Getting a Job

Started by Anonymous, November 16, 2003, 11:15:44 AM

I was just wondering if it is improper to go wait at the gates of a Merchant House till someone comes along and then ask about jobs there, or should I check the inns for people and ask about positions or what?

Waiting at the gates of a merchant house could either come off as determined or begging depending on how your PC played it.  Most likely it would appear determined.  But it might not be all that much fun.

Most every job I've ever gotten was through going to taverns and waiting.  I'd ask around to find out if anyone knew someone who was hiring for a given house, then find out which tavern that person is most often seen in, then go wait there.

Well, my problem with that is I can go for like...hours without seeing anyone in the inn who knows about a job(since I see no PC's often), this mud has problems still trying to make the players be FULLY rp but still having a code that isn't Artificial Intelligence, If the inns are ICly crowded with peole, why would none of them answer me about a job?  But thats another topic, thanks for your help

Couple of possibilities:
1) You play during off-peak times, when most of the real life world is either dead asleep or at work.
2) You're checking the wrong tavern.
3) You're not interacting with the characters in such a way as they would respond, either positively or negatively.

As far as your comment " this mud has problems still trying to make the players be FULLY rp but still having a code that isn't Artificial Intelligence"

1) If players could get hired by an NPC, there would be no need for PC employers. Having said that, if you have tried for several days, at several different times of the RL day, in several different ways, and still can't get info on the clan you're hoping to join, I would suggest e-mailing the clan IMM. They'd either direct you to specific people who can help during the times you play, or possibly animate an NPC for you (depending on the clan).

2) The game doesn't "make" the players be fully RP. It's an RP enforced and required game, and anyone who plays it understands this when they apply for an account. Artificial intelligence can be both a blessing and a curse to RP games, and I think Armageddon does a pretty good job of minimizing the curses while maximizing the blessings.

Most likely, if you can't find a recruiter for a clan or anyone that belongs in the clan that clan isn't for you. I play during peak times but have played in a dead clan and it's not really great when you are in a clan but hardly ever see anyone.

Terrible enough that it's just ... Terrible. Specially for anyone looking for interaction, but often it can be hard to stay fed and watered even if your in the clan if noone is around. Add to that the fact you won't get paid unless the staff member is about to animate an NPC and such like that.

My advice, look for a job in another place or change your playing times.

21sters Unite!

What Creeper said.

If you can't get hired, chances are the clan's dead in your city. So you have two choices.
1> move onto another clan that has more player's in your time frame
2> e-mail the clan Imm.

If you e-mail the clan Imm be prepared to be in a completely empty clan. Of course, it can be fun if your a motivated person. You can interact with non-clanners and/or try to hire people into the clan ;)

As in real life, employers would want to hire someone who is productive and successful.  What I'd do, is to start working independantly.  This may not be easy depending on your skills I realize.  But, for one you wouldn't be bored waiting around.  And secondly recruiters would see you and realize you're an asset.   If you could display even a fraction of being able to make it on your own, they'd be running after you.  Of course that assumes that you are in the right place to meet the recruiters.  In Tuluk that'd most likely be the Sanctuary and in Nak the Bards Barrel.  That's not too IC, I think.
harlie Bucket: Mr. Wonka, they won't really be burned in the furnace, will they?
Willy Wonka: Well, I think that furnace is only lit every other day, so they have a good sporting chance, haven't they?

I got my first job with my first character by waiting at the gates of the place I wanted to be employed.  change your ldesc to something nice, remember there are people coming in and out of those gates all the time and try some solo rp accordingly (also alieviates boredom.)

There is nothing wrong with either approach.

As for never seeing people that are hiring, if you REALLY wanna be in a certain house then mail the imm and tell em you are having trouble trying to find someone to recruit you.  Ask if there is something you can do diferent, or if they can help.