All classes should have quit-anywhere

Started by LukeRM, July 10, 2024, 10:58:51 PM

It's 2024...  ;D  after many years of play on other MUDs (including RPIs), I am convinced this is an indispensable feature in the interest of respecting player time. I'm not 19 any more ( :'( ) and sometimes I have to leave off for any reason, and logging out isn't an IC action, so gating it to an IC class feels ridiculous.

Let any PC, regardless of race or class, camp or quit anywhere.  'Quit ooc' doesn't quite cut it. It has the additional burden of requiring the player to have sufficient time to navigate (or stumble into) a quit room the next time they log in, which can frequently limit opportunities for later play. Stick a short timer on it on top of the combat-quit timer if staff would prefer, and punish misusers on a case-by-case basis instead of blanket-forcing the majority of players to give up additional OOC time navigating to a quit room.

This. Me and a significant portion of the playbase has some sort of disability or chronic disease or autoimmune disease, and others have kids and significant others and a life. Like. I get it you don't want people to go just anywhere but like if there was something hostile successfully engaging them in the past 10 min no room would be a quit room. If not, every room is a quit room. It's reasonable to me. Like me and my significant other both play but not everyone has that either.


I straight up refuse to play any class that doesn't have wilderness quit unless I'm going to play a tavern sitter, and it'd be better to quit anywhere (outside of select rooms - like House compounds and the like, where it's generally safe to idle, anyway). The camping skill is nice, though, and that's quite handy at providing a quit room in the wilderness if you have it, but I'd rather but able to quit almost anywhere, almost any time, if I could.

Can you tell me why Quit OOC doesn't allow this, considering you just need to find another quit room before your next use?

If you have to go in an emergency, then the next time you log in, try to find normal safety and quit out regularly to reset your ooc timer.
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

Quote from: Riev on July 11, 2024, 01:04:58 AMCan you tell me why Quit OOC doesn't allow this, considering you just need to find another quit room before your next use?

If you have to go in an emergency, then the next time you log in, try to find normal safety and quit out regularly to reset your ooc timer.

Sure. For me it's family. I have an autistic 12 year old and a 1 year old baby. Given the challenges of my older son, 'emergencies' are a semi-regular occurrence. Such that some days I'll login, think everything's good, then have to logout in 10 minutes... settle stuff down, then login again... and ten minutes later have to go.

Logging out is an OOC construct, and I just straight up need the ability to logout anywhere, any time, without a restriction of finding a quit room. The camping skill is invaluable for that, too, and I can't rate it highly enough. I would say that it almost gives me what I need, except not every class gets it. In general I'm totally fine with a couple seconds delay or whatever to get the camp up and running, but... when I got to go, I generally really have to go.

It sounds like some people may have good reason to use 'quit ooc' frequently and should be able to easily work it out with staff especially in city uses.

With some reasonable exceptions, i don't agree that the OOC reasons of a handful of people should dictate gameplay for everyone else. I think 'quit ooc' covers the needs of those exceptions well enough in this case. Player class/subclass selection choice is robust enough to cover the needs of most players as well.

I could possibly see 'quit OOC' being allowed once or twice more with the idea/messages that players logging in should be heading to a quit safe room to reset it after every use.

honestly I think forcing people who have emergencies semi frequently to choose special guilds or subs to be able to leave the game without their character being left in imminent danger due to going ld kind of sucks. must be nice not to have to dedicate a sub or guild to it every character in order to play the game. I envy you.

If it wasn't for 'Quit OOC' i would agree with you but that exist to deal with the exceptional cases.

Sure. If you remember to quit out normal somewhere as soon as you log in after the /last/ one, you know, because needing to go twice without hunting a special room to handle again a totally out of character mechanic, before letting a person leave the game without undue risk for their characters.

July 11, 2024, 07:01:41 AM #9 Last Edit: July 11, 2024, 07:06:26 AM by Dresan
Quote from: dumbstruck on July 11, 2024, 05:41:34 AMSure. If you remember to quit out normal somewhere as soon as you log in after the /last/ one, you know, because needing to go twice without hunting a special room to handle again a totally out of character mechanic, before letting a person leave the game without undue risk for their characters.

Well i did mention, quit ooc should probably be allowed than once. You are reminded that you need to properly log out, and that should be first priority when logging back into the game. There is already an 1 hour log out idle mechanic if you abandon your PC. Any RL situation comes first though, this is ultimate just a game with real-time requirements to play.

That said, respect and consideration should be flowing both ways here. I believe the game is showing the consideration necessary for what should be exceptional ooc situations.

You can also always wish up in a pinch.

Add an option for staff to decide a limitless use of quit OOC for certain people, gained trough applying for it in a request.

Slap them on the peepee if they abuse it.
Quote from: nauta on February 23, 2015, 04:50:18 PM
Tek's Balls - See Utep's teeth.

If life gives you lemons, open a lemonade stand untill you make millions, invest into weapons and go to war.

Quote from: mirk_o_loio on July 11, 2024, 08:48:31 AMAdd an option for staff to decide a limitless use of quit OOC for certain people, gained trough applying for it in a request.

Slap them on the peepee if they abuse it.

Then to get closer to the original intention... better to let all players be able to quit anywhere by default and take it away only if the player is considered to be 'abusing' the feature.

Quote from: LukeRM on July 12, 2024, 11:34:13 AMThen to get closer to the original intention... better to let all players be able to quit anywhere by default and take it away only if the player is considered to be 'abusing' the feature.

A lot of classes and subclasses are balanced around wilderness quit and campsite building.  You can't just flippantly add quit everywhere without a rebalance of classes.  It's also an interesting feature that means you need to plan your expeditions well and scout ahead.

That said, it does seem like quit anywhere in the city would help some  people and improve playablilty without any cost. But desert quit anywhere for all? Please no.

Quote from: Agent_137 on July 12, 2024, 12:04:09 PM
Quote from: LukeRM on July 12, 2024, 11:34:13 AMThen to get closer to the original intention... better to let all players be able to quit anywhere by default and take it away only if the player is considered to be 'abusing' the feature.

A lot of classes and subclasses are balanced around wilderness quit and campsite building.  You can't just flippantly add quit everywhere without a rebalance of classes.  It's also an interesting feature that means you need to plan your expeditions well and scout ahead.

That said, it does seem like quit anywhere in the city would help some  people and improve playablilty without any cost. But desert quit anywhere for all? Please no.

TBH with the camping skill you kinda could by giving all the current wild quit classes camping and centering camping more around the bonuses (ie to resting Regen) that camping offers and perhaps expand them slightly or even just leave that part alone but still yeah replace with camping skill on those classes imo.