Reel Code PVP vs PVE is broken.

Started by Pariah, April 16, 2023, 10:20:48 PM

So everyone who plays any form of combat, be it PVP based or PVE based (Player versus Player or Player Versus Environment) know there is a reel code.

In PVP if you hit me so hard or in such an area that Reels me, I have a timer or delay on actions, I can't run I can't bash, I can't do anything because the hit was so hard that it sorta stuns you.  I assume that's how it's meant to be.  (Though I'm unsure because there is no help reel or anything I've found to explain how Reel mechanic is intended).

However, say you are fighting a critter/npc that has some form of coded preservation mechanic (They run when they get hurt), You can reel them with a massive hit to the dome and then they will run.  If you chase them into the next room, they can run similar to how a jozhal or any other fearful animal will with no delay.  Shouldn't they be unable to react until the reel timer ends?

This has bugged me for years, so figured I'd post about it and see if someone could fix it or at least better explain it so it makes sense.
"This is a game that has elves and magick, stop trying to make it realistic, you can't have them both in the same place."

"We have over 100 Unique Logins a week!" Checks who at 8pm EST, finds 20 other players but himself.  "Thanks Unique Logins!"

There are actually a ton of discrepancies for delays and npcs vs pc's.  They fix the most serious ones (like uber gith who used to kick you every round for 40hp of damage).  Most of them are annoyances at worst, moreso for the low-skilled hunters...which don't really exist anymore with the new generation classes.

Yes, the problems exist.  Yes, they're annoying.  Yes, they should probably get worked on at some point, but no, I don't consider them particularly high priority.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

The reel,  drawing a second weapon kick and standing up from a fall has such a major lag delay in combat code.  Bur yes the npc's don't and will cause a bit of trouble.
My characters are mean not me!

What's particularly weird is that when you cause someone to reel because you hit them hard enough, you are also lagged  out. You get lagged when you make somebody else reel. I suppose I could pretend that the effort of hitting someone so hard would take a lot of kinetic force, but still, the actual delay appears to be as long for the one landing the hit as for the one receiving it. Feels very odd and can occasionally make you wish you had not in fact hit that hard.

Quote* Reel: combat PCs see this every day. What the heck is it?
* Weapon types like slashing, bludgeoning, piercing, and chopping: what's the difference? Players are going to spend hundreds of hours trying to master maybe one of these. They should know what they're getting into, and it should be obvious to Zalanthans getting chopped and stabbed all the time. Is there any difference between them we can share?

Me on idb shortly after joining staff. There was no reply because there was no real urgency and I asked it on Christmas Eve. 

Good questions I think players should know.

I asked old staff roughly twenty years ago when I first started playing as a player, and I was taken into Vennant's back room and curtly told to shut my mouth or they'd feed me to the ginka. After a decade of digging I've learned that each reel is actually related to bitcoin mining, we need to break the system, we're being used.

"...only listeners will hear your true pronunciation."