GLADIATOR ROLE CALL: Death, freedom, or vengeance!

Started by Valkyrja, July 14, 2024, 12:58:49 PM

July 14, 2024, 12:58:49 PM Last Edit: July 14, 2024, 01:04:34 PM by Valkyrja
The thunderous applause overhead had always given you anxiety. Each event day might be your last and what an end it would be. You have seen and killed gladiators who died not with cheers but with a whimper. You never knew which outcome was better. Dying in one's cell or in the mess hall to some dispute with the Doyen at times sounded just as good... where no one would remember your name. At least then they would not mock you as you bled out.

Everything changed when you were visited by the Great Lady Adaren Sath the Red, of City. She asked you a simple, yet tortuous question. "If you won - what do you want? If you could ask for... anything."

I told her the truth. Then, I was branded again. Property of the Great Lady - to fight in the King's Age Festival. And potentially, if I won the tournament, I would have my wish granted: Freedom and vengeance.


This is your role call post for an opportunity to play an Allanaki Gladiator as a secondary PC. Yes, that's right! You don't have to store to participate. See the list of requirements below and submit your role application request to House Fale (yes I know, I know - this just makes it easier for me to sort) with the title ALLANAKI GLADIATOR!

Role info:
  • You will have been enslaved by the Templarate recently or a long time ago.
  • Human, half-elf, dwarf, and elf permitted! (Sorry HGs / muls.)
  • Mundane, any Guild.
  • You will be an advanced start.
  • Most events will be Friday around 5pm PST / 8pm EST (server), with 1 off-peak event on a Saturday. Most likely they will be every other week until the Festival week in September. Verify this works for you!

Role requirements:
  • A completed backstory which includes how you were enslaved (or if you were born into it)! Please also include who used to own you before the Great Lady bought you.
  • The one wish you told the Great Lady. (Your app is selected based on this, so make it good! GO BIG! But make it reasonable enough that a GL would be prepared to grant it, heh.) Yes, you may pair "my freedom and X" together, as many boons would require you be a freed commoner to enjoy them.
  • Description!
  • Your "Arena persona". Think "professional wrestler". The bigger the showboating, the better the event. It might even get you some favors from benefactors....

  • Yes, you can wish for your freedom. It's kind of expected. Please pair with a wish of what you want to do with your newfound freedom.
  • Yes, you can choose to play this character post-win if they become a commoner - and we will store your other PC.

May the Great Lady smile upon you. Death, freedom, or vengeance!

role call ends Monday July 22nd at 9am PST / 12pm EST