Hiding items....

Started by ashjpd, January 02, 2004, 04:00:54 AM

Wouldn't it be useful if you could somehow hide items in places?
I think it would be for many reasons, I will only say a few..

1. You don't have a place to store things, so you can put things where you know will be when you get back. (hopefully)
2.You want to deliver a package to someone, but can't be seen transporting it to them..
3.You have something illegal and you need to get rid of it.
(Maybe even this: hide spice ____) I think you can fill out the rest.

There could also be a skill to find the hidden things. Such as find.
So the hide skill could be used as:
hide rock shelf
You slowly slip a roch behind the shelf.

and a find skill:
find rock shelf
You search the area intently...
You find a rock behind the shelf and take it!

Maybe find could work the same way as forage. Shrug*

Remembering the spice thing above, maybe the guards can sniff certain spots of your body to see if you have anything you aren't supposed. Just a thought, anyways this skill could also be abused, so what do you guys think?

I suppose some areas would be easier to hide things in/harder to find things in, i.e. the desert, and vice-versa. This would get kind of complex, as there could be many things hidden in a room. Just imagine looking for the sword you stashed outside the gates and finding the UBER SILVER POWER SWORD!!!!!11

That'd be weird. I guess the original hider would have a huge bonus in looking for his hidden stuff. But this is all random wonderings. To no pay heed me.
I've been away from Zalanthas for some time, but I still think you all are kank shit. Don't worry, I'll come back and fix it up. By the way, has anyone found, like, water? This desert is getting old.

Not sure how realistic it would be to hide items in containers, unless we're talking about some really tricky chests or something.  For hiding things on the ground.. *shrug* I would encourage the use of the drop command.  Attach some crazy string onto the item describing how it's hidden.  Of course.. anyone could instantly see it, but you always hope a player's integrity to respect his character's abilities would overcome.  It's a poor man's solution, but it's fun, and doesn't require more coding.

I think this would be great, but it wouldn't work, because every reboot, your items disappear. You could hide them in hotel rooms and quit spots, but then everyone would just search those places a few times.

Hiding stuff should be possible. It's not hard to dig up a hole and drop something into it, and the thing shouldn't disappear in the grasslands. In the city, it shouldn't be hard to slip something somewhere, but I usually just resort to dropping my stuff in places people seldom look, like those heaps of garbage or benches.

Also, hiding stuff on your person should be easier, too. With spice, it shouldn't be -that- difficult to smuggle it. It's miniscule, and its in a little sealed package. I could slip it into a seam in my leggings, toss it in an empty waterskin, put it in the toe of my boot, or slip it into my headwrap, and the guards wouldn't notice.. Most of these aren't possible because of code, and others I haven't tested, but I suspect nothing is gonna work.

Maybe this is IC info, but guards don't find lockpicks, and they do find spice. I'm wondering what the big difference is.

You can hide things from a search.  You can smuggle weapons into jail and smuggle spice into a city.  The how if it of course is something you need to find out IC, but it is very much so possible.

It'd be kinda cool to be able to hide spice or make containers that things can be hidden in, like a secret pouch in your cloak or something. I think it would give people the oppertunity to smuggle it into the city and maybe allow spice smuggling to play a larger role in Allanak. Like the drug trafficing and policing in the real world, a large spice trade in the city would be kinda exciting and would give npc guards and pc sergants something to do.

[edit] Just read Rindan's post. Nice that it's already been implemented in game.

I once suggested or thought the idea of hide would be good, but now I don't think so.  In the city ok, but in the wilderness no.  It is so unbelievably hard to find things hidden in the wilds.  In real-world examples, every year hunters lose what they shoot because the wildnerss has an amazing ability to confuse people.  My one hunting incident was an equally incredible situation - a family friend and I were hunting, he shot a deer, and sent me down to find it.  I looked all over the place without avail.  Then he said "Turn around and look down" and there mere feet away and totally to my amazement was this large male Mule Deer, completely invisible to my vision and peripheral vision as I walked by because it was behind clearcut scrub.

Add to that the fact that Arm is a room-based environment, it could be possible to simply memorize the room, go to it, and find the items.

Only Rangers and those with particularly high observational skills should be able to find items in the wilderness, and then do Rangers really need any more skills?  It might be great, it wouldn't over-balance anything I don't think, but still...

I don't like the idea.

Well.. if the immortals don't pop alive when you start stockpiling things.. (You know who you are) And jack everything I own..
l armageddon รจ la mia aggiunta.