Soh Lanah Kah is open to Play

Started by mansa, June 15, 2022, 06:25:19 PM,58069.0.html


There will be changes to how elves are handled coming up
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

You take the last bite of your scooby snack.
This tastes like ordinary meat.
There is nothing left now.

Quote from: mansa on June 15, 2022, 06:25:19 PM
There will be changes to how elves are handled coming up

Shalooonsh wrapped his arms protectively around the Desert Elf Tribes, screamed, "Mine!!!" and wouldn't let me close any when Soh opened.

Well I mean... yeah.

I seduced the daughters of men
And made the death of them.
I demanded human sacrifices
From the rest of them.
I became the spirit that haunted
And protected them.
And I lived in the tower of flame
But death collected them.
-War is my Destiny, Ill Bill

Oh dear. Where is HD?!

My favorite antagonists are back! This is so tempting.
Case: he's more likely to shoot up a mcdonalds for selling secret obama sauce on its big macs
Kismet: didn't see you in GQ homey
BadSkeelz: Whatever you say, Kim Jong Boog
Quote from: Tuannon
There is only one boog.

Not sure how to feel about an isolationist tribe in an isolated part of the world that very rarely ever leaves it..

But I'll be optimistic! Hopefully it pans out well. Good luck to all those nasty desert elves.

Obligated Opinion: Personally, I would've opened up something more akin to the Red Fangs, or even the Dune Stalkers, instead of the SLK. Though the SLK are admittedly quite cool. My main question is, have their docs changed at all so that they're more outward, and, if they're meant to be antagonistic, will they be antagonistic outside the Tablelands? Obviously that won't be answered on here but it's something I hope changed in this new opening.
You try to climb, but slip.
You plummet to the ground below...

I hate elves.
I cannot play elves well.
I am not excited that SLK are back because elves are better than me.
Get rid of elves.
       - A poem by an angry man
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

Quote from: Tranquil on June 15, 2022, 08:08:35 PM
Not sure how to feel about an isolationist tribe in an isolated part of the world that very rarely ever leaves it..

But I'll be optimistic! Hopefully it pans out well. Good luck to all those nasty desert elves.

Obligated Opinion: Personally, I would've opened up something more akin to the Red Fangs, or even the Dune Stalkers, instead of the SLK. Though the SLK are admittedly quite cool. My main question is, have their docs changed at all so that they're more outward, and, if they're meant to be antagonistic, will they be antagonistic outside the Tablelands? Obviously that won't be answered on here but it's something I hope changed in this new opening.

They play fine-ish with other tribes. And are a lot of fun when poachers are poaching. Also, 2-3 SLK make for fun times. Who else can hold an entire discussion with just one word?
I remember recruiting this Half elf girl. And IMMEDIATELY taking her out on a contract. Right as we go into this gith hole I tell her "Remember your training, and you'll be fine." and she goes "I have no training." Then she died

Quote from: Fredd on June 15, 2022, 10:46:34 PM
Quote from: Tranquil on June 15, 2022, 08:08:35 PM
Not sure how to feel about an isolationist tribe in an isolated part of the world that very rarely ever leaves it..

But I'll be optimistic! Hopefully it pans out well. Good luck to all those nasty desert elves.

Obligated Opinion: Personally, I would've opened up something more akin to the Red Fangs, or even the Dune Stalkers, instead of the SLK. Though the SLK are admittedly quite cool. My main question is, have their docs changed at all so that they're more outward, and, if they're meant to be antagonistic, will they be antagonistic outside the Tablelands? Obviously that won't be answered on here but it's something I hope changed in this new opening.

They play fine-ish with other tribes. And are a lot of fun when poachers are poaching. Also, 2-3 SLK make for fun times. Who else can hold an entire discussion with just one word?

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
There is no room for doubt in power. -TJA, 5/20/22

Is the policy of having only two delf tribes open at any time still active?

If so, which one is closing?

Quote from: Taahir on June 15, 2022, 11:13:21 PM
Is the policy of having only two delf tribes open at any time still active?

If so, which one is closing?

Here's your answer:

Quote from: Brokkr on June 15, 2022, 06:44:37 PM
Shalooonsh wrapped his arms protectively around the Desert Elf Tribes, screamed, "Mine!!!" and wouldn't let me close any when Soh opened.
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
There is no room for doubt in power. -TJA, 5/20/22

Haven't we learned yet?  The rules don't apply to the Elf Lord...

So we have ANOTHER group of elves.  I'm assuming it's exclusionary, out of the way, and oh good it's looks like they are raiders.  The intent is to spread out the players and kill more pc's I see bet the RP is gonna be great. 

But hey at least it's karma locked.


Quote from: downer on June 16, 2022, 06:35:41 AM
Haven't we learned yet?  The rules don't apply to the Elf Lord...

So we have ANOTHER group of elves.  I'm assuming it's exclusionary, out of the way, and oh good it's looks like they are raiders.  The intent is to spread out the players and kill more pc's I see bet the RP is gonna be great. 

But hey at least it's karma locked.


Well, your username sure is something. For the record, my position is something like Tranquil's:

Quote from: Tranquil on June 15, 2022, 08:08:35 PM
Not sure how to feel about an isolationist tribe in an isolated part of the world that very rarely ever leaves it..

Because tribe related doesn't really leave home much, no. Maybe you'll see them in Luir's sometimes.

But hey, people get to play something they want, which is ever a good thing by itself. Additionally, this isn't a magickal tribe, nor do they have a history of killing as the first option, as opposed to CERTAIN OTHER PEOPLE you might find IG right now.

Which is good reason to see how this plays out and give people the benefit of the doubt.
You take the last bite of your scooby snack.
This tastes like ordinary meat.
There is nothing left now.

IDK. Game world needs to bare its teeth sometimes and the SLK do exactly that without it being contrived. Feels like a good change.

I am so super happy about them open!
My characters are mean not me!

Quote from: betweenford on June 16, 2022, 08:25:30 AM
IDK. Game world needs to bare its teeth sometimes and the SLK do exactly that without it being contrived. Feels like a good change.

Yup. I think they could use some minor changes, but they bring a piece of the game to life in a very real, very simple way.

It's a clan that's easy to criticize when they're open, but you miss when they're closed.

Should've opened the Akei. Ah well.
Quote from: nauta on February 23, 2015, 04:50:18 PM
Tek's Balls - See Utep's teeth.

If life gives you lemons, open a lemonade stand untill you make millions, invest into weapons and go to war.

on being strictly territorial, I hope this changes (or already changed?). Especially for an off peaker, it becomes a torture after spending months in isolation.
on top of this, when the clan leader player you never see in game drops a gdb post -Due to the risks of X Y and Z traveling alone outside of the camp is prohibited until further notice- , you are left with no choice to either suicide, or store.
these were my primary concerns with desert elves in an earlier clan, which was the reason I lost interest and eventually stopped playing.

terrible-ideas-discuss: travel/hunting/gathering allowed as far south as the shield wall / Luir's / edge of the red, as far east as the western grasslands.

aggro only in the Pah.
<Maso> I thought you were like...a real sweet lady.

Personally, as long as an elf can reasonably justify whatever area they're in as a stomping ground, or a familiar area I have no problems with them being anywhere. Fuck it, SLK in the forest's edge.

Within exploration, visits, missions, scouting, plots in the unfamiliar: they should be tense, cautious, wary, nervous and wracked by all those things as long as they're exposed to the unfamiliar, even when putting up some bravado. The city/desert divide feels a bit forced.

Quote from: mirk_o_loio on June 16, 2022, 01:33:28 PM
Should've opened the Akei. Ah well.

Oh, I so miss the good ole days.

Quote from: najdorf on June 16, 2022, 02:25:32 PM
on being strictly territorial, I hope this changes (or already changed?). Especially for an off peaker, it becomes a torture after spending months in isolation.

+1 on this. That is the main reason I kept myself away from the desert elves after ATV is closed. Still wanting ATV to be open once again.

Shalooonsh open ATV as well. Please???
A foreign presence contacts your mind.

You think:
"No! Please leave me be whoever you are."

You sense a foreign presence withdraw from your mind.

Quote from: downer on June 16, 2022, 06:35:41 AM
Haven't we learned yet?  The rules don't apply to the Elf Lord...

So we have ANOTHER group of elves.  I'm assuming it's exclusionary, out of the way, and oh good it's looks like they are raiders.  The intent is to spread out the players and kill more pc's I see bet the RP is gonna be great. 

But hey at least it's karma locked.


Spreading out the players...we have had more activity and plots in this game when there were less players than this and more clans.  I don't think you have anything to worry about.  'Low activity' has a lot less to do with player concentration and a lot more to do with player mentalities and activities.  If your main goal is to get along while you accomplish this goal or that goal, then yes, there's gonna be a lot less going on in your world.  Know what mixes that up?  Raiders and antagonists.  They don't care that you want to get along.

There's been a lot of discussion around elves recently, particularly in discord.  I wouldn't be surprised if they become a larger and larger part of your gameplay experience.  There's a lot of cool ideas in the playerbase for how elves can be involved and still distinctly elven.  There's a lot of people who have cool ideas on how they want to interact with elves if they're more common.  There's a lot of jokes about elves.  There's nothing wrong with more elven groups, the playerbase within them will either fester due to lack of contact with the world, or find a way to get involved with the world.  That's the way it's always been, very few players I've met over the years distinctly -liked- not having contact with other people or other happenings in the world.

I'd reread the recruitment post.  It's specifically asking for people who know when killing is necessary and when it isn't.  That means this is not a group of elves who wander around shooting arrows at everyone.  It probably means that even when you should, technically, be getting your face ground down into elf-dirt, you're likely to get play instead.  Relax dude.  Have some faith.  Even if the faith fails, it means you can actually enjoy yourself in the meantime.  It means you can go into a scene you'd never have gone into before and actually experience something in the game.  Character loss happens, and is a big part of the game.  You're not meant to a PC and never worry about it again.  What you are meant to do is build a PC and live true to it, and experience all the odd experiences that character was built to experience.  You had no idea it would lead them there.  It just did.  Those are the fun ones, not the ones that live forever and accomplish...gigantic things that affect nothing.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Flip it around. Sure, we're concerned about spreading players. That's definitely legitimate.

However, what's the overall effect on the players of closing things down? What signal does it send that we feel we have to carefully moderate our content to make sure we have critical mass? What effect does closing beloved parts of the game have on the playerbase, and what effect has it had?

I don't have the numbers in front of me because I'm not Gimfalisette or Mansa, but my impression is that every time staff have attempted to consolidate players my making the pool of available options smaller, instead we have lost players whose primary draw was the lost options, or who took the closure as a signal that the MUD is turning downward in quality or population.

Conversely, what signal does it send that staff are now opening options without shutting others down?

It's too early to tell the long-term effects, but I'm excited.
There is no general doctrine which is not capable of eating out our morality if unchecked by the deep-seated habit of direct fellow-feeling with individual fellow-men. -George Eliot

Sorry for the double post, but this is a separate idea and so deserves to be separated.

It's also important to keep in mind that staff are volunteers, not employees or contractors. They do what they do because they love it, not through obligation or an exchange of labour or because they're false-sapient subroutines of Ginka trying to fool the world while she positions herself to take over the bones of DARPANet and control the global nuclear arsenal. It's pretty clear to anyone around longer than a year that Shalooonsh loves elves and pours his heart and soul into making them fun. Good! He deserves to have fun just as much as the rest of us. Maybe more, since he gives more of himself to the game.
There is no general doctrine which is not capable of eating out our morality if unchecked by the deep-seated habit of direct fellow-feeling with individual fellow-men. -George Eliot

First, I have to say, The game word has not gotten any bigger, so the players are not spread out any more, there is no more space to spread them.

Second, Closing things is ALWAYS bad, I have said that for at least the last 22 years and that is from a LOT of experience on other muds.

Opening things is ALWAYS good. Even if nobody plays in a clan for a year, So what, The option is there, People like options.

I tell you, You look at the muds that still have high player numbers and you will find they have in common, MASSIVE worlds with a TON of options.

SLK, not a tribe for me But I am happy they have opened without closing anything.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job