Staffing Call June 2024

Started by Halaster, June 19, 2024, 12:19:09 PM

We have openings in our staffing team for 1 to 2 individuals with a passion for the game and a desire to work with the players, answering reports, guiding plotlines, steering clans, and generally causing mayhem.

If you think this is you please do the following:

1.  Read this in its entirety,59565.0.html
2.  Submit a request via the request tool under 'Staff Application', please answer the questions contained within the request form.

Please keep in mind that staff will not be able to play PCs during Seasons, however we have a new staff rotation policy in place if and when folks do want to play.

Applications will close mid afternoon on Thursday June 27, 2024.

Note - We are taking a slightly new approach with staffing calls where we will bring on fewer new staff at a time (1 to 2), but will potentially make the staffing calls more frequent, as needed.  This will help us focus more individually on new staff as they come on board.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

We look forward to working with you!  8)

Just a reminder that this closes on Thursday!

This is now closed, thank you.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev