Crafting Idea

Started by Crashloft, December 24, 2003, 10:07:38 AM

As far as I know, and correct me if I'm wrong...aren't objects on PCs and NPCs stores in that PC or NPCs file?  So when you pick up an object, a big chunk of  text is copied into your pfile...ergo, that tiny little text flag that indicates you crafted it specifically could just be inserted/appended into the required

What about making this 'skill' contingent on having the right tool?  Perhaps an embossing tool or something similar...
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

The problem with that, uberjazz, is that that text file would start being copied to everyone's save file that has an item by said merchant...and then if they have an item by another merchant, another one...and another merchant means another.  That's a lot of info being copied and saved and loaded.  That could start bogging shit down.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
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Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

It's unlikely that it's the whole information regarding the item. It'd most likely be the items vnum, any flags, and where the item is at. Regardless either there would need to be some way to save the signature. If you save the signature in the pfile of the person who made it. You'd have to load up that pfile EVERY time you wanted to access that signature. Everytime that item is loaded. From what I've read of what the staff has posted... That'd be loaded pfiles everytime you open your containers and such... That way would be horrible on resources. It'd also add another thing that needs to be saved. Written here and there, and such.

Even if it was written in it's own file. Or the whole signature was saved with the information of items a character is carrying it... It'd still probably be alot more loaded and such. The MUD doesn't keep all that information loaded all the time or even once it's loaded so it'll have to be loaded when it's needed. At least to my knowledge.

And, no matter what. Still it really makes little sense. Even if your doing arts and crafts in some small school, and you want your stuff to stick out from everyone else. You don't make the same exact thing as everyone else. Or just put a small emblem on it someplace. Or make something unique, or have a fairly obvious symbol that says it's from you. If you did invent some sort of signature it'd be something like what I'd imagine is done on artwork. Something small stamped in an out of the way place. I still doubt even a skilled artisian would be THAT well known. Artists of any sort are hardly ever known when they are alive. And considering Zalanthas isn't exactly a place containing a great wealth of knowledge of small things like who made that sword. It's just a matter of the quality of the sword. You don't find that out by some small signature. The populace may come to trust the large merchant houses to produce superiour goods, but it's unlikely to be on an individual bases. If it's something expensive a good artisian made it, if it's cheaper, someone just learning probably made it. And the worth of something is probably more on the skill put into the item. Not who made it. You know?

Anyways... I still say if you want unique stuff as a merchant and you are skilled enough you can make your own goods. It's pretty simple. And if they are good. I'm sure you could become Zalanthas form of brand name.

21sters Unite!

Geez.. first things first... this idea rocks simple as that, anyone who dosen't see that... (insert put down here) well then to each his own. Keep those ideas comin!!!!

This post I suppose, was posted to get feedback on the idea.. not I imagine the feedback on the code needed to implement the idea thats for the Imm's to decide, but comon with all the talent on this staff (yup, thats a prime example of ass-kissin) you really think they can't get this done if they set their minds to it?
nce an arm junkie, always an arm junkie!!

I think it's a horrible idea, because it leaves too many holes open for JoeNewbieUberCrafter to mark his uber wepon of deth and destrukshun:

On the hilt is a mark which reads, "uber wepon of deth and destrukshun crafted by JoeNewbieUberCrafter."

Every single crafted item would have to be checked by an IMM to make sure no one tries adding "written words" on their mark.

Not to mention the whole thing about tacky, tasteless, out of genre cartoon anime crappola marks that some people might find cute.

There are just too many ways to abuse and ruin such a thing, so my vote is no. If you want an item that's exclusive to you, submit it to mud, like you have been able to all along. If you want a trademark design, submit that as well, and ask to have it added to your "list" of things you can craft.

Quote from: "Bestatte"On the hilt is a mark which reads, "uber wepon of deth and destrukshun crafted by JoeNewbieUberCrafter."

1) Zalanthan commoners cannot read, so it would not be feasible to assume the immortals would allow scripting on a knife to be able to be written in a language.

2) Only skilled crafters would be able to do this I think someone said, so possibly a measure of trust will be given, and once abused, it is then taken away? shrug

3) I doubt it'd be that hard to code. Simply an assignment of all craftable weapons or armors would be allowed to have a code script that would allow the whole thingie. But I don't code, so I'm not sure on this matter.

4) I like the idea. Kudos Crash =P

Yes, everyone knows my opinions by now, but my opinion that it doesn't really add anything to the MUD, if anything it'll take away from items being submitted.

It works on most other MUDs, yes. Yes it adds things on other MUDs. Most other MUDs don't usually write up submitted items too often. At least ones that aren't related to a current building project. Certainly not within a week or two. Armageddon isn't a normal MUD with a lot of stock items. Things are original. Players contribute a lot to the game. Why take the time to code some cheap carnival toy crap, when players can just contribute even more, and it'd actually be original work?

Honestly I expect crafters by the time they ARE skilled to make their own stuff. Everyone else doesn't have the skill, or are still learning all the things they can make on their own. It allows for simple IC things to add to the world IC and OOC.

Creeper is now done, and also spell checked this post, perhaps five-six errors mostly extra letters or 'alot'
21sters Unite!

Quote from: "Help skill_tag"The tag skill allows advanced crafters to label items made by their hand with a personal indicator.  Only allowing crafters who have branched this skill to mark their items simulates the time it would take for a given crafter's work to become known among common buyers.


change tag <text>
>change tag Three lines cris-crossing a circle

The text must be 40 characters or less and only describe the nature of the tag.  The words ', indicating work performed by PCNAME' will be appended to the tag description.

Then it shows up in the value command.  Have it branch of of some crap.  I don't see the problem.

I could emote pulling out metallic wings and flying around your head while crapping out rainbows in your brain, but I typically don't.  Why can't I be trusted not to be a moron with the above command?

Anyway, I give it an A for coolness factor, but only 1 sweaty palm out of 5 on the urgency-o-meter.

Quote from: "Forest Junkie"
2) Only skilled crafters would be able to do this I think someone said, so possibly a measure of trust will be given, and once abused, it is then taken away? shrug

This caught my attention and actually persuades me a little that this would be a cool idea.   If only the merchant class got this ability.   People have talked about ranger perks, and how other classes should have their own perks.  Well, this could be a merchant class perk.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

I've read everyones input and am going to simply state how easy of an implementation this idea is.  How do I justify this addition, see #3>.  

1> Allowing the crafters signature to be done during character creation would stop any abuse of bad signatures.  You could have the option of having a signature, or not having one.  If you don't like the idea, then don't add a signature.  The chars with a signature would simply make a more customized item, the chars without would be standard.  Once you have chosen your signature, it stays with your char, just like your short desc.  You should also be able to turn your signature on or off.

2>The only ways the items would differ is, the ones with the signature would be able to be seen in the main description.  It would not be hard to strip the signature from the character and save it to the newly crafted item on completion of the item being crafted.  Once an item is saved on a character, it CAN be edited and WILL save, not affecting the standard item.  At least thats if the standard DIKU object code is still intact for the most part.  IE: Standard DIKU code has a command called oset, it is merely for editing an already loaded and created item.  

3>This signature will also be in hopes, that the craft code is continually updated and developed into a more customized system.  IE:  Randomly generated items.  A good example of this was done by Daeglin with the Sword Quest code.

4>ALL crafters should have the option of having a signature.  Point blank, if you make something, then you should be able to call it your own design.
dropped everything and held my breath. This could not be happening. This was not my life. I began panting, all alone in a locked cubicle in a half-decent restaurant in France with a dead tapeworm hanging out my ass.

Quote from: "Crashloft"I've read everyones input and am going to simply state how easy of an implementation this idea is.

If you think you've got the kinks worked out then it may be time to email the mud or move to ask the staff, the player forums are for discussing stuff, we don't do much.  ;)

Quote1> Allowing the crafters signature to be done during character creation would stop any abuse of bad signatures.  


You should also be able to turn your signature on or off.

That sounds ok.  Another confusing option for newbies to deal with, but what the hell.  

Being able to turn it off would be important, I think.  A master burglar who has a cover identity as a stone carver won't want the maker's mark he uses on his stonework showing up on the lock picks he makes, since seeing that mark on a lockpick would give it away. :shock:  

Quote4>ALL crafters should have the option of having a signature.  Point blank, if you make something, then you should be able to call it your own design.

I can see that, in theory.  In theory anyone should be able to pick up almost any skill just by doing it, right?  Traditionally only master craftsmen use a maker's mark, if they have apprentices the apprentices either don't mark their own work or else they use thier master's mark and the master is responsible for making sure the work is up to snuff.  The thing with the crafting subclasses is that they will _never_ be master crafters, they aren't meant to.  I'd prefer it was restricted to merchants, because they are the only ones capable of becoming master craftsmen for most crafts.

On the other hand it might work just as well, or better, to put the limitation on the craftable items rather than on the crafter.  This would almost _have_ to be done, since we don't want maker's marks on roasted roots or slender needles (being able to make a needle is much easier than being able to engrave finely enough to make a ledgible mark on a needle without breaking it).  Having non-virtual makers marks on every wooden spoon and stone bowl wouldn't make much sense.  Perhaps only 10-20% of items would display a non-virtual mark, those items to which it is plausible to make a mark on, and that are identifiable as superior quality due to their coded difficulty, fancy description, or that possess flags like the "remarkable for it's artistic qualities" one.  That would keep the marks from being meaningless spam affixed to every item, it would be something unique.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Well.. Traditionally, Master Crafter's only used thier mark when they made something that they wanted to reflect on thier skills.
So.. I think that they should only allow the mark when you make something that you will show off and that the people that it was made for could show them off, And the Master crafter's wouldn't be wanting thier mark on a shoddy piece of thier work.. :)
l armageddon รจ la mia aggiunta.

For those who end up able to mark their crafts (whether it be a Merchant Only thing etc ... .. . ) perhaps a script could be set up to work something like this ...

  craft foo
  > you could make a foobar with that

  craft foo into foobar
  > you set to work crafting.

  > you successfully turn the foo into a foobar.

  think "well, that's the best darn Foobar I've ever seen, I want to mark this as one made by me"

  craft foobar
  > you could mark this foobar as yours

 (I would also suggest that upon reaching the ability to mark your finished wares, you should send in your signature for approval at ... )   The script simply tack-on your approved signature at the end of the item's ldesc.


I like it.  Put it in tha game, dawgs.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]