Are rumor board posts attributable game actions?

Started by Lotion, October 11, 2024, 09:56:11 AM

If only two PCs are in a tavern and something that one of them would prefer to keep secret happens but the other makes a rumor board post in the tavern is that a sort of action which would reasonably attributed to the only PC present? I think VNPCs could reasonably also spread the rumor, especially keeping in mind that the rumor board is not a real object inside of the game and instead represents chatter of vnpcs overheard.

VNPCs are 100% spreading that rumor. Whether it's true or not, well that up for interpretation. 

In a public setting you are guaranteed to have vNPCs as witnesses even if there are only two PC present.

We do have a policy for In-Character Board Posts:

Quote from: Etiquette                                                          (Communication)

Rumor boards are meant to serve as OOC constructs to facilitate the spread of information and rumors amongst the player base. We have compiled some helpful tips to keep in mind for posting a rumor on one of these boards.
  • Use proper spelling and grammar. While staff members are not going to police every single typo, your post may be removed if it is below a certain standard.
  • Rumor posts should be appropriately vague and objective. Recruiting posts for clans are generally fine as are announcements for events, but rumors about other things should generally be more vague and written from an objective point of view. This is difficult to define within the confines of a helpfile. If your rumor is removed for this reason you will be notified accordingly.
  • Along those same lines, be careful how vNPCs are used in the depiction of rumors so as not to step over the line. Some examples NOT to follow would include "All of the nearby hunters in the tavern agree..." or "Everyone in the militia suspects that the elf with the tressy-tressed hair..." or "The most prominent citizens have banded together to denounce..."
  • Rumors should not be epic-length verbatim descriptions of events, stories, songs, or poems.
  • When in doubt, put in a request.

The first line defines the use of the In-Character Board Posts:
They are an Out-of-Character construct to facilitate the spread of rumors and information.

The player character author of any In-Character Board is never to be assumed as the originator of the information, unless the posts specifically states that the rumors were spread by them.

Hence, why the help file states: "Be appropriately objective and vague.   Do not assume everybody is in agreement."
It also goes on to state: "Recruiting posts for clans and upcoming events are fine."