
Started by Blackmoon, December 03, 2003, 05:44:21 PM

Would it not be more realistic if you lose endurance if you stay awake for too long, such being thirsty or hungry..instead your tired? Perhaps even lose more endurance during the nights? I can't see why it would be too hard to add in since there is already similar effects code-wise already with thirst and hunger.

Well, you don't lose stamina just for being awake, but going without sleep for a while reduces how much stamina you can regain from resting.

This has been brought up several times in the last guess as to why it hasn't been implemented is playability isues.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

If everyone started the game with a house, I could almost understand it.  However, as it stands that would be the death knell of many independent players or, in the very least, lead to a lot of unrealistic play.  I know that when I am hurt, even though the Gaj dorm might seem like a good place to go to sleep, that is likely the last place I am going to go simply because a sleeping person is so easy to take advantage of.

If anything, I would prefer to see sleeping to heal be removed too.  I would rather see regen rates slow to a crawl once badly hurt.  Few things encourage OOC behavior more then the current sleep code.  I have heard of people picking the Drovian temple to sleep in over the Gaj dorm simply because it was safer to be resting among a horde of blood thirsty magikers.  ICly, that is probably a dunb idea, but OOCly it is probably dead on.

Rindian is right on there, before I understood the mechanics of the game to my noob eyes it seemed the smartest thing in the world to sleep in temples. Wonderful places. I'd love to see that if you hp does get that low that sleep will not help but certain rooms and or physicians will.

Eg. If you are in a house then a certain room like the barracks will have a vnpc house physician that will help you heal as if you were sleeping with the current code.

Eg. If you are independant perhaps a room you can "rent?" for a price that will let you heal inside.

Eg. Gives Physicians a skill they can sell more readily. Nobody would pay for a pyhsician right now. They'd just sleep it off. I would LOVE to see this change.
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.  Zalanthas is Armageddon.

Love the Ideas but...

QuoteEg. If you are independant perhaps a room you can "rent?" for a price that will let you heal inside.

The commoner might not have money for a room to rent, or maybe not enough to hire a physician.

Think about the what that would force some PC's to do!
Quote from: FiveDisgruntledMonkeys
Don't enter the Labyrinth.
They don't call it the Screaming Mantis Tavern to be cute. It's called foreshadowing. First there's screaming, then mantis head.

You can currently rent rooms at quite a few of the taverns and inns around.
Evolution ends when stupidity is no longer fatal."