MOAR Mini Games/Quests!!!

Started by FantasyWriter, June 28, 2024, 11:14:35 AM

This came up in Discord, specifically around the idea that we have players who enjoy different playstyles/game types (Halo and Farmville we used as a pretty extreme swing).

I wish we had more "mini games" that might be enjoyable to an interest-diverse group.
(Mini games I am thinking of: spice sifting, salt sifting, purple salt crystals, poop collecting, obsidian mining, red storm crafting, etc)

I can think of some interesting farming ones, Like being able to plant a bimbal leaf somewhere and tend to that plant to fruition, etc, and maybe even create a healthy area somewhere and your own farm (at least until someone else finds it). (see the help file: Pour)
Something with chalton/inix/erdlu/escru herding would be interesting as well.
Quote from: Twilight on January 22, 2013, 08:17:47 PMGreb - To scavenge, forage, and if Whira is with you, loot the dead.
Grebber - One who grebs.

Sewer dredging to find broken but repairable things.
Quote from: Vanth on February 13, 2008, 05:27:50 PM
I'm gonna go all Gimfalisette on you guys and lay down some numbers.

+1 for more crafts that "repair" broken things. Not just weapons/armor, but 4 broken potshards into an ancient, ceramic pot or whatever.

Make Artifacts Great Again.
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

Salvage, dredging and generally being more 'scrappy' sounds like a really fun theme generally for the game. Also revamping the salvage command to have wider use could add to this I feel.

+1 to forage artifact having more use for mundanes.
I make up for the tiny in-game character limit by writing walls of text here.

June 28, 2024, 01:40:21 PM #4 Last Edit: June 28, 2024, 01:55:36 PM by Dresan
I like a lot of these ideas so far

Some thoughts:
1. Expanding forage and what some classes/subclasses can find. Forage food need to be expanded command inputs like 'forage city/wild food' too.
2. I love the idea of plants/small trees for food, medicinal, and poisonous plants being able to be grown over time. But the code should be streamlined in some cases, not only allowing potted plants but also small plots using the same code used for board games as an example, so its more manageable without adding clutter.
3. In terms of farming, small animals that can be used for milk, fur, leather or eggs should also be a thing that can be grown, fed and kept in small cages. They would have lifecycles so after some time they would die from natural causes even if fed regularly. Room size/smell should be taken into account and require additional investments(incense/cleaning/bigger places with balconies)
4. Small to medium sized (non-combat) pets that can be raised, fed, can be stabled would be great to see. These wouldn't be allowed in certain placed like taverns or shops. Basically same code as mounts but small in size/description with useful non combat abilities. These would have generous lifecycles(6months). Image the solo roleplay value, and it would be easy for any staff to animate them in small but fun little ways from time to time. 

I do love the idea of these features but I would like to see some of them being skills or abilities(eg. wildfood vs cityfood) that come with certain classes or subclasses. The ability to produce fresh seeds that can be grown being a part of floristry skillset would add tons of value to the game.  Something like taming should be a separate skill to ride, and should not require mounting as an example.

I always wanted Escru and Chalton herding to be a thing.

Basically if you had three or more escru together you could group them into a herd unit-creature. If you have a good tame (or even herding) skill, you could lead a herd of Escru around the desert, letting them graze in order to grow their wool and milk. Using some mechanic, you might even be able to breed them to make more to add to your herd. You'd have to move your herd around to find fresh pastures, protecting them from beasts. Items like a shepherds crook could help you herd more animals, or give you a boost to your herding check (whatever that is). If you fail a herding check as you move, the herd could break apart or you might loose an individual and have to go find it.

Maybe the danger of Escru stampedes could be a thing, too.

Then, you could sell the wool, turn the milk into cheese, and/or occasionally send them to the butcher shop.

We can do some of this ourselves by custom crafting things that use the existing salvage components.  There's a fair number of interesting craftables already out there that use these things.  Let's make more!

Quote from: Gimfalisette on June 28, 2024, 11:35:44 AMSewer dredging to find broken but repairable things.

If Jal opens up again, LDG, Papertiger and you have to make the Jolden Jals.

But to the point I had some thoughts about opening up a few ways in the down below to make travel in the sewers a different experience, but it was a very obstructed process in the previous iteration of the game.

No specific ideas on mini-games, as I'm usually an explorer/combat player.

But as to farming... we already have warehouse code in-game, as well as player-run merchants. What if you could rent a small farm plot in the city and plant plants there?