
Started by Gar, October 30, 2002, 03:15:08 PM

I was wondering just exactly how halflings relate to other civilizations.  The help files describe them thusly:

"Among the attributes stressed in halfling society are tolerance, learning, and a oneness with nature. Aggressiveness, a desire to steal, or a will to decieve would be foreign qualities to a typical halfling. While seemingly an eminently desirable race to befriend, there are several aspects of halfling life which set them forever apart from other races."

I have been told that they are cannibals.  The help file specifically says they are not cannibals (they do not eat other halflings) but a very carnivorous, possibly eating other races.  Now, how can they be tolerant, not aggressive and desireable to befriend if they would eat you?

Its a very old help file from when players could play halflings, I believe. I wouldn't go looking to make friends with one, if I were you.
quote="Teleri"]I would highly reccomend some Russian mail-order bride thing.  I've looked it over, and it seems good.[/quote]

Quote from: "Help File"While seemingly an eminently desirable race to befriend, there are several aspects of halfling life which set them forever apart from other races.

It says they are are seemingly a desirable race to befriend.... Except those few things... Being a little barbaric... Eating other races... So on and so forth...

Also they could still be cannibals... For all we know they may only be 10-20% genetically different then humans... I think current day humans are supposedly 6% genetically different from, is it everything on Earth there is only a 6% change or something like that?, and look at the just the difference between stupid ape man and well... Able to open a beer can not-so-ape man...

Now my numbers may be off but you get the point!

Hmm... I think thats all I have to say... They could in THEORY be the same species... Don't know how far up on that one list you can go before they aren't considered cannibal but oh well...

21sters Unite!

They are tolerant and not aggressive in the exact same way a peaceful human is.  However, you can be a peaceful human and still eat a cow.  Halfings are much the same way.  They simply don't reconize other demi-humans as being anything more then meat.  They are not malicious, simply hungry and like to aggressivly keep preditors (like humans and elves) out of their land.  With each other, halfings display this idealistic qualities that the helpfile talks about.

I think Rindan puts it pretty fairly.  That helpfile is a (very) generic comment on internal workings of halfling society, rather than a comment on how halflings interact with all other races.  Humanoid societies largely view them as dangerous and probably uncivilized, since it's virtually impossible for humanoids to become knowledgeable of halfling culture.  The cow analogy isn't bad, except that cows don't look like big people -- the way halflings view other races isn't far removed.  Kinda like carnivorous members of militant branches of Greenpeace.  Kinda.

Again, this is a broad, generic comment on halflings and doesn't necessarily apply to all tribes in all situations.  Some humans eat cows, some ride cows, some cuddle cows...etc.  But they're still cows.

i]May the fleas of a thousand kanks nestle in your armpit.  -DustMight[/i]

Players can't play halflings anymore??

Can they still play the Mantis race?

Gith are out too.

Special app one, though, and you could probably get one.  If you really wanted to play all alone.
Kofi Annan said you were cool.  Are you cool?

Ah, that's too bad. I always thought that was a particularly interesting aspect of Armageddon (plus I always wanted to try them someday if I ever got the karma for it).. it was particularly exciting running into a pc halfling on the north road too.. A shame.. I wonder what else has changed that I have missed.

Quote from: "Joe Newbie"I wonder what else has changed that I have missed.

Two words:  Smurf village.

8) Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Humans to apes is about 2% i think.
RIAN:  I'm not the Messiah!
ARTHUR:  I say You are, Lord, and I should know.  I've followed a few.