Opportunities for improvement: master cooking and luxury food

Started by Dresan, June 26, 2024, 11:33:03 PM

Quote from: Halaster on July 01, 2024, 09:46:23 AMMy first thoughts about these kinds of topics go straight to "what's the effort level in coding this?".  The code part wouldn't be difficult at all.  The real work is updating all our existing food items to have a quality to them.  It's never been an important 'stat' for food so it's never been accurately set. Thinking about that is when I start to go "uugh, what a pain that would be"!

Granted, I don't know the specific database or code that this game is working with, so feel free to ignore this if i am off my rocker, but ideally price point should be a deciding factor for whatever benefit the game decides to set at various ranges.

Cost is still a good starting point even if it hasn't been completely accurately set. The reason being is cost should be dictating player effort in acquiring the food. The second factor after price is complexity of recipe (number of ingredients + mastery needed to craft it).

Oddly while type of ingredients could be thought up as a factor,  it doesn't have to be for regular cooking and it may make more sense for it to be a factor in custom recipes. I am also assume mek steaks already cost more than chalton meat.

Quote from: Halaster on July 01, 2024, 09:46:23 AMLoss rate of food/drink seems the most 'tame' and reasonable to me.  Maybe a small bonus to regen rates.

With the cool new drink crafting being added to the game, I wanted to give the idea suggested above a bump.

I don't think it has to be overly complicated, but any small benefits rewarding the effort of buying/crafting better food/drink would be great to see. 

I am the only one in my WoW guild that likes Fishing, so naturally I've become the cook that crafts all the food buff feasts for raiding.

It typically gives +stats +stamina for an hour, or if your character dies.   While we are progressing on a boss, we may go through 50~100 pulls on a boss, which requires 50~100 feast items to be crafted.

WoW has reduced the effort it required to craft these feasts.  It used to be 3 fish x 6 different types of fish per feast.   Now when you craft it, you typically make 5 feasts in one go, and there are other items that "saves your food buff if you happen to die", so its not required to eat after every wipe.

* I think there should be a benefit for regeneration movement points in Armageddon when your character is -full-, but not necessarily based on the food item you consume.   This is from the idea that it takes a lot of time to gather materials to craft the "buff" food.

* Imagine there was a food item that would automatically regenerate +3 movement points when consumed.  I can see players having a backpack full of these "+3 apples" and when they go out into the wilderness, they just eat an apple to regen +3 movement.  Your character full already?   "taste apple, taste apple, taste apple, taste apple" and now you're +12 movement points.

* Perhaps it could be a timer thing - you eat /anything/ once, and you get +5 movement points regenerated, and it lasts for an hour.
New Players Guide: http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

Quote from: mansa on August 11, 2024, 11:55:58 AM* I think there should be a benefit for regeneration movement points in Armageddon when your character is -full-, but not necessarily based on the food item you consume.   

I don't like this idea because all it would do is cause people to just go around eating rotten/raw stuff off the ground to stay full. The effort does not match the benefit.

Having higher levels of cooking/brewing skill is a player choice, and should have more benefit from the time, effort and cost it takes to create good food/drink then just a 'you are full' message.