to the point of being interested in hearing their intimate experiences.

With that in mind, I turn to Zalanthas.  A harsh, perhaps dying, desert world where only the strongest and fittest (in one way or another) survive.

Sure, some who could be considered 'weaker' live long enough to have offspring, but how many such people found dynasties?  I would be willing to say none.  Only the most powerful...physically, mentally, politically or financially in Zalanthas have founded family dynasties...where generations of people are able to survive and reproduce.

For the vast majority, the object is to find a mate and produce children before dying.  This is rather similar to many animals in the wild on Earth.

To that end, I believe sexual mores in most societies on Zalanthas would be fairly open.  Polygamy most likely being the norm (believe it or not, among terrestrial human societies, it is the spite of what religious and social organizations might say to the contrary.  There is firm ground to suggest that many, if not most of the marital problems in existence stem from the fact that humans are biologically geared toward polygamy, but in the socio-religiously repressive dominant societies, emotionally bent toward monogamy).

Polygamy offers many benefits which cannot be found in monogamous relationships.  First, the familial bonds in a polygamous system are extremely strong, and centered around producing and raising offspring.  Polygamy is far from being a 'swinger paradise'.  Most polygamous social groups consist of several males and females living communally in shared living space with shared work responsibilities.  
Most of these groups have at least the same number of females as males, and in many, there are more females than males.  Sex is usually one to one, and partners exchange frequently, although group sex among several members may take place occasionally.  Some partners develop emotional bonds which keep them gravitated together regardless of either having the tendency to have sex with others within the group.
Second, children are considered a group resource and a group responsibility, and in true polygamous cultures, (rather than sub-cultures within a larger monogamous culture), the father of the children is not always known.  Relations are descended through the mother, since it is always known who birthed whom.  
There is always at least one adult present to care for the children while the others work on providing basic survival resources for the group.  In long-standing groups, such as nomadic tribes, the elders of the tribe are truly sedentary in the home and provide social and spiritual guidance, in addition to child rearing, for the group.  Homosexuality exists, but is rare and bisexuality is frequent in polygamous groups, especially among the females, where it is an emotionally bonding element.

Considering that the polygamous tendencies of terrestrial humans are shared with all primate species to various extents and with various, differing mores and customs, I consider it to be a survival orientated social trait for primates, including humans.

In a world such as Zalanthas, I would suggest that monogamy is extremely rare.  Due to the nature of the harsh day to day struggle for survival, a communal group of shared emotional and sexual bonds between adults is a much more viable system than the monogamous system most of us are familiar with.  I honestly believe that monogamous couples, hetero or homosexual, would be viewed as strange and unseemly by the common people of Zalanthas.

In the more affluent and politically powerful social strata of Zalanthas, things may indeed be quite different, but this would be due to the constraints the class places upon itself as a custom of the elite, rather than the normal survival orientated social order of so-called 'commoners.'
Customs of the nobility and merchant Great Houses would include mores that, by design, seperate them uniquely from the masses.  Thus the monogamous marriage contracts between families, and the tendency of nobles and Merchant Great House members to demand sexual exclusivity from their commoner concubines.

Another difference to consider about Zalanthas is that females are as equally physically powerful as males of the various intelligent species.
The only time I can see where a woman on Zalanthas would be weaker is during pregnancy and child-birth.  In a polygamous group such as I've described above, this would hardly be a bother.  Others in the group would look after the pregnant female and see to her survival needs during this vulnerable time until she gave birth and recovered from post partum.

Although most of what I've covered is geared toward the populous city-states, to various degrees it would hold true for the various smaller populations scattered across the Known World.  At my opinion.

Sorry.  that last post was by the Naughty Monkey.  I guess I timed out while writing it.   :evil:
-Naatok the Naughty Monkey

My state of mind an inferno. This mind, which cannot comprehend. A torment to my conscience,
my objectives lost in frozen shades. Engraved, the scars of time, yet never healed.  But still, the spark of hope does never rest.

Personally, I avoid MUD sex.  I have no morals against it, I just personally find it takes role playing to a pit I don't want to touch.  It just comes off as cheap prono in my opinion.  I played an RP wiz on another MUD ages ago long enough to find it too silly for words.  To each their own, but I think I'll just stick to the real thing.  I can get sex in the real world without much problem, it is the constant death, destruction, and other assorted features of Zalanthas that I crave.

As to having 'virtual' sex with VNPCs, I say go for it.  I had a particularly vile mercenary at one point who made a good deal of money.  Every now and then he took a break from his regular line of work to go hit up Red Storm where he would blow his 'sid on spice, drink himself stupid, and by all accounts screw anything that moved.  I didn't have a problem coming back from Storm claiming I had gotten it on with a few whores.   It certainly fit my character's personality and no one ever doubted the stories.

If someone is claiming they slept with a noble, then you are probably pushing the line.  Claiming you got your rocks off with your local whore or even some virtual commoner is a-okay in my opinion.

Quote from: "Rindan"I have no morals against it, I just personally find it takes role playing to a pit I don't want to touch.  It just comes off as cheap prono in my opinion.

It doesnt have to be cheap porno. If I happen to be in the right mood for it I make it clear that I detest smutty language, and I dont go into anatomical details. Besides, describing a passionnate kiss or the tease while both partners are still dressed is usually more entertaining than the actual mudsex. I tend to fade to black before I go too far.

*shrug* When it comes to RPing "porno" scenes, I just fade to black, give a comical shout or two for the people in the nearby rooms and go get a coke or something to eat for the time to elapse. It turns out to be fun and enjoyable.
Quote from: roughneck on October 13, 2018, 10:06:26 AM
Armageddon is best when it's actually harsh and brutal, not when we're only pretending that it is.

Part of the issue is that, it seems, the whole concept of romantic love is not as universally enmeshed in Zalanthas culture.  

I do believe that the smallest unit for survival of humans is two individuals.  Not just from a reproductive standpoint, but because we simply require to be heard and to hear, see and to be seen to be complete.  But it does not follow that this unit of survival and completeness must always be the -same- two individuals.  

A unit of three is, arguably, better because death comes quick, and trust takes a long time to build.  In case of death, this leaves the remaining two as an interacting whole, still.

I just do not see, in Arm, the whole concept of "we were made for each other", or the concept of "soul-mates".   I tend to see it more as an openness and gratefulness to find -anyone- worthy to trust and share with.  I think that this type of grateful, cautious trust is probably the basis of relationships more than concepts of True Love and Destinies of the Single Heart in Two Bodies.  

Romantic Love seems to imply that it is not true if it spills beyond two people, it is somehow weakened and impure.  Trust implies that its value lies in the trueness of the individual, regardless of how many share and interact with that individual.  A person in Love is not -really- in love if he shares that feeling and actions with more than that one special Other.  A person to be trusted is a person to be trusted, perhaps even more so, because he shows that trustworthiness to other people as well.

Sex will always be part of human interaction.  I think on Zalanthas, though, that most people have such a hard life, that there are just very few fantasies about its nature.  It is some measure of trust, it is pleasure, it is relief, it is power, it is a tool.  Just not so much a sacrament of We Two are Now One Person Now and Forever.

As far as how the average commoner reacts to other's sexuality, I think the issues would not be who is with who, or how, but rather whether their sexual choices were a wise choice to help keep them alive.  I think there is far less stigma attached to seeking relief with a paid sexworker, then going, needy and vulnerable, to strangers.  My understanding is that Zalanthians value survival over most everything.

Sitting in your comfort,
You don't believe I'm real,
But you cannot buy protection
from the way that I feel.

Believe it or not, the moral concepts of Christianity color even the typical modern Athiest's view of morals and rights and wrongs.

There is no Christianity in Zalanthas. Consider this, and then refine your roleplay accordingly. You'll find a far different mindset in hand.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


The7DeadlyVenomz wrote:

"There is no Christianity in Zalanthas. Consider this, and then refine your roleplay accordingly. You'll find a far different mindset in hand."

When I contemplate the virtues of non-Christian morality, I usually find something VASTLY different from a 'mindset' in hand."


Sorry.  I simply couldn't resist.
-Naatok the Naughty Monkey

My state of mind an inferno. This mind, which cannot comprehend. A torment to my conscience,
my objectives lost in frozen shades. Engraved, the scars of time, yet never healed.  But still, the spark of hope does never rest.

*grins evilly* A little bit IC but, playing my second female char.. I'll fade for sure, do not ask why....
Ma' girlfriend tells me that I'm more feminine after I started playing this char.. Is there suck a risk playing the opposite sex?

.... anyway, sorry if I was more clownish than I planned to....
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

Quote from: "Rindan"I can get sex in the real world without much problem, it is the constant death, destruction, and other assorted features of Zalanthas that I crave.

Yes, exactly.  Mudsex is for those of us who can't.
Back from a long retirement

Yeah, what ERS said. Or maybe we can but don't wanna! Or maybe it's just another aspect of RP that can be fun to explore on occasion. Or maybe you really need it for your character's development.. you know, the virgin who gets kanked for the first time and you really would like to know how she responds and reacts to various things. You can't do that with a fade, because it's all assumed. Nothing so bland as:

Chick with traumatic history gets banged for the first time.
Dood fades to black and says "ok we did it"
Chick's player oocs, 'so, um, what did we do, so I know if I'm sore and walking around happy/sad/traumatized..."
dood's player oocs, "whatev"
Chick's player sits there thinking, "Huh?"

I hate not knowing what happened, or having to guess, or spend an hour OOCing the situation. If I have to OOC the situation just to give my character some idea of how she's reacting to something, I'd rather just RP it out.

Not that I've RPed it out much in Arm - I think 4 times total in all the opportunities my various characters have had. Lots of fun fades though. I love emoting a good fade!

QuoteBelieve it or not, the moral concepts of Christianity color even the typical modern Athiest's view of morals and rights and wrongs.

There is no Christianity in Zalanthas. Consider this, and then refine your roleplay accordingly. You'll find a far different mindset in hand.

Sorry dude, wrong.  Christian values are alive and well in Zalanthas, no matter how hard anyone pretends otherwise.  When I log onto armag, I do not see hard bitten desert people with alien values and ethics - I see the adolescent fantasies of a bunch of North American college students and thirty something divorcees.  My adolescent fantasies are included in this bunch, but our concepts of gender, sex, right and wrong, and all that fun stuff are imposed on armag, and all we can do is 'bend' the rules.

I mean, men and women are supposedly equal on this mud - and I call bullshit.  There's no real need to get into examples, but sexism is alive and well on armag... albeit in a lighter form.  Beyond that, if the genders were equal, ideas like homosexuality, marriage, and maybe even monogamy wouldn't even exist as we know them.  It's my greatest problem with armag, it tries to have a very different and alien culture, but just can't do it because everyone wants to populate it with knights in shining armour and fair damsels in distress.

ANyways - refining your roleplay accordingly is almost impossible.  All you can do is alleviate the symptoms of this sort of thing.  You can treat men and women equally, and try to avoid these Christian values... but it's artificial.  There's no social -history- on armag of any different set of values, as the entire history of the mud has been structured by people unintentionally forcing their own Christian values on the game.  Acting otherwise is admirable, and I try to do it, but my actions are -still- tainted by the fact that this hard-bitten desert warrior is played by a 23 year old university student in Canada.

Hm.  That was cynical.  Oh well.  Mud is still fun.

-Der Comrade[/quote]
Mansa to Me: "You are a cancer to ArmageddonMUD."

Quote from: "EvilRoeSlade"
Quote from: "Rindan"I can get sex in the real world without much problem, it is the constant death, destruction, and other assorted features of Zalanthas that I crave.

Yes, exactly.  Mudsex is for those of us who can't.

I'm a virgin in the real world, but I'm not that interested in mudsex.  But I'm generally regarded as weird. :)

Quote from: "The7DeadlyVenomz"Believe it or not, the moral concepts of Christianity color even the typical modern Athiest's view of morals and rights and wrongs.

There is no Christianity in Zalanthas. Consider this, and then refine your roleplay accordingly. You'll find a far different mindset in hand.

See now I agree, you're wrong here.  While it may not be christianity, remeber where Christianity got it's roots in the first place?  A bunch of nomadic desert tribes.  So to say that Zalathanus might not have these values some where or another by comming up with them on their own?  Well that's a little hard of a pill to swallow.

People who try to say the game is one way and quote help files to then tell you why you're rping wrong make me sick.  It's not a one sided, one cultured game.  A statement like above while is true in the sense christianity doesn't exist on arm, is false in that such values could exist in many different ways.

Quote from: "Anonymous"This brings us around to sexuality, which I suggest follows in similar vein.  I have seen a few instances of roleplayed revulsion between 'species' which holds a degree of safety, but I suggest that the roleplay of sexual discrimination between those of the same 'species' strikes too close to the RL issues of the day for people to play comfortably, which I suspect is a very large reason for its absence in-game, from a player and staff perspective.  

In summation, I suggest that the greater struggle for life on Zalanthas as a whole as opposed to ol' planet Earth would indeed cultivate a deeper divisiveness along all issues as people factionalize and marginalize into ever smaller and more manageable groups for the purposes of the feeling of enforced safety and clannishness such bigotry provides, as well as the greater hearts-ease of 'reclaiming resources' from beings that are clearly 'inferior' or 'degenerate', as opposed to just killin' fellow sentient beings just to take their loot.

I've been meaning to write a response to this since I saw it on the first page, but I never got around to it.

I don't doubt that part of the OOC motivation for Zalanthans to be accepting/apathetic about sexual preferences was to cut down on some things that might hit too close to home for some players.   However, I also find it completely plausible and really no less believible at all than the alternative.  

The way I look at it is that prejudice against sexual orientation is pretty arbitrary.   Take religious concerns out of the equation, and there's really no rational reason that there would be more prejudice based on sexual orientation than there would be based on eye color or left-handedness or what you eat or whether your hair is straight or curly.   So since it's pretty arbitrary, I see no reason that it would be more believable that this type of prejudice would exist in Zalanthas than that it wouldn't.    In other words, why would there be more reason to expect homophobia than there would be more reason to expect hatred toward people with cleft chins or people who like their mekillot steaks cooked well done?    I don't see any.  So the way things are seems perfectly believable to me.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

Quote from: "UnderSeven"
Quote from: "The7DeadlyVenomz"Believe it or not, the moral concepts of Christianity color even the typical modern Athiest's view of morals and rights and wrongs.

There is no Christianity in Zalanthas. Consider this, and then refine your roleplay accordingly. You'll find a far different mindset in hand.

See now I agree, you're wrong here.  While it may not be christianity, remeber where Christianity got it's roots in the first place?  A bunch of nomadic desert tribes.  So to say that Zalathanus might not have these values some where or another by comming up with them on their own?  Well that's a little hard of a pill to swallow.

People who try to say the game is one way and quote help files to then tell you why you're rping wrong make me sick.  It's not a one sided, one cultured game.  A statement like above while is true in the sense christianity doesn't exist on arm, is false in that such values could exist in many different ways.

Well, whatever. Argue if you like. I'm still correct. By the way, Christianity got its roots from a single man and his teachings, as well as a singular religion. Argue with that as well, if you like. I'm still correct.

Regardless, my point was not to start some religious discussion, but rather to point out the fact that Zalanthan and Modern ethics and morals are different...vastly so. If you perhaps missed my point, and I stated it too obtusely in previous posts, there you go, in layman's terms.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


Gah, you missed my point too, let me explain:

Monogamy is not a soley christian view, if anything they're just the place we're most used to hearing it.  It's actually a natrual way things can be done, there are some animals that actually practice it.  Poligomy is just yet another way.  

My point is, take away christianity or ANY modern reasons for us having the views we do and there may very well yet be perfectly logical reasons to come up with the same views.  I hate to say it (actually I don't) but christianity wasn't that clever or creative with it's morals, infact I think you can find the same thing in several different faiths.  

I really hate people who try to say arm is one way or arm is another, just because it's their view.  Armageddon can have varying people of varying oppinions you know.  They can have people who see the world one way and people who see the world another way.  

And I wish people would stop bringing up that security issue and harshness of survival.  Just because our lives are not on the edge all the time with the possibility of death over our every move doesn't mean that hasn't happen.  I think historically people in the same position your typical armageddon person is in is very common and yet they still have ranging beliefs and ranging morality.  

I really don't care how anyone plays their char, I just for the love of god want to stop hearing people who tell you that one way is right and another is wrong using half baked reasons to do it.

Ok. I'll agree then, in that case. I find Christianity the most prevelant force upon morals and ethics in the real world...therefore, I simply used that to point out the difference in cultures between our world and Zalanthas.

I'd say that the thing that would be a constant here or there would be that thing which is called 'the little voice on my shoulder'. I'd think that single thing is the same here or there, and would be the most listened to influence upon one's actions.

Given that senario, morals and ethics would still exist. But many things that we find odd in today's society would be ok in a society such as Zalanthas's.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


Quote from: "UnderSeven"Monogamy is not a soley christian view, if anything they're just the place we're most used to hearing it.  It's actually a natrual way things can be done, there are some animals that actually practice it.  Poligomy is just yet another way.

Yeah, what he said. The Romans were mainly monogamous, as were the Greeks at many points in their history. The commoner Egyptians were usually monogamous, although their higher classes generally were not. China has been mostly monogamous for the last several thousand years. None of those races or nations were at all Christian.

There is also plenty of precedent for polygamy in history, of course, particularly among the richer members of society, and I'm not saying there isn't, merely that monogamy should not be seen merely as some odd effect of Christian morality.

I am God's advocate with the Devil; he, however, is the Spirit of Gravity. How could I be enemy to divine dancing?

Sorry to tear you all away from the "fascinating" topic of the bearing of Christianity on the moral evolution of modern society and the history of sexual development in the civilized world, but I HAD to have a bit of a giggle about the topic of cyber-sex in Zalanthas.  I was quite impressed as I skimmed some of the other replies...after all, it takes real literary talent to make sex sound boring. :D
    I read through these postings, and I have to say that I found this little peek into the mind-set of the average Armageddon player to be too much fun not to comment on.   :P   The funny thing from my point of view stems from my background with MUDs.  I used to be Totally into Achaea, I have a very powerful character there and still have lots of friends that I made in-game.  (Don't hate me because I'm shallow, I also played D&D , Arduin, and Hackmaster faithfully for years. :wink: )  Cybering in Achaea is almost literally where 98% of the RP talent is directed for the average player.  They may be totally OOC spending the majority of time mingling, having laughs, bashing beasts, etc. in a relaxed, careless, casual way...but you get into their "cyber-pants" and...Boy, they are all business now! They go from not emoting anything that isn't a preprogrammed "social" to paragraph long detailed descriptions of every breath and movement.  :shock:  Suddenly the bumbling basher skipping his way mindlessly through the MUD becomes a libido-driven poet of monumental proportions.  Does anyone else see the irony here?   :D    
    Now here we have Armageddon, where RP is consistent and intense, * coughs *...evidently for many players just up to the point where you drop your towel...then we suddenly step back and "fade to black".   :o How funny is that by the way..."fade to black".  I laugh every time I type it. "Fade to black" There, I'm laughing again right now.   :lol:  But Hey, I kid!  The person who is a 98% IC player is suddenly too indignant to contemplate muddying their performance with smut (btw: I'm not talking about You, I just meant all the Other ones. :mrgreen: )  I gotta tell you, smut is fun people!  Come on, stoop down to my level, the view may not be as grandiose, but it's much more intriguing.  :twisted:  
    I think it's a serious "hoot" that many of you find taking the time to emote that you are carefully dipping your spoon into your stew to be much more fulfilling than a well RPed animalistic sex romp.  Go figure!  Personally, I am a healthy all-American gal and I actually have real live S-E-X in the real life world.  Whoa boy, stay focused...I know for some of you I just became your hero.  Let's not digress.   :P  The point:  Why wouldn't I want to emote having a good time when I am willing to emote picking straw out of my hair, scratching my neck, or laying out a bedroll and settling in to rest while I am in a room completely by myself?  I'm not too good to admit that I don't mind getting laid in-character and out.  But hey, that's just me. Perhaps, I'm just not the same quality of serious Thespian as many of you seem to be.  Perhaps someday I too will be a dignified beacon of light among the polluted sea that is the average RP.  Then I too, may don my "cyber-chastity belt" and "fade to black".   :wink:
    By the way, If you can't tell...this is all for fun...don't give me that pouty face.... I kid! I kid!   :P   Jokes are not meant for the weak, do Miss Candi a favor, and don't give me any crap. :mrgreen:
he last thing in the world I want to do is to hurt you...
but it's still on the list.

I realize your post was made to bring a smile, and it does - honest!

However there's one thing you're forgetting, if there's a hint of serious "why can't we just have fun sometimes?" in your post. That is the time restraint involved. A really good, labido-inducing, one-handed-typing-inspiring cybersex session would normally last at -least- an hour. And that's if you skip most of the foreplay and move right up into the heavy thrusting.

An hour of real time is an entire day in Armageddon. An entire day of sex - well let's just put it this way: required sparring sessions for clan schedules generally only last 20 RL minutes for a reason, eh?

I'm all for the occasional complete and utter disregard for game time and let's get nekked and sweaty BAYBEE sex session. But for the most part, it's just way too unrealistic given the time constraints of the game to get into it all that often. And so a fade to black, or even getting into the foreplay, then a nice 2-emote fade like.. so and so lifts off you and rolls over after a few hours of wild passionate monkey-sex and lights up a thick tube of really all you have time to type before it's time to meet your hunting buddies, or your lieutenant for sparring practice, or whatever.

Unless you're an Arabet, whose primary function seems to be to have sex, or a dwarf, who could possibly create a focus to set some kind of kinky record, there just isn't room for that much cybersex in any given character's life.

I would also add that my opinion on the whole time issue extends to people who insist on taking a good 10 minutes to send 5 emotes describing every movement they take to get from the door to their seat at the table in the bar. I find that equally distracting, disruptive, and pointless. By the time they've sat down, it's time for me to get up. Nice talking to ya, we autta do this again some time REAL soon, c-ya kthxbye.

After Candi's interesting and informative post, I get the sinking feeling that this thread is being followed by people from other sectors of the gaming community and world wide web...

People who are subsequently laughing their asses off at us.
Back from a long retirement

I'll be brief, all these things have been said before.

People seem to have a problem with sexuality on Zalanthas OOC'ly. So frequent does this topic come up that after 2 years, I can not believe we haven't come up with some kind of understanding, some kind of neutral ground on it.

Why, I don't understand this, why do people look down on people who emote that kind of thing out? Why, when it's 2004, are we still with the mind frame that sex is bad?  Comments like "whose primary function seems to be to have sex", seemingly ho-hum but used in a way to make it seem more like... "whose primary function seems to be to have sex and therefore can't do anything but so they must be mudsexing twinks".

Here's what I think... Roleplay it, don't roleplay it, entirely up to you.
I can't believe people aren't sick of this discussion.

Oh! And I might add:
Quote from: "Armageddon Main Web Page"Players are required to maintain a high level of roleplay at all times, and our standards are demanding.
-She who got a mental image of the Immortals watching events like the olympics, holding up cards with scores on them for each player.
I'm taking an indeterminate break from Armageddon for the foreseeable future and thereby am not available for mudsex.
In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.

Quote from: "Gorobei"Zalanthas differs from ancient Greece in the fact that heterosexuals in homosexual relationships wouldn't be the norm.
Why would it differ? Other then Zalanthas not being ancient Greece ;)

Quote from: "Nothing on under cloak"how do you handle people who start playing their characters as thinking less of your own PC because she/he has sex with a lot of people?
I generally treat them the same way I treat people whose parents refuse to let their kids go to their friends places. I pity them that they can't enjoy a perfectly reasonable part of life.

Quote from: "Nothing on under cloak"What would the polygamous population of Zalanthas say to someone who was taking the attitude that sex with multiple people means you are less honorable than someone who is monogamous?
I'd just treat them the same way I'd treat Zalanthan vegetarians. Prigs who need a reality check.

Quote from: "Nothing on under cloak"And how do you deal with these attitudes over time when the PC doesn't change opinions because the player doesn't know sexuality Armageddon-style? (granted, many people do change how they play this)
If they're still a newbie, I try to cut them a fair amount of slack, unless they make it REALLY obvious (such as bring it up every single time I see them).

Quote from: "Stiofan"nobody gives a damn, not only across genders but often apparently across different sub-species as well. It doesn't quite ring true.
According to the docs, people are SUPPOSE to treat those that have sex across species as disgusting people (the only people who would probably not have a problem are muls and half-elfs, half-elfs themselves would probably see having sex with another half-elf as disgusting). However based on how people treat half-elves, the docs are quite possibly ignored in this regard. I've only made the mistake of cross-species sex once (when I was a newbie) and DID have a person disgusted at the mere thought of me having sex with an elf. But I've never encountered it since then.

Quote from: "Stiofan"There are no instances in Zalanthas of 'dark-skinned' or 'red-haired', or 'narrow-eyed' or 'blue-eyed' individuals harboring animosities toward each other based on those differences, not when there are 'skinnies', 'baldies' and 'bugs' that can be safely hated and discriminated against through roleplay with out feeling pangs of conscience in RL.
That's a really good point. I'm sure we've all seen the documentaries where people go on about how they use to hate another group of people cause of their hair. You also have people who hate you because of where you grew up "oh, you grew up on Miners Road? Those people are such fucks." There is also some (little-hearted) discrimination against people who grew up in small villages. Yet none of that happens in Zalanthas, a supposedly harsh world. I think there could definitely be some more discrimination in Arm :) I have been experimenting with characters who discriminate based on clothing lately. Easiest being to hate those that are REALLY REALLY REALLY poorly dressed and assume their 'rinthers who're trying to steal some money (don't need a 'rinther accent either). I don't see any of these really being all that bad, as in real life it isn't too bad, and could make things a bit more interesting.

Quote from: "Stiofan"I suggest that the roleplay of sexual discrimination between those of the same 'species' strikes too close to the RL issues of the day for people to play comfortably, which I suspect is a very large reason for its absence in-game, from a player and staff perspective.
I'd definitely say that's the case (at least it is for me). The staff have said (in docs and posts) that there is no gender discrimination or sexual preference discrimination amongst your normal every day person as well. So it's also a staff decision to not include this form of discrimination in the game, because they (probably) feel it would hit a bit too close to home ;)

QuoteI rarely see actual polyamory.
I tend to stick it in my backgrounds. I'd also love to have the chance to RP it out, but I don't live long enough to have relationships :P