Come on down!!! - Allanak Family Role Call

Started by williamson, June 10, 2024, 08:47:37 PM


I'm seeking a great family...

No, not that type of family...

No, not Tuluki...

Yes, a typical human Allanaki family...

Now that you've finished celebrating...

Let's get to the details...

- Allanaki

- Human

- Southside

- Shared mother

- Different absent fathers

- 4 siblings

- Maybe one half-elf if you twist my arm

- Infinite possibilities

- Playtime: late evenings Server (Eastern) time

Who do you call?

Me. You can shoot me a message here to Williamson or on Discord to Haldol

Go All In!!!
"Let sleeping characters sleep naked." -Azroen

There is one sibling spot left that can accommodate any human concept, 30 year veteran to true newbie. Anything is welcomed.
"Let sleeping characters sleep naked." -Azroen

These roles are closed. See everyone in game!
"Let sleeping characters sleep naked." -Azroen