Secret Role Call so Secret you Never Saw This!

Started by Brokkr, February 16, 2022, 06:06:49 PM

This role call is a secret.  Don't tell anyone!  Another Brokkr Secret Role Call (tm).

Details:  Entirely secret!

What we need in a PC: Entirely secret!

What we need in a player: Someone willing to be flexible on the concept that needs to be jumped into and willing to help us out with something.

Due Date:  Open until filled, but likely would not start for another week at least.

Include with Role Application for "Secret Role Call": Tell us what kinds of characters you like to play.  Wilderness?  Criminal? Mundane? Magick? Social? Anti-social? With good skills?  Never used a skill in your character's life?  Lives a long time? Fast and loose and a miracle if you pass 10 hours? Secret?

Do not Include with Role Application for "Secret Role Call": Any sort of background or description.

We have gotten a lot of great indications of interest for this.  Will leave this open another day then start the seletion process.

This is closed.  Thank you to all who applied!